messing with laptop and shit

what's the easiest way to change FAN SPEED to higher cuz default setup is like 30% or so! need to be really easy way cuz I'm massive PC noob

gtfo rivatuner

cookie for best answer
change what oO ?
lol thanks :D this is what you get when you try to answer mum's questions and write journals at the same time!
Because of me people can understand your question now. I deserve the cookie.

Btw you can do it with speedfan :

You should NOT change speedfan unless you know what you are doing what I guess you don't. :D
:< bitches be working@30% which is kinda bullshit isn't it?
is it amd? then its quite normal

amd driver limits the fan at around 27-30%
only way to get higher is setting the rpm manually
how oh how besides SpeedFan?
y u eat my cookie !
<mamouth> FAT NERD
(18:58:49) (Euro`Robert) hihi
You might want to download SpeedFan. It is pretty easy to use. If you can't change the fan speeds you have to do some configurations. Reply to me if you need to do that or just try to google. I'll go bowl with my friends so I can't answer immediately but I can help you later.
Software or alternatively turning of Q-Fan in your BIOS.
Why are you even trying to do this? are you having overheating issues? and you do realise the fans are driver controlled and if needed it pushes the fan speed up to the required %.
might aswell be a srew at the fan which you can use to set it manually :)
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