Thoughts on TSM

image: Tsm_logo

What do you guys think? They are having quite some success at the moment.

I think Reginald really stepped up his game which allows TheOddOne pressure other lanes. Regi used to be the real weak link but now he is just so strong, even having winning hard lanes (vs jij's cass f.ex)

Dyrus was a great addition, plays extremely well in "regular" match up (anything but 2v1 top).

Xpecial and Chaox are just both amazing, their lane never fails.

Anyway, GG TSM!
Doublelift & Chauster #1

obv CLG my favourite :^)
(13:51:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) normaly, me and my cousin had
to go out with some of his mates, but it didnt work out, so we went with my mum
and his mum to thier party...
(13:52:38) (hx^Rapt6rr) the party was ok, very good food, nice
house and blablabla, i thought the ppl were abit stranged but i didnt say anything
(13:53:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) there were many many men, i was like:
ok ok, thier wife is celebrating appart and they just want to be with thier old mates
(13:53:46) (hx^Rapt6rr) but when the middnight bell rang, i saw
the men kisssing eachother :x
(13:53:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) infact, most of them were gays
(13:54:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) then they starting dancing and stuff
I read TsN :(
They're improving a lot lately. Some time ago destroyed them every single time. But they didn't play that well this weekend and made some wrong calls, while TSM played really well and did everything right. But I was kinda surprised that won a few rounds against them in the final.

Dyrus beast
TSM's botlane is their weakest link. You say they never fail their lane but it happens more than you think tbh
tsm ftw... just awesome team big fan
Yeah, Xspecial and Chaox are just phenomenal together. TOO is the #1 jungler right now, and Dyrus is actually a lot more carefull top lane, instead of getting ganked 2-3 times and dieing.

Reginald always was a top mid player, just not really focussed cause he's managing aswell. Now he is getting more and more in shape, and will rape everyone.
regi still the weakest player in TSM
I met Regi this weekend in Anaheim, not a nice person.
I'll tell you what I told my Senior Editor at, who got a fully sponosored trip from Bulgaria to Cali.

Fuck you. With a cactus.
Really? Like how?
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