Opera 12 out

For those who use it

Opera 12 is out..



shitty trailer

no, I am happily dissatisfied with my FF
opera is masterrace browser
blue eyes and blonde hair, direct genetic heritage to the people of Atlantis?
Yeah, that's Opera alright.
shit browser
shit opinion
Why should I use it instead of FF or Chrome? (for real)
Why should I use FF or Chrome instead of Opera?
Open-Source Development for example
Then how come you aren't using linux?
How do u know i aint using one? :3
Because I am smart mens
is youuuuu!!!

I'm using all 3 (FF only if something doesn't work) of them so I wouldnt use Opera instead, but why Opera? mainly best working mouse gestures and session management. I usually have like 30-50 pages open and Opera makes it easy to perform.
I'm using mostly Chrome with opera, because it's light and simplified so for example when I want to watch a video in fullscreen, I can open it in chrome and drag to my bigger monitor easily and still be able to continue browsing on my primary. Even though Opera might start hoarding memory after a long use and is relatively heavy browser in comparison, it provides more stability and better interface. Also, I love the fact that you can go backwards (with a simple mousedrag left) and Opera doesn't refresh the page every time so browsing becomes a lot quicker when you don't have to wait for pageload and thus it's not so clumsy to surf. It also remembers the position on the page so there's no loading or scrolling around, it takes you directly back to where you were. Say you are reading a long text, you see a word you dont know so you can just write it plainly into urlbar, check it out, then go backwards and continue directly from where you left. It's the little things which are always kinda hard to explain so it's cool to use whatever fits your needs. And my earlier comment wasn't to defend Opera, it was just to literally point out what a stupid opinion :D

e: also you can browse pages that no longer exist for example write a comment on xfire, post it. go back to see the text still there. then go forward again to see the page as it was after you posted the comment.
download the smooth gestures extention for chrome :)
Yeah I will, but it doesn't change anything :P
yea its good when you're typing a comment and accidentally click sidemouse button - you can quickly return to it instead of writing again. also i like search function much more @ opera. those small things that make it up for personal prefences ^.^
Wow nice, seems sweet! Thanks for the info buddy :)
Opinion can't be shit. It's personal.
:D of course it can.
Just in your opinion :)
so you can! point proven! :D
No ? Not at all. nvm
I know what you're trying to say, but everything is relative. his opinion was shit based on many criteria. I only simplified it to an opinion of my own.
You're wrong. His opinion can't be shit. YOU think it's shit.
Well if most people agree on saying it's shit then you can simplify and say it's shit I guess
No, why ? For example, 99% of people likve/love tomato. Does it make tomato good ? Not at all. I don't say it's not good. It depends for each person on the world. I can't deal shit with tomato, I need to vomit each time I feel tomato in my mouth. I can't even breath tomato :x
Does it make tomato good or not good ? No. Because people think diferent eachother.
I think it's shit, yes. Also from many other perspectives it's shit so when generalizing, you are taking the truth BEST describing the reality/absolute truth.
unless its factually incorrect (or has strong factual arguments against it), opinions are not innately shit...?
Your vocabulary amazes me.
Well, for the very same reason my opinion was shit, so was his. It lacks argumentation and any opinion just stating something as good or bad is simply too untrue to be considered a good opinion.
actually would wanna give it a try but honestly, i cant be arsed to adjust all my browsersettings to make them as perfectly fitting as my FF settings :d
Me and my ff are a running system...why shall i change it?
When I switched to opera, I really liked the feature to directly use a searching machine with a certain prefix in the browser bar.

for example, if I typed "d crossfire", it will directly show me the results from dict.leo.org
I can do the same with "g something" and it googles it for me.

I never liked the toolbars and the 1 million addons i had to install on firefox, which i didn't on opera.
you don't actually need to write g xx, you can just write the word you want to google and make a space after it
yeah, the google function is built in.
It's fast, easy to use

Most things that come as addons in FF are already build in Opera.. Honestly if you're happy with FF there's no point in switching
Agreed. If you're happy with what you got, no need to change, but if you feel like you want more out of your browser, Opera is worth a shot.
It's funny to see that there's a "Speed dial" in the latest FF :D

I love Opera, ever since I started using it... since 2001'ish or something.
just got it !
Chrome all the way!
I'm using chrome and it has everything synced and such, I switched from firefox to chrome but now can't be arsed to make a switch again. I use opera sometimes when something doesn't work in chrome tough.
Quote I use opera sometimes when something doesn't work in chrome tough.

Shouldn't that be the reason to actually use it :D
This happens very rarely so it's fine and I bet if I switch to opera I sometimes have to use an other browser aswell because a certain thing doesn't work properly in opera.
Only reason I use Chrome for is because there's no Proxtube for Opera yet
I'm not german so I don't have to use a proxy for youtube but as you said above making the switch (again) is a lot of work and just not worth it for now.
actually the chances of a website not working properly in opera is a lot higher than it is for a webkit based browser.
never had any problems with it since Opera 11
I already had without even having it as a default browser, which is rather sad.
I'm no expert but maybe opera is to heavy for your specs?
Trying Opera now, seems to be good. Had chrome earlier which started to freeze sometimes I used it.
Only advanced users will like Opera.
I try opera every version and everytime again it disappoints me. It is slow, the UI is not that new nor is it much different.
yeah let me guess, you ran the V8 benchmark suite and the sunspider javascript benchmark and you were like "Zomg opera is doing great!" -- this however is only 0.1% of the story and doesn't tell you anything about how the browser uses the API of your OS in order to display the content on your screen nor does it test how quickly it can handle data coming in.
I didn't run shit, I used to have Firefox which was quite slow, so I downloaded Opera and it was at least half faster than that.
Firefox is indeed slower than Opera. But that's the same as saying that a snail is slower than a turtle. It's true, but that doesn't make the turtle win the race when you do not count in the other contestants when it comes to speed.

When it comes to starting your browser then IE wins, closely followed by Chrome, then Opera and then Firefox.
When it comes to stability and speed when it's already started, I'm sure IE will not win that one.

I use Chrome and Firefox mostly.
Well I don't only use it because it would be faster.
Opera is heavy, but for a reason.
For the very same reason I use Opera as primary and Chrome as a lightweight companion.
rekonq ftw d:

really lightweight webkit based browser, needs kde libraries tho :/

it simple rocks like chrome, without the "google phone home alot" bullshit
use chromium to avoid the google tracking you
used it for like 7 years, even though it gotten worse and worse with every new version. finally gave up this year and switched to chrome.

such a shame. I really loved that browser :/
finally a serious report :D
Yea opera 10 was rubbish mostly

Using Opera for years and never had any thoughts of switching to anything else. From time to time I'm using also Chrome, but that's for specific reasons (mostly just to run it on secondary screen for fullscreen video streams).

Also, argument that FF have over9000 plugins or whatever they're called (which all of them FF'ers, of course, are using on daily basis and can't live without) and argument that Chrome is so much faster than any other browser in the world (those 0.01 seconds really matter!!1) is just silly.
I use Palemoon, a light wait performance variant of firefox. Very happy with it!
Opera <3
I can't live without my mail bar on the left side anymore. :D
Always there... forever...
also, grouped tabs, I love tabs... only 37 open atm. I just closed the ones I opened for university.

I hope their plugin thread addition improves the plugin performance like flash players and adobe reader and Opera's stability.
I'm I missing out on something I'm still using IE
Tried it for the first time today. It's fucking slow, it takes about 2 seconds to start up where Chrome it always instant.
I used to like and used to use Opera 10 a lot, it was really simple to use - never had problems with it. Then after some update, I had some really weird problems with it, because of which I had to reboot every time. Went back to Firefox everything went smooth for about a year, but after that my PC always froze randomly while watching Videos, especially on youtube.

As I basically use Youtube as my Mp3 player I had to restart approximately atleast 5 times a day. Send several reportings to them and they fucking weren't able to fix it within 4 months. Googled a lot, tried several glitches - nothing worked.

Then I decided to use Chrome for now, didn't like it at first but its ok now. My ICQ now crashes everytime it tries to load its spam welcome site via chrome, but fuck it I won't do shit about it, not really using it anymore and as long as I can finally surf normally again everything is fine. -.-
you seem like the person who would enjoy http://www.rockmelt.com/

also use miranda instead of iceq

FORE REALZ icq is the worst chat program ever I can't remember how many pcs of friends I had to fix because icq fucked their shit up
Haven't really used ICQ for a year, I only randomly check to see who's online once in a week or so, I just found it ironic that none of the browsers I tried were flawless, but thanks for your tip. :)
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