Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic hähähähähähähä np4us

atm drinking a proteinshake with some berries, wat u eatiN ?

i eated some sushi at work and some chinese later now gonna go drink some bears and jagßtraum then off to a techno party maybe
gonna buy fast food cuz im nerd
ice cream
400g tuna with 200g rice
Nadal still gonna roll him lol
How much protein do you take after an intensive gym training?
It doesn't matter when you take your protein, aslong as you hit 1g per lb of bodyweight by the end of the day. Don't believe that bullshit about taking your protein post workout or carbs post workout is more beneficial.
it is more beneficial :) and 1g is really not much from all the articles that I've read
No.. the anabolic window lasts 24+ hours after your workout, aslong as you get your protein or food or anything within that 24 hour window, it doesn't matter if you take your protein 1 second after your workout or 23 hours after, you'll get the same effect.
atleast 2gram is needed
2,5g for one kilo of your weight if you wany build a muscle mass.. minimum
i take 50gram protein after my trainings.
3 full eggs with 100g oat, 2banana and honey
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