*edit* redStar.et bunch of retards

just on coms with devilry guys ... well you are brainless you cry to reschedule the game 3 times cause of lack players and on the final day of game u dont come .. what's up with you I hope you won't be allowed in next clanbase cups .

Big thanks to azrael who installed the game to help devilry cause of miks missing.

edit :
Now admin forced this game 4th time to Monday because of what ? clownbase ..

New: RE:devilry vs redstar 1:0 - GoldoraK - CB - Thu 14 Jun 21:00
you have to no more delay will be add - dealine is 14/06

morons ..
noob tanq, stop spoiling our past >:|
inb4 shitstorm
polaks trolled :DDD
storms are shit
shit are storms
shit continues
are storms shit
poland cannot into space
polaks mad
mad polaks
shit storm are
ja pierdole to wyjdz z domu idioto
redstar folded.
nice comeback xD
They are shit anyway, would have easily beat them
kogo to kurwa obchodzi
stupid ClownBase
lol are you allowed to play in lower league after playing in eurocup? what a shit league clownbase indeed..
who even told u im going to play it lol : O and nice edit
Great internal strife + summer, plz don't be mad
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