AEM - Friday

Here's the first part of my LANtrip journal!

FRIDAY - 01/06/2012

I had to work till 5PM that day, and I didn't have my trainticket yet :P
So right when I was finished with work, I literally ran to my house to get my luggage (which I had to prepare of course; I spent the whole week with Mrs. Goku so I didn't have time at all to get prepared :P) and I ordered my return ticket for around 60€.

Ran back to the station and took my train at 07:15PM. Couldn't sleep at all as I was scared to miss my station, as I had to switch 3 or 4 times.
Arrived around 00:30AM at Enschede Drienerlo, with no one expecting me :O(

Walked around for 15 minutes trying to find the gaming cafe, and finally, I heard the nerds screaming, and I saw GermanyRazzah outside, sitting at a table with 5-6 other people. He shouted "GOKU" (recognized my afro of course zlol); shook their hands and turned to 3 other guys standing there, which seemed to be Finlandtwidi, FinlandmiNd and FinlandtoMii(?).
miNd was of course drunk already, and he's a fucking awesome and funny guy :P

Took a look inside and WalesDeryn ran to me, hugged me and showed me a bit where everyone was. Said hi to the legendary United KingdomR0SS and the chav WalessqZz. Though THE one I was looking for was the almighty Pakistankoop! He was of course playing the bootcamp, like the fucking nerd that he is :S
Said hi to the other United KingdomChocomel team-members and then to the God of the event: ScotlandSeanza!
Hugged my bN]image: brandon after that <3

Had a nice talk with everyone, drank a lot of beers/Jaegerbombs, and time flew by; we had to leave the center at around 2-3 am.

Pakistankoop took my luggage as the good friend that he is <3 and we walked with a group of 10-15 to the Logica. Halfway we waited for like half an hour for CanadabN who went to the Eden to get his luggage, but he didn't come back :P
Arrived at the Logica, I took place in United KingdomChocomel's bedroom together with Owzo, Koop, Potty, Scarzy and GermanyUrtier.
Though we didn't went to bed, we joined the fins and NetherlandsSimonKinsler in another common room to drink and talk a bit. FinlandThomm was totally wasted already, hanging at the ramp of the balcony. United Kingdompotty was high as fuck, talking shit and imitating FinlandmiNd constantly from behind the windows. :D
Few hours later, Thomm came in and settled behind the couch, snoring like a fucking snorlax.

We went back to the bedroom at around 6-7am, and I slept together with Pakistankoop in the same bed :3 owzo was so jealous that he tried to jump in image: one but he got image: four later haha the rest of their team slept on the image: twoimage: three
Meanwhile FinlandmiNd and FinlandtoMii image: five

Rest of the weekend coming as soon as I can.

Shoutout to all the people I spent good time with <3
image: owzo
image: 47451376
your pics don't work, bro :/
first time ur journal impressed me :DDDDD
Is that good or bad?
Hehe glad you like it, see you AEM2!
wish i cud go... :<
Brandon was there; you got no excuse.
which brandon? animal?
Not suprised that tomii and mind are gay.
Niet lief man :(
Ik heb het wel gelezen

Coming in next journals :O)
I hope you didn't stay till frigging wednesday xD

Waiting for some aweome comments about me being pro tho.
mAusfro pic is the best and yeah friday was hilarious :)
What the fuck, I don't look like that do I? :P
I'm sorry, but yes :S
What do YOU look like? :@
Dan Humphrey bro
I'm more handsome.
True, pete parkkonen is sexy beast! But I have more bitches.

image: 1339445461472
I'm more into serious relationships :-)
I was also, for three years. until she left me. gaming and bitches, the road to heaven!
Might end up like that as well!
u have won place in my quotes, congratz altsim8!!!!
thnkx grzsiek :)<3
yesterday bRANDON said you are one of the most retarded human being he has ever met.
who is not a retard for him ? xD
He wouldn't say that.
Maybe he was just trolling, he sounded serious about it tho :)
Would be a huge dagger right through the heart if he wasn't trolling :S
plz i fuckin love you don't listen to webe <3
Never doubted it brah <3<3
you fuckin picked me up bro :D
Haha no problem for me, got arms like a bear!
faggot :D:D:D:D::D:D:DDD
lmao love you too riding your bike down to see me :D
fair enough

but it's not like I run around sayin I love you n shit thats pretty homo bro
Wasn't this like 3 weeks ago?
Haven't been on my computer since then, wrote this from work :)
TOO LATE! The moment has passed for post-LAN journals.
But.. I made a warning-journal! :S
No, its too late -.-
That's a cool story you wrote there, bro.
Thanks, breau.
en je zegt nx over mijn lieve smsjes?
Heb er zoveel gekregen, 'k onthoud da allemaal ni meer :O)
oh, jij famous boy!
one of the few people at lan that didn't need any introduction. dat hair
Haha indeed man, everyone recognized me by my hair :D
Not enough "Brandon is awesome" comments in this journal
so you drove kilometers to play computer games, interesting
No, to meet people. Games were boring as fuck tbh
brandon homo

goku too
much effort but most of the stuff isnt interesting at all.

2/10 for the effort tho
You mean you read all of it?
started most chapters but couldnt finish most of em. in other terms most of the stuff isnt interesting at all
Try and read all of it, it is really worth it!! :)
was not. you're telling about rather normal evening - the only thing that differs is the fact that you know these guys from the Internet. it seems like you didnt do anything interesting on friday. Ill make the effort to read your saturday-part when it comes out but I gotta admit, my expectations aint actually high...

ofc part of my negativity is caused by your behaviour, you've given me more than enough reasons to dislike you, but even if I tried to read it in neutral POV it was rather dull description of the events (events being a wrong word since there hadnt really been any).

it's strenghtening my negative opinion about you that as Im trying to be neutral instead of being offensive or rude (as I usually am towards you) I still find you boring :[
Let's meet up next LAN? You'll see I'm a friendly guy :)
oh you surely have given a very friendly picture of yourself, that being one of the reasons I dislike you.
I don't get it anymore :<
gave up with smoking for 1,5 weeks already but after reading this journal im going to buy viceroys, brb
you dont quit smoking, smoking quits you!
ffs bbz xoxo
Shut up goku
You wouldn't say that to my face, bitch.
Already have brah, mad?
er staat nergens dat ik je heb geholpen met je treintje
ksnap da ni, me u haar en gene stoner zijn, alleja kheb u togni zien smoren :D maar ge hebt er wel het kapsel voor :p
Is it true herbal told you to calm down or you'll be banned from the center when you bellypushed me? :P
Ja:P. Told him to relax, and as if they could have banned me...i was doing shots with the owner:P
Haha you bastard :D
Was nice meeting you :)
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