New ET Pack ?!


well couple of months ago i have made the Et Pack 2011 but due to some minor problems with pb and the new tzac version i am here to ask if i should do a new et pack with all the current updates...

any suggestions/improvments for the current pack?
shall i do an exe installer or just a folder with all the stuff inside? (does a .zip file actually work for everybody to unzip and play??)

have a nice weekend!
Yes, you should do an .exe installer it's a way more handy. My friend always asks me a link to download ET but i cba to teach him how to install tzac and stuff. So, you should maybe add a guide for tzac including good websites for support (crossfire, gtv, but also community website in each country).
each country doesn't have a community website anymore. =d
guide for tzac? are your friends retarded?
I ment he NEVER played ET so if i tell him "oh btw download tzac" he'll be like "wtf is that shit gimme a link" then there's 50% chance it wont work properly I'll have to explain all the shit how to run it blablabla cba...
i do have a .txt file with a lot of links to community sites and config guids and so on ;) thanks anyways for the feedback!
it would be nice, we had few poeple asking for it and also few newcomers! :)
add missile_b4 to it
since when is that out and why didnt i get any whine yet about it not being on gtv servers? :D
e: wtf has been there for so longl lol
new tzac + guid
missile b4
couple configs to chose from (high fps, high graphics + some pro's)
.exe would be very nice for people who never played ET before!
.55 + jaymod
you should do the ET pack yeah, but maybe don't include TZAC in that. :D because TZAC gets updated a lot recently and probably will again soon. people get told when they connect to a server that they can download it @ anyways 8]

just keep it as it is without TZAC and delete the PB folder + is there any way to make sure the intro video is "removed" from the install? because I remember some people having a bug with TZAC because of the ET intro video. :d
or get the installer to download latest tzac and include a "register for tzac" stage in the installer, so that when you hit finish youre actually finished (latest ET, tzac with user etc)
have some sort of link to tzac website for latest DL.
.exe installer with a notification on how to download tzac etc. because people never read readme files
yes do it .exe
Would be great if they could add this Download button finally :)
Quotei am here to ask if i should do a new et pack with all the current updates.
I would not bother, it isnt exactly rocket science for even the 'average' crossfire user to find updates.
The avg. crossfire user does not need an ET pack, this is about getting new ppl into the game and making it easy for them to play the same maps, versions, AC, etc, as we play. Fact is that letting new people get to know/install wolfet.exe, 2.56, 2.60, 2.60b, etpro, tzac, minimizor, is way too much ;x
it couldn't hurt, it's actually quite helpful, but i personally would not do it just because it's just as simple to do with google.
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