university EXAM incoming

after a break around 23.30 vs Poland Bacardi (didnt make a single hit) i returned to study hard...didnt sleep yet the exam is at 9am :O

discography (teoric-history of cinema and videoclip) ...too much things to remember!:E

well i could take 1 more coffee after that i have to stop i'm at my 7th coffe in 5 hours :| my heart is shakin h3h3h3h


whaz ur plan?

EDIT: vote is 30/30 :XD
you dont need that much coffee to stay awake, now it will work as a disadvantage for you :((((((((((((((99999999999
study = coffee :( i'm gonna sleep after the exam when the adrenaline will end.
work and after farming diablo3 :))
Which farm? Currently farming Siegebreaker in A3 inferno with 5 stacks
I wish, just going through act1 on inferno, useless items I know but thats all I can do x(
:D you could try the A2 goblin farm, monsters that spawn around it are just white easy to kill monsters (crazed cultists, those melee things with the hammers that are super easy to dodge), there can be 2 goblins per game and the run takes a few mins

You'll find good upgrades from the A2 goblins, it's the best until you can farm act 3, plus you have the chances of getting some epic amulet/ring which will sell for mills
:o where can I find the goblins then!
Take quest "Black soulstone" in act 2, pick the 3rd part, waypoint to the ancient path then run up the hill until you get to the checkpoint, now leave game and resume. The goblin will spawn (if it spawns, it's 50% chance) between the checkpoint and the waypoint at the bottom of the hill so it's very fast to check, if it didn't spawn between checkpoint and waypoint, you can take the waypoint to "road of alcarnus" and check around that area for another goblin (50% spawn chance) then once finished either just town portal or port back to the hidden camp, leave and resume and repeat. There can be two goblins in 1 game so make sure to check both spots.

I can give you (or anyone for that matter) free inferno pony runs if you wish, I'll clear all monsters then you join me and we pop the clouds/pinata. People charge 100-150k for that on official forums but I give it to free for anyone on my friendlist. All I ask is that you have MF gear (200+, preferably 220+) and that you listen and follow me and don't run off incase I lured a pack of elites to a part of the map to keep them out of the way, so if you or anyone wants free pony runs then add Element#1913
Have to find magic find items way more then, don't think my wizzard has anything, just hit 60 with it yesterday or so :p Will contact you later when im ready for pony stuff! And cheers for the goblin stuff <3
Ok, you can pick up 200+ mf set in ah for around 200k so it's not much :P gonna farm all day so if I find any mf items then I'll keep for you, usually I salvage/vendor
thank you kind sir!
how can you endlessly do pony runs then? I mean, I haven't done those yet, been farming A3 inferno and leveling my DH / progressing inferno. I have around 200 mf
Just get the staff and you can do them as much as you want :o

Have it also, only for hell though :(
ah, ok, ill check later then :P
Pretty easy with 146k dps :X doesn't take long at all for a clear

Look what I just found 5 mins ago from ponies:

image: HniKl

Highest dex blackthorne's breeches on the whole AH :)) should fetch a nice amount
how do you get 146k dps
Stacking crit dmg, IAS, dex +sharpshooter passive
voeg mij ook toe : derpderp heet ik
I know that feel, bro. Gl!

My plans? Well, all my mates have their last exam today and of course I've got mine tomorrow.. so i'm gonna spend my day studying and complaining about my exams ending later.

23h30' left. Not enough..
Plans? Work and try not to loose my mind, some retards already started calling and asking about stupid stuff. So far just laughing, but if this continues through whole day...

EDIT: Don't you have summer-holiday there or does it just start later?
I know that feel. I've got an exam from Español de América@10. :c
- Study moar for my exam on wednesday (second to last university exam of my life! ..Hopefully :))
- Meet up with fellow students to discuss and prepare some presentation we have to give on monday and another one on monday the week after

- After wednesday: Gotta get properly started on my master thesis, haven't done much yet and it's due to 10th August :-O
- All the time: Write job applications :-(

E: Also already at my 5th cup of coffee.
gl with exam.
same story counts for me.
done mate it's done ! :D
gl italian powner :*
i made it ! :D 30/30 oh yeah baby!
well u will rock the exams :)

but i dont know that to learn the whole night :DDD and I study biology so :P I have to learn the whole campbell biologiy book ^^

and i passed my 1st oral exam in biochemical as 4th best few days ago
study and chill
i usually do my exams by waking up around 5-6pm, studying through the night, taking the exam which is almost always 10 am and lasts till 12 or 2 pm, spend the rest of the day playing/drinking/watching something, or just going to sleep. done 5 already like that this month, 2 to go :|. mostly mathematics ones this semester, few physics exams aswell.
Het out of bed. Then eat or drink something and then i have to go search for a summerjob
Exams starting next monday till friday, working like a bus :(

best of luck vjto
passed exams like a boss here even if i was partying and fuckin girls during teh whole year
just passed discrete mathematics exam but still 4 more math exams and one of kinematics to go :(
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