boycoting ESL

today i loged on into the esl website, and i saw im STILL banned there,

even after i spoke with 3diff admins

why am i banned? because some guy got tzac busted and without any proof they frozen MY esl account.... i mean WHAT THE F.....

not playing on esl anymore.

oh and lol i asked a cuple of admins for an unban, they said do you have any proof.... i said im not banned anywhere why would i need a proof?
ESL forum is the place for this.
Quotethey said do you have any proof.... i said im not banned anywhere why would i need a proof?

because they've got proof, ESL ban. ESL 1:0 sireraelall
isnt it you who got me banned on clanbase in the first place clown?
like I am a CB admin, clown
so you didnt think of showing off some stuff where you got un-busted to them? I mean even i know you had a red triangle/!\
i refuse to deal with such incompetent admins
Well maybe, but you could have fixed this problem easy and you would have been unbanned. Now because you are stubborn you wont achieve anything at all except more people disliking you for making a useless post about something that you could have solved yourself in the time by making this journal and posting in it.
tho i dont know if he really got busted
its not my problem to fix, i enformed the admins about their mistake, they arent fixing it...
It is your problem, you are the one not able to go to ESL and play there if you would want too. ESL doesnt really care about you if you might have thought that.

You informed them with what? tekst? you told them you didnt cheat? Its not like they heard a cheater say that before that is why you need to come up with some proof so they can actually see they are wrong and not being told that they are wrong by a convict.
what makes u think i didnt? i spent weeks talking to ppl on mirc and pming them thru crossfire...

pure bullshit ppl.

i told them i am banned for esl for cheating but my anticheat accounts are clean and im playing clanbase etc... and shitloads of diff proofs with foamea and kwizlord but, if ur stupid ur stupid.
You are missing the point of why you got banned, you had a triangle could you explain me why this happened?
i dont know, blame the admins
So killerboy or the other cheat admin just randomly gave this to you?
exactly, gave it to me, and removed the ban

first it was fomea who banned me on esl and after it was follwed by clanbase, when i noticed, i talked to the admins, i got unbaned from cb, while talk with the esl admins... was... well... basicly they said i should go fuck myself
Well i have no idea if you actually got busted for something legit. And maybe you should realise that acting how you do, does not really give you respect and people will treat you like that. karma

thats why u got the same aditude back.
what the fuck my brain is crying
shut the fuck up
i dont listen to people who think muscles = all sorry ipad
Get your facts straight.

I've only tagged you, I didn't ban you. I'm not supporting ESL EU ET for some time now => I'm not an ESL admin in the ET section anymore. So think your words better before accusing me.

Anyway, I hope you don't get unbanned. You may not be a cheater, but a retard for sure.
clever [.i] with the triangle!
you so newschool:(
expected this but yeah I am.
I was not just simply stating a fact about your registration date here Mr. Anderson.
are you implying you were insulting me and I should be offended or implying that I'm generally new to ET/CF apart from my registration date.
Being new school can be seen as an insult? Thats kinda weird if you ask me!
I asked if you implied. I don't see it as an insult but I can see some people seeing it as an insult.
I know you did. And i was avoiding giving you an answer! Only sarcastically i guess..
Nothing of value was lost
"not playing on esl anymore."

Duh, ofc not, you are banned.
fuck retards like you
looks like esl took out the trash
oh hi esl admin, cant reply on private chats, but can spam on forums..
Nothing I can do for you, cheater.
oh look another one, such gr8 admins and support, makes me want to buy them flowers and chocolate
ESL forum is the place for this.
For once, ESL did a good job =)
"today i loged on into the esl website, and i saw im banned there,"

"not playing on esl anymore."
and that is a lie and you know it Seareal :) you knew that at day when you were banned! And do not talk about no reason, you know the reason.
If ur clean and good proofs ESL will unban you was the same with sunni 3 years ago,but if you hacked ur deserve ur ban and normally ESL admins doing a good job.
proof ? what do i need to prove, im not banned anywhere (excluding esl, since i proly wont ever wisit that site anymore)

my account is clean :D i got banned for no reason
pm Foamea then and give him ur slac link & stuff.

stary & co arent headadmins and cant do shit for u
i did already, foamea told me to go fuck myself in my asshole and crawl back inside my mother vagina and die in a car fire

i tought he was just upset because he faild to do his job right, so i contacted him in a week again

and he didnt even listen... thats why this post, nobody is doing anything so if i dont get anything soon, esl is dead for me like my old dog. never walking it again.
beside a few exceptions.... what do you expect from the ESL ET admins? :D
some actual support / work being done
Work is done everyday. You just dont have a clue how to ask for unban -> support ticket ofc. Took some time now ha? You know how to post it on CB but not on ESL or did i miss something?
Asking for 2months already
first its not 2 months and second i was talking on IRC with you about your ban on day you were banned. And ticket was not opened 2 months ago, since ban was not done that time + you did it today.
He´s retard, whining on CF because nobody listen to him and can´t find support ticket on esl site
If your story is true report it to higher ESL admins.

But yes ESL admins suck, I had a 2 year ban bcuz kik_aim 1 :D
u got banned because u did something

i got banned because of an admin mistake.
yea i did type kik_aim 1 in console, i'm a hacker now :D But i never played a match on ESL anyway, just sign-up because somebody said it was a great site for competition xD

You prolly did something too if you got banned. CB & ESL dont ban without some form of proof. And if you could convice the CB admins it should be easy to convince the ESL admins because CB admins are the most stubborn retards.
it was just an ip match, or whatever they said it was... 4pcs on the network here

so no, i didnt do anything :D
ip match? Another lie bro, keep on going
that ban has very little do with admins, if their policy is to ban cheaters for 2 years they have to enforce those rules.
Stary is trial league admin, he is still learning and he is doing well.
did i say that hes a bad admin?
nope just said he is trial admin
i know thats why i wrote my 1st comment.
hi azatej
finally a good job!
now clanbase have to do it aswell!
This is the best thing to ever happen to ESL
good work admins ! XD!!
Good job ESL.
It is hardly boycott if you are banned from playing anyway, retard.
no shit, my next jrnl title gonna be im nuking the states in 3mins
You are a spastic, fuck off.
its fantastic, comon potty letsgo potty
"i said im not banned anywhere why would i need a proof?" bad answer..
i know but its just how it is xDD
you're just a fucking retard
Such a loss.
maybe they thought trollism is a hack? D:D:D:D but u surely wont get unbanned with this behaviour anyway :D
Unban him filthy retards, it's proven he doesn't cheat why keep making so much fucking mess about it? Like him or not he doesn't have a reason to be banned... these admins and community here just seem more and more like a fucking retard bunch of children, disgraced people disgust me...
thanks for making positive publicity for ESL
serves you right for being a dickhead, retard.
Kjizzlord playing with busted cheaters, i think hes a really nice admin !
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