summer jobs

so today finally finished the search for a summer job. as u all know frost destroyed 99% of my awesome, one might even say, CULT peaches this year, but hopefully there will be a few crates, at least for eating


first half of july gonna dig tobacco as a fucking pilgrim. pretty good wage: 20 euros for 5 hours + gonna be good for my tan :D

rest of the summer gonna work as a receptionist at my uncle's hotel, coz of my awesome people skills. good thing is the hotel is on the coast, so gonna be on the sea side all summer partying and fucking tourist sluts. wage will be around 40 euros for 8 hours.

so what about u guys? will u make moneyz like real men or just play games in your four walls all summer long?

image: dq0t1y
20 euros for 5 hours, jeez. I rather continue working at the pig farm and earn 20 euro per hour :DDD
expected this.

try comparing norway and croatia. then think about it a little bit
:D Well, cant really say things are expensive here but okay =)
for 20 euros in 5 hours people would kill their young ones here. it's a fucking lottery to even find a summer job, but to negotiate salary is unthinkable
Croatians.. always with the killing !
how's the view on EURO from your couch?
at least I got a couch.

Cya @ qualifiers for Brazil !
Beer price ?
Everything is about alcohol with you. :D

NO is outrageously expensive for anyone but norwegians.
I disagree, but thats my opinion.
Average monthly salary is like 700 euros or something in croatia;)
Trying to get a summerjob atm, but im kinda late, most of the jobs are already taken
5e/hour good mony
Oops, yeah.
It's still better than what I earn by doing nothing, though.
I dont need summerjobs, I got rich parents :DDDD
adopt me for the summer, oké?
I'm sorry but, you've got shitty parents.
thats kinda true :D but they dont give that much money :P AND before my uni started I worked in a hosptial for 1 year^^ so i dont need summerjubs anymore in the future :D
Ah, didn't know you actually did some work already. Thought you're parents were the kind that never tell their kids to do sth, or go work or w/e to earn a bit for the next year.
I'm rich myself cuntface
fu u fucking backstabber!
never again i will play with u cuntface
At the store like before, quiet at summer so we can arrange short days x)
Going to make some big bucks I see, good luck!

No summerjob here, just the same job I do all year long. Although I'm thinking about quitting somewhere in september.
terug na den belgique?
No, maybe Barcelona or South Africa. Or Budapest. Dunno, so many options.
3 shitf work at industry, gonna do ~9000e during summer.
Giving tennis lessons all the summer, working 28h per week, 17€/h

Rich gonna be rich :P
GB Carrefour, cashier + put the stuffs on the shelfs.
~700 for two weeks.

I checked my bank account on saterday and holy shit, I can't believe I drink that much..

How the fuck do I manage to spend 40 (from parents every week) + 35 (I work as a cashier one saterday every two weeks to earn ~70) and much more on my saving.
I almost do not need food (only the late-and-on-your-way-back-from-the-party dürüms)..

atleast where I live, it's pretty hard to get a job at Carrefour :) everyone applies there so they just hire relatives of the people already working there and maybe a few more...
Was the same when I was young.
I know it's hard.
In my case it's all about knowing the right persons. I would never have had the job without my parents and their connections :/
I have a training course (dunno how to say :D a period when you work for someone to validate a formation) all the summer in a web developement firm !
make money like real man.
lol 28€/hour job 2 times a week for fun.
Mercedes Benz
Nightshift (if i could be arsed to do that): 35% more

Got a contract where I can fill in as many weeks as I want to work (can do up to 13)
dunno, wouldnt mind finding a job, but really cant be bothered
play ET like real men
Gonna play all summer games!
pooor peaches :(

ill make music music music this summer so i can play live one day and earn 200€ for 2hours :D
not trying to be mean, but my job is 16,5/hour :(
I feel for you!
I've been working for 5 years at the same supermarket already, 18hours a week, €8 per hour. Won't change anything for the summer, just keeping the same schedule. €600 a month is working fine for me, next to my study.
Dafuq 20 euro for 5 hours?

My summer job / side job earns 160 euro a day (made on a 4 hour day max)

19 ( 26 January 1993 )

believe it or not it's true :)

E: i do mysteryshopping. Visit Auto dealers, pretend i want to buy a car and then evaluate the sellers. earns 40 euro a visit, i do 4 visits before noon, wich makes 160 in 4 hours.
Waar moet ik wegblijven?
Ja, gij rate die auto dealers toch?
ja, ben jij een auto dealer mss ? :D
Nee, maar mss wel ne koper he.
Nee, maar mss wel ne koper he.
Nee, maar mss wel ne koper he.
u do 4 visits before noon, but have to write reports, and i guess those should be extensive. So actually you are working way more than 4 hours for 160 euro
rapport = 1 page, to be filled i online
Dumbest shit i ever heard.. that would be way more than 4 hours.. travel coast etc etc and as mentionen writing,

Otherwise you would earn like a bankman..
sure i have SOME travel costs but in Belgium there are Industrial Parks where you have 10 or more car shops next to each other wich makes it quite easy for me to do 4 before noon :).

Why would i lie about this :D
I'm gonna work in an insurance agency :) easy work and decent pay ftw
gonna help out as teacher with ~80 € per hour
80€ per hour as a teacher, right. What kind of teacher is that?
Sex education teacher
high school teacher in chemistry
Thats ALOT. I dont think the teachers here at the uni earn that much even.
Actually it is not that much, when you see what you get for that money here in switzerland, but it is very much money if you live abroad.

Our big mac menu costs around 12 CHF, which is 10 €.
Ours cost more than 10€.
I am sure there is something which is ridiculously more expensive than in your country. maybe taxes.
About 30% taxes aint much tbh, but the alcohol is alot more expensive here (50€ for bacardi razz etc)
It's not healthy, domi :S
What is healthy now-adays?! :D
Hmm, that sure is true! But I am single now for 2 months ;D
You don't need a dog to go to the zoo! ;)
ah switzerland
280€ for 2 weeks :DD
It is very easy job soooo
I work at festivals

Got another job aswell 2 times a week.
original journal
There was a journal about it less than 1 week ago. But this is crossfire, people like going with the same topics again and again. Wow I'm so mad toward the interwebs!
just like u torture people again and again with ur pointless journals, which apparently seem to be funny only to u
I will work in university's laboratory and playing poker.
prolly going to norway, gonna do some stuff in house building

last year I brang like 12k zl to Poland Poland for 1,5 month, which for young people is like year salary here rofl
Where in Norway are you planning to go then?
its not rly one place, but the area near lillestroem, skofterud (not sure if i write it good) etc, couple of places everytime:)
Lillestrøm, hihi I live like 30-60 min away from that ;D
i just made some bigger research and found that our "hometown" was fosser/hemnes last year:P small villages so u prolly dont know them. oh and i also worked in, erm, bjorkelagen?:P
Call-center at Touring
Working in shifts, need to be available 24/7 - 7:36h a day - 11h at least between 2 shifts
38hours a week

1679€/month gross
each shift I arrive on time I have a punctuality bonus of €6 on my montly total

So basically I have around 1400-1800€ a month
haha, deze vind ik geweldig:
"each shift I arrive on time I have a punctuality bonus of €6 on my montly total"
10e/h for machine assembly work. typical salary for just-graduated.
Summer job,lulz.
Anyone interested in being my personal assistant for 4€ an hour?
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