pc crash... new graphic card?

yesterday evening my pc randomly freezed. since that point i cant boot. my screen showes me with the following info "improper mode, recommend mode: 1680*1050" followed from a yellow framed "?", besides that info box the screen remains black.
the pc aint booting to windows after all. it gives me the usual bios BEEP, which appears like 30 secs later again - but not the win startup sound.
so i opened my pc to check te parts for temperature, suddenly my gpu (7900gt, pcie) was literally melting. so my pc-amateur-guess would be that i need a new gpu. is that right? or is maybe another part causing the trouble?
if it is the gpu, any recommendations for new one, since im completely out of pc part knowledge since years? id prefer some cheap (~50€ ! :D) new one, at least as good as my old, nvidia prefered.

e: case closed
No, melting computer parts is normal
dont buy nvidia cards under 150 € = not worth the money usually

better use a amd card for this budget or you have to look for an used one via ebay etc.

please pm me (maybe in german? im have so bad english skills :<) so you can explain me in detail what happend or send me some pics, i will help you then asap.


laNgo :))

<150 euro = crap
150 euroish = decent vid card
>200 euro = dont buy these you are better off buying a new 150 euro card every year or two then spending 400 euro on a vid card
hatte ich auch vor 2 monaten :>
einfach easy eine von einem froind gecheckt
also bist du schuld. alles klar... nur muss ich mir jetz eine kafuen und kann ergo nicht nach wien kommen weil ich jetz gleich pleite bin :(
ach blödsinn is ja noch zeit hin
well that card is easy to replace, just buy some GeForce GT 220 should be alot better than your old one and price is around 50-60€
thx, will take a look if i can such a card in the shop
I got myself a GT 430 last year, I played max payne 3 with decent settings @ 30+ fps
how much €€€?
hmm around 50 euro last year, prolly cheaper now :D
bought a gt440 now. hope it works fine
if you only want to play ET, yes. I personally would invest about 150 euro in a vid card and he can use it for like 2 years and run the latetest games.
if it would be a newer pc afterall, plus i would be interestet in playing the latest games, i surely would have considered investing way more money onto a real decent gpu. but since im running a quite old dualcore, and xp and the latest game i played was dragon age 1.. 150€ would have been wasted :/
i have a 460gtx at home which i don't need anymore ....
Couldn't you go in to safe mode and reset graphics? Not that it would really matter much with such card but do you have a decent psu? My last graphics card melted and started to burn with a shit psu x)
I guess you learned from it and now follow the lovely rule #1 part in a PC is the PSU and you should invest in it ?
PSU was good at the time for my current setup with a 7600GT, then spent all my cash on an OC'd mobo combo from OCUK and didn't update my PSU :3 My GT 210 was only a temp fix at the time but runs well enough for ET and things so no need to update that now, was only £20 at the time \o/
i couldnt go anywhere since my screen stayed black, even when i tired to come into safe mode with vga settings => smashed gpu
Hmm :( Too bad!

Hope your new card is better :p
if you have an older card lying around somewhere, you could try if that one works, if its mobo related you dont really want to melt another one, in case its not gfx card related
Your PC is crashing & you think that you need a new card.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. got a advice for you.

I would take this persons advice. He is known for his intellect and great promise in the world of the Nobel price winners!
my bios is untouched, just like you :)
my bios is untouched, just like you :)

Normally a Crossfire nerds will say DIE CUZ OF CANCER but I will say :-\
You want to check your fans as well.
yeah, first thing that came to my mind is having too much dust in the fan. But in that case his pc would be able to boot after a couple of minutes when the vid card cooled down.
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