server for a hotel company!

hey guys,

ok first of all i do need somebody who knows something about microsoft servers/hardware. we have an offer for a new company server worth 2700 euros. would be nice if somebody can go through the hardware and tell me if it is good enough for today and if the price is acceptable.

we do need the server in a hotel with 4 computers connected to it and basically 2 big hotel/restaurant reservation programs running + emailstuff and a lot of microsoft office / pdf stuff...

gimme your thoughts! thanks a lot and click the link for a picture with the basic hardware components
and btw we got a server which is 5 years old now and still running without problems..just the hdd is too small and they computer company just said it is quite normal to buy a new server every 5-7 years...? so we have to spend every 5 years 5000 euros just for new serverstuff (they said the installation and configuration will add another 2200 euros to that 2700... ;//)
If the one you have is currently working then why get rid of it, I've done some server instals for companies and they're equipment already onsite has been quite old.. I dont no a whole lot about server h/w tho.

I'm sure if you try and price extra server drives yourself you will find it a lot cheaper than you are being quoted.

Is it a small company that is quoting these prices? Sounds like they are trying to cash in.
if the current one is good enough why not buy a new hdd?
they said buying a new hdd will cost around 400 euros + 400 euros installation/configuration and then we still have to buy a whole new system within the next 2 years according to them
lol they know how to steal people's money that's for sure
well ye at our company we replace servers after about 4 years so that would be ok. the server itself looks fine but it depends what your applications use or how many people work with it. but since you are saying your current server is enough this one should be enough by far. oh and btw 2200€ to install and configure it?! :D
ye they said so... ;/
SPU9, as said on IRC :)
ye thanks
Gij leeft gij godverdomme nog! Dat is lang geleden dat ik u gezien heb. Wat spookt gij tegenwoordig uit?
haha, ik leef nog ja :P
tis ook al lang geleden dat er nog ne LAN was natuurlijk :(
Laatste LAN kon ik zelfs niet komen :)

Maar ik werk tegenwoordig , druk druk druk :)
All I know is that the company offering you this service is trying to rip you off.
Ripoff, especially installations costs :D Cheaper to fly in someone from xfire and have them do it.
nice idea ;D
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