Gonna get this phone, just can't decide which color to take.

image: htc-one-x-2
image: htc-one-x-1

What's your opinion?
Black, had a white phone, didnt like it
i have the black one and it's great

in america at least, only faggots have white phones.
white is for homos
I've been selling the One X for a few weeks now. Yes the company I work for actually got a few before Customs shut them down to most of USA. Good solid phone. Very quick responses/load times. Camera is awesome. Beats Audio is cool.

Teemo is OP[/hide]
Get a HTC Sensation XE, its WAY better!
got that 1 now, gnna sell it
Weet ik :P

kreeg het op mijn facebook newsfeed
dacht ik al :P
Black. White gets wayyyyyyyy too dirty too quickly.
HTC is shit, too bad for you man
i got the white one, looks nice and as heard above, wont get dirty (atleast not in the month i have it)
iphone > htc
it aint a joke.
stop it, can't handle the laughter
iphone shittest phone ever
yes, shittest
u jelly bcz ur 2 poor to get 1?
I like the white tbh!
Black, but i dont like white phones in general.
i have the one s in black and it is awesome :)
black phones always better than white phones!
White phones are just for girls, imo.
<3 my Galaxy s3
if u'd give me a phone like that and it was pink, I'd still use it. np 4 me
lmao @ people saying white is for girls :XD insecure nerds??

i like black more but go for whatever you like leader :)
u girl ? :PPPP
i have black phone cuz i dont want to get laughed at by crossfire ;_;
crossfire influential.
oh ricky friieeeennnnd
where you yesterday? ?:S
at my school's town, i got an exam today, i party hard tonight and i'll be coming back tomorrow <3
u doin' good ?
oui mais tu me manques ;;

have fun and i see you tomorrow tehn ;<
>having a touchscreen phone
I got a white iPhone atm, I don't really like blacks. It does get dirty quickly, especially when you go and drink and eat out. Don't mind cleaning it now and then though. Ordered a galaxy S3, picked blue this time. Mainly cuz i had white now.
Quote by HenkI don't really like blacks.
Got mine today, chose the black one. I didn't want a white one,just don't like it. Still trying to figure everything out, as it is my first smartphone.

I truly enjoy this one, albeit I really can't compare it to anything else, so I'm probably not that useful right now.

I did notice a setback though: On the left side the display seems to crack at one point, I searched around and found quite a few people having the same issue. Gonna talk to Amazon tomorrow.
Samsung Galaxy S3?
The black one will be obviously FASTER then white
Nerds scared of changes, MUST TAKE BLACK.

Pick white
leader best?
Am i the only one not needing a smartphone
+1, don't understand why people need them, all I need is sms and phone calls, everything else I can do with something else I own (PC or ipod etc)
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