
Hey there Crossies.

Me and 2 of my Buddys want to go to Asia for vacation.
Since both of them went to Thailand before we want to visit another country.

So the choice might be between Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Any1 ever been to one of these and could give some impressions? Or could suggest another location down there? (Backpacking it'll be for about 3 weeks)

ty in advance
postin in eulee journal
i just came back from singapore its right next to malaysia...deff visit there its a very very nice place, but people are dicks lol
landscapewise? How long you been there?
landscape wise? not sure what your asking...its a amazing plaze, like a asian version of new york except with beaches everywhere but hotel rooms are so tiny. i was there for a month.
pm g5.Wakizashi
that idd might be an option :D
vietnam probably
Vietnam is some nice and easy pussy. But they get themselves pregant real fast so look out man. Indonesia is beautiful, and Malaysia will ruin your vacation. X
enjoy dat std
sup with malaysia?
Inb4 you come back with new arms :D
My friend swears by China and when I'm shown hostels like this I can understand why!

Penang is supposed to be great & the rainforests to the east.
iirc i mentioned china before and they werent that interested
i for myself would love to go there
Someone I know went to Singapore and came back with Gonorrhoea and Hep C so fuck that.
1. Vietnam
2. Indonesia
3. Malaysia
have you been to all 3?
not Malaysia
personally i'd go to vietnam, gonna need vaccinations n shiz tho before u go to asia obv :-)
Indonesia & Malaysia both have great nature :)
Malaysia is meant to be REALLY expensive compared to the other two! I would say do Vietnam and Laos too if you can. :)
well i guess in the end it will be vietnam anyway but they still want to gather more informations. since one of them is a student and doenst want to spend too much money this info might help alot. ty
I haven't been personally (only done europe) but aunty, sister, and cousin have done it and thats what I can gather from it :)

GL, and let us know how it goes!!!
i did not read but i do like asians chick
vietnam top gear special ha ha
china or taiwan! :D
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