Mac + Windows?

I've been waiting 6 weeks for a new Intel Ivybridge Ultrabook and its taking FOREVER for companies to get their act together and actually have a stock ready product. However I could just walk into the apple store and pickup a macbook air and install windows.

Has anyone done this, is there anything I should know? Anything I would lose out on by doing so?
Don't do it lol
QuoteHowever I could just walk into the apple store and pickup a macbook air and install windows.

Better gimme moneys if you dont need them.
Just wait a bit longer.
wtf - you sir do not know nerd needs!
i agree with frop and tell you to simply wait a tad bit more, youll save a bunch of money and possibly a lot of hassle with tech support should you need it, i dont even know if they would take it in for repairs if you downright replace mac os with a windows install (then again you could just set up a dualboot setup, which is a waste of space if you dont use the mac os at all).

im not all to familiar with the hardware specs myself, but i can at least say ultrabooks look better in my eyes :*E
you cant simply replace osx with windows (if it's possible it seems to be pretty difficult) so no problem with customerservice - default way to install windows is a dualboot setup.
oh i see, must be something bios-related. guess you cant simply disconnect the ssd and hook it up to a different computer either to format it either :\
apple - burn down all that shit
Wish I could just walk into the apple store and pickup a macbook air and install windows.
was thinking the same aha
Buy the new macbook with the 2880*1800 resolution and dual boot yeah.
that air flow man
Asymmetric fans!
my brother (older one) said he could do that for me if I bought an apple laptop. So its fine I think!
I still think that you should wait for ivy bridge ultrabook.

ASUS ultrabooks are so sexy :(
installing windows on the air is so difficult, because you have to click "install windows" button :/

Seriously though, it is freaking easy but I wouldn't recommend using windows at all ( why not use mac osx ) I don't see any reason at all to use windows if you are not going to use it for gayming. Essential apps could very easily be run using parallels and coherence mode or Wineskin / Cider and i don't really know that much consumer software that isn't available for mac as well.
he's probably working with enterprise software.
most likely, but a macbook air isn't really something i'd recommend for such tasks. If he installs bootcamp he can use parallels to virtualize windows while running OS X or choose to run windows directly :3

But yeah if it is windows he wants, I'd say get some asus ultrabook and not bother with an air.
The new macbookpro(with the awesome screen) would do fine I guess and if it's for a job it may cost something I guess.
oh and the small matter that MAC OS X is shit
please elaborate
bandwagoning. macs suck, never tried one though.

my guess anyways.
It is like having a car with the bonnet welded shut. I like having access to the mechanics, and documentation of the mechanics.

I also like having open programs tile at the bottom of my screen where i can whip my mouse down to switch window. I like it when my close button closes applications because I like to manage my resource usage. I like having access to 1000s more programs and a much better programming IDE. I like having a decent audio player. I like having a decent filesystem and explorer. I like having DirectX to graphic accelerate my browser experience as well as gaming and any apps that run DirectX, since it is vastly superior to OpenGL. I think almost every piece of software written by Apple is shit such as RealPlayer, iTunes, Air wireless, safari etc etc. I don't like that mac programmers were so shit they couldn't even write a multi-threaded OS and so stole Debian Linux in 1994 and made it shit but keep coming back to update the Kernel because they are incapable of such skilled work. I like that Photoshop runs 10x faster on DirectX. I like that I can move around quicker on my Windows machine than any of the other professional designers or developers who work with me who use mac, even though they are as quick as they can be.
you think windows is open? really? the way you are tweaking windows is exactly the same way you are tweaking a mac. What open is is opensource software, like FreeBSD and Linux.

That you prefer the windows way of how apps run is great, but that is just your opinion and doesn't make OSX shit.

You are comparing DirectX to OpenGL directly? So you did not realize that OpenGL is a graphics library only and DirectX is more than that? ( + that you can get more frames out of openGL )

Having access to more programs doesn't mean they are of higher quality. Currently there is no web development tool out there that slightly matches the features and polish of Coda 2.0, however as a Windows user and tweaker I highly doubt you ever heard of the word polish and smoothness. I do agree that Xcode 4 is not without problems, but that doesn't make the whole development environment shit ( auto layout is extremely handy, for instance ).

What are you even attacking the old Mac OS or its development for? If you talk like that I also hope you know that Mac OS X is based on the technologies developed at NeXT and not the old Mac OS which had terrible memory management.

So you think safari is shit, please do tell me you think webkit is shit then, I'd make me laugh.

It is nice that you like windows ( or linux maybe ) but that doesn't make the other option shit, deal with it.
very hypocritical as you and other mac users are usually more condescending. I am a professional web developer what are you? I write highly polished websites with budgets of £1million each and 10s of thousands of concurrent visitors in teams of copywriters, designers and developers (and marketing etc etc). I have been writing code from asm and C++ to the web for 11 years. I think .NET is great by the way and MVC and WPF are the best MVVM architecture I have ever seen. By the way I write in php usually professionally. The whole of .NET and MVC is opensource by the way. MySQL is ok but they only got an InnoDB system in the last couple of years but its still lagging behind compared to MS SQL no matter how much they try and imitate it. So no, opensource is not always better, but often is. And besides mac is VERY closed source about their software, much more so than Windows. For example refusing to give Adobe documentation so that they could graphic accelerate Flash. I am aware of what DirectX is thanks. An IDE for the web is not really necessary I prefer a text editor like Sublime Text Edit (available on Mac too). Coda IDE looks fine btw, as long is it isn't written in Java.
I dislike everything that is touched by the prefix 'j' or the suffix 'j', like jEdit nor do I like eclipse or netbeans. Java apps usually don't allow me to use my qwerty keystrokes with my dvorak layout, the dvorak-qwerty layout allows me to type faster yet retain the use of qwerty keystrokes as the keystrokes on dvorak are a bit awkwardly placed. I was a coda1 user for a while, until I came across sublime text which is great. However as Coda2 was released I noticed how much they improved on things so I stopped using sublime text.

I am not a 'professional' developer ( just yet ) as I actually graduated today and will go to college soon! ( So that is who I am )

The closed 'feeling' as you might say never was a problem for me though and the things I need from the source is opeon ( like CoreFoundation Lite, great stuff ). It is difficult to like Cocoa / Objective-C, it is something you really have to get used to.. once you got into it it is a great way of developing at a great pace. My experience with .NET is next to zero ( apart from some hello world printing.. ) I don't know if you know about the latest release of the macbook pro 15'' with retina display, which doesn't allow you to change the memory. If apple is going to keep pushing that on other products ( and they will ) I will not be a returning customer.
it doesnt allow you to change memory - as in RAM? thats a shame. TBH mac products are very high quality and nice design, I am not a fan of the desktop OS UI though (functionally).. I guess it is mostly because I'm not used to it.. I'm coming to that realisation when I see the Mac users here working very fast (though not quite as fast as me :p). Ok I got a bit heated because it isn't so bad. My biggest problem is that Mac users think that it is the best thing since sliced bread. I think Mac portable OS like on the iPhones is great btw, but I want plenty of low level control of my pc is needed - if it can do that then great. Btw retina displays are very cool but a real pain in the arse as a developer because you have to load an image twice the normal size if the user is on a retina for it to look ok.. but they are the way of the future probably. PHP also has great MVVM libraries like symfony, codeigniter, zend etc too.
yeah mac users ( especially the hipsters ) can be very annoying, some of them are mindless drones.. the kind that asks me whether I can hack a cod4 server they got banned from for them ( *epic facepalm* ).

Currently using Zend ( still fairly new to it though ), as I had a MVC Background with Cocoa / Objective-C it felt really right and fell in love with the framework right away ( I often get criticized for not using Ruby on rails.. )

and yeah, you can't change the memory in the 15'' retina... the stock macs are usually decently priced ( on PCs you can cut away stuff to save money, when you know what you are doing this ofc is always an advantage ) but apple overcharges a LOT on the upgrades, so I usually get a mac and simply put in the upgrades myself. This however with the 15'' retina is not possible and therefore a potential dealbreaker ( I don't have the money to get it nor the use for it anyways atm ). I think my future setup, as I still love playing games, will probably be a CM690 with some decent hardware and a macbook next to it for the other stuff ( probably the one i have right now, the ssd made it 3 years younger :D )

what ya think of windows 8 for desktops, they did a great job performance wise but when I wanted to get back to metro I kept clicking the IE9 icon rather than the button in the corner..
havent tried windows 8 yet, i feel like they might have fucked things up a lot because i hear that the old windows world and the new metro world dont mix very well and its like two things stuck on to each other? So i think it could be a total flop. The new Windows Azure looks cool though: and can run Linux too
please do read my comment below, applies to you as well.
rofl worst idea ever,
just wait for your fucking laptop men
I wouldn't give any money to apple jews
Tosspot, if you're gonna install Windows on a Macbook then really you are stupid.
if you have the money grab a mba, you wont regret it. installing windows is no problem at all.
is it just me or do you have too much money to spend? :D
well shouldnt concern the customers too much, you have your warranty -- youll just get a brand new every time it breaks then :p
whaz the point to buy a mac and install windows ?
buy a car instead!
I bootcamp into windows on my MB Pro quite a lot when I need certain programs when the Mac alternative sucks. I haven't seen any problems in regards to performance on both OS X and Windows when both are installed and I've been doing it since I bought my Macbook Pro in 2010.

It's also very simple to do and OS X does all the hard work for you. File systems stay exactly the same and you can access each of the partitions in both OS's if you needed files etc.

If you are planning to use the machine as primarily Windows, then it's a waste of money unfortunately and I would just wait, but I personally couldn't go back to windows full time after using Mac OS X.
I got the 2011 Macbook pro, But that's mainly for my education in Graphical Design.
Really awesome for video editing, photoshopping, creating etc.

But besides that and some mainstream things like facebook and stuff its useless.
Bootcamp works tough, its just that it will never work as fluid as a normal laptop/pc.
what year are you studying and do you have any online portfolio?
I'm currently working as an intern on a webdesign company, my own project in this is to make my own website with jquery css html php etc, should be complete and online in about a week!

im in 3rd year now.
Nothing you'd loose out on, that I can think of. You boot into Windows and it's a Windows machine. You can set it so the default OS is Windows when you reboot too, so other than the machine design you'd never really notice it isn't a Windows machine.

I've been dual-booting MacBook Pro's for years, no issues.
Youll save much more money just waiting out, and the Macbook isnt optimized for Windows so youll experience bad power usage etc compared to if you ran Mac OSX on it.

e: im in the same situation myself (need a good laptop for studies), and need to remind myself that waiting just a little bit longer will pay out :p
I have the same problem. Last time crossfire users said: Wait it will be legen......

still waiting...
there is no real problem with the macbook.. maybe the windows power plan is shitty on a macbook compared to os x
I will never understand why people would buy smth for 3000$ when u can get smth better for 2000$.
Spend some real money and get the Razer Blade!
Go go Virtual Box? Or second partition with windows on it?
better to go for the dualboot if you get a mac, it usually even comes with cd from mac to install the dualboot so shouldn't be a big problem ; we used to do this for our customers at my pervious work doesn't take that long ;)
Get a MacBook Air and Bootcamp it! :D
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