Stop making riot journals!

this is nothing new....

EURO 2000:

Altho poland is still a shit country!
Who cares.
Making a journal about riots telling people not to make journals about riots.
inb4 "Stop making journals about stop making riot journals!"
i feel sorry if they just have nothing to say in real life and they are trying to blame euro by making shit journals, its sad :(
the king sport has never been about hooliganism to me :()
hey fuck you LoL is awesome
please give fact about that cause i couldnt find them
i did join the channel and they kicked me for asking them questions about Lek of legends, i gave them my opinion on about riot not using they brains at all when they made that map and didnt realize it would have such an impact on the gameplay. THat is why i dont play that game since they dont use their brains to come up with things that i will enjoy or make the gameplay better. Cause well no yes that map in LoL is so unbalanced it kinda hurts my testicles, or is this cause i have been wanking a bit too much lately since the window of my neighbours shower is open and i can see her shower in there?
Well there arent any correct facts about LoL being awesome. However I visited my grandmother and grandfather today. They are both fine, thanks for asking. I did play some basketball and bough myself a refreshing lemonade after that. It was 0,5 l if Im exact. I also got a very bad call from my employer, about friday, that i have to work, but i was like wtf, i have classmates birthday on that day, how am I supposed to get wasted? So i told the story and he said, its okay, you can be free :) Anyway now I am here, at home,writing you this amazing story. Maybe I should chop the wood? Or perhaps tomorrow...
Tomorrow is what you said yesterday, nike said. So why did you chose lemonnade, the sour taste of that will not really help you relax after a hard match of basketball were you got really sweaty! I think you are very lucky with your job, not many prostitutes have encountered such free letting you go attitude bosses. So back to topic, LoL is absolutly a horrible Dota styled game, i always explain it this way;

LoL = checkers
HoN = Chess with no timer
Dota 2 = Chess with a timer(weird huh eventho hon is way quicker then this game)
Yes its not easy working at gas station for your summer work, fuckking hot bitches for money... But why I chose lemonade? I have no idea, sometimes I feel like drinking something healthy after basketball, sometimes i feel differently, this was the different day I guess. However I havent smoked for whole day, so it counts as my healthy day.
But I completely agree with your LoL argument as I only play Dota 2 myself. And I have tried all the games, so I know the difference. Most LoL players havent tried Dota2 and they start argueing with you about something that they dont even know, thats the most pathetic thing in my opinion.
I see, but you know you are fooling yourself when you think its a healthy day just cause you didnt smoke that day right? Living in lies is not gonna help you progress in life, its gonna keep you in life just at the moment you are, cause time on the clock runs but your internal clock as you might wanna call it is stopping. This is similair to people who have a religion. They all lie to themselves and lie to others too! The christian dark ages are proof of how people lied and kept all for themselves and see what happened, nothing.

Yes i do not like that either if i discuss this with my friends who all play LoL ( and most of their IQ/EQ aint that high at least thats how their impression of them is in my eyes ) all wanna go in discussion with me, then i state my facts. ask them to give them their facts about their opinion of all the 3 main dota games and they cant cause they didnt play them, yeah maybe tried it once, twice but that doesnt really give you a clear honest well ment opinion. I always lauff when people think LoL is a better game overall than hon or dota2cause it simple isnt, it was a free to play game in the beginning for a reason and that was cause it was kinda cheaply made. Oke they are making some good progression nowadays but they are and evenly openly admitting that they take ideas from other dota games. What in my opinion is kinda gay and lame and shouldnt be possible but hey, as long as other games are not gonna take over things from LoL cause i dont want that bad crap in my games that have some quality and well thought-out futures.
Also its even more fun when LoL people wanna play dota 2 but not hon but basically its the same game. Poor LoL people and their low skill cap game :(
Yes I am fooling myself, but it was sunny day and i thought I am not gonna smoke, thought even about quiting it, might be possible if i get enough strength, agility and intelligence hehe :P
And I if im honest, I dont want to argue about LoL and Dota2 and HoN, they all have something what users want, but if somebody really pushes me and says some shit I enlighten their stupid mind with my smart and very subjective thoughts about these games in general.
good good, now i gotta regroup my sperms and release them at once to do some metal work man. cant really say much more than this..
Good luck! Have a nice evening!
You too! and remember respect is everything.
Poland need this tank :D
Hooligans at football games?

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