The History Of The Little Bastards

The REAL history of LB actually began with the sM Clan. And I guess I'll have to tell my history a bit to tie it all together.

In 2001, I discovered a game called Return To Castle Wolfenstein while browsing some torrent sites. I loved playing that game, but, I only played the single player mod. I never even considered playing it online.

In 2008, having lost that game, I wanted to play again, so back to the torrents to find it, and I accidentally d/l'd Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, installed it, realized it wasn't RTCW, and played it, totally clueless to any of it.

Pretty quickly, I found my way around and ended up spending a lot of time on the SexMAD Servers. That turned into me becoming a part of their community and eventually a member of the clan. It took a LONG time to get in. Months. Not like now a days when people apply for a clan and expect to be accepted that day. sM had some epic players that I really respected. One of my best friends was Hagster, who really mentored me to the game and is still a good friend to this day.

As time went by, I worked my way up the ladder to Recruiter, then Co-Leader. In 2010, there was a coup and a few if us took over the server, banned Apple, and tried to restore oder in what had become a real chaotic mess. I felt bad for Mark back then trying to deal with it all, but Appple HAD gotten out of control and needed to be dealt with.

Soon after that, Apple found his way back and began a reign of terror that pushed a lot of us out of the clan. It was sad. I assumed I would be sM for life!

l'ohmbre, later known as Tokapi, asked me about starting our own clan, which I knew nothing about. So we talked about it, and then just like that, he had the first Jaymod server up. I had no real ambition to lead a clan, so I told him I'd help get it going, but then I was probably going to bow out and go my own way. We recruited as many of the sM people that had left as we could, and, as time went on, we started drawing a lot of other players to the clan. Vanilla, Monsta, Leo, Shan, those were the first and became the core of the clan. Soon after Ryukk and Blandt joined. We worked hard to find the best map rotation, the best mods, anything we could to make the server more friendly. Then just when it started to get good, Tokapi quit ET.

The entire project was on me now. I brought in Rakon to help lead and advise. We went through a lot of changes that first year. Jaymod became No Quarter, which became N!tmod, then back to Jaymod. A 2nd server was added for ET Pro and that was when everything changed. The ET Pro server was busier than the Jaymod server. Then we made what I now consider a huge mistake, and changed names to .grim. It completely broke up the continuity of the clan.

Yet, ET Pro was thriving, while the fun mods were dying. Great players like Mths, Kura, Charlie, Headoff, and others came to the clan and plans to start a team to compete in esl were being made. It was all going so good..... Then came the disaster.

YCN Hosting had our servers on a bad drive and the servers would crash, constantly. This went on for a month and I was screaming at them to do something about it, but it took that long, a month, before they admited that the drive was bad and moved us to a proper drive. But by then, it was too late. A month with no sever killed it. Most of the clan was gone. Nbs was born shortly before this and was starting to grow. We changed the name back to Little Bastards, and tried hard to revive the momentum we had, but it was over.

In late Spring of 2011, Wooo approached me about dropping LB and joining Nbs to help him lead it. Particularly the ET Pub servers. The remaining members of LB would be absorbed and the servers shut down for good. It was a hard offer to take, and a harder offer to pass up. I hated to do it; end the clan that I originally never wanted to run, but had eventually embraced as my baby.

Most of the rest just quit ET. Vanilla stayed pretty active in Nbs and I like to think I made a name for myself, good or bad, in Nbs, but the thought of bringing LB back never left me. Never.

Now, here we are. Alive, vibrant, growing. An awesome partner, in Mark, and all the old crew back plus some new members that we really cherish having with us. In just over a week, we've managed to keep tjhe servers busy, invite new members and start that competetive team I dreamt about almost 2 years ago.

This is a clan that is defined by something most clans aren't; friendship. We've been through it all together over the last 4 years and our defining grace is that we leave the egos in the real world and while flying LB tags, we show that we are the best that ET has to offer by our attitudes and our love for the game and each other.

I'm truly blessed to have them all back in my life
Good read.
You forgot to add flags.
wall of text

no fucks given
Yah, that's why they call it a journal....
nice read, nice that you have that feeling about your clanmates
Thanks! It's nice to be in a clan with them
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