youtube clip

Hello Crossfire,

I don't play ET anymore for about 2 years I think, nor do I follow the current scene, but I do read most of the journals posted on Crossfire.
So I was at a party, and we had an afterparty at my place afterwards.
Suddenly, we started watching clips on youtube of Britains Got Talent and a friend of mine kept showing videos of people in the final.
But I was like; 'they are in the final, ofcourse they have a beautiful voice, but what I like about BGT are the "first auditions" where u can see the croud go wild when they are surprised about someone.'
Then I thought about a youtube clip I saw a couple of years ago about human emotions.
It was a sort of a compilation, so I searched for it on google and youtube but I couldn't find it.
So now I'm asking for your help ;p
It isn't a clip were people explain how certain human emotions are being made in the brain or something like that.
It's actually a "compilation" of human emotions from movies and youtube clips and stuff like that, but it gives you chills when you watch it.

Would be cool if somebody found it, cause it's stuck in my mind now :p

Thanks in advance!
fuck you Finnish faggot gaytard
i don't understand how the first two sentences are related to the rest of the text
a couple years back, when someone posted a journal; if you weren't 'skilled' not a lot of people would read your journal, or comment on it. But nowadays it's all about having friends in the CF-community, so I just explained my situation .. I don't know, I'm still drunk atm.
btw; we were in a clan together! FIND THIS CLIP FOR ME!
i remember bro :D
but sry can't find it :{}
you play LoL by any chance? :p
yea but im really bad :E
Ich bin belg :D
With this info I can find only one video which would fit the description but is is too new.

How long was the clip?
buh, 4-8 minutes? dunno, but was intense
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