League of Legends...

So yesterday I installed LoL afer coming back from MLG. I was thinking that this would be a totally rubbish game and I would be wasting my time, I barely like anything in the RTS genre these days and was ready to write it off.

The problem is, I actually quite like it and its really not as boring as it looks. So far I've just played vs Bots and its really frustrating when you do 5on5 vs Bots and 2/3 players from your team disconnecting. Is this a common occurence? I've only played 3 characters so far, Garen, The flying guy and Jax (think thats his name). I don't seem to level up as much as other people do, but if I super focus on getting the killing blow to minions I catch up.

Any newbie tips and tricks?
good luck, am sure many people will be glad to share their knowledge with you.
Never played LoL, can´t help.
Nerds disconnecting will always be there, although it'll be less in ranked matches.

Just try as many heroes as you can, every tuesday the list of free heroes gets refreshed. Check out guides so you know what to upgrade. Be communicative towards your team so they know whats going on (nothing more annoying than someone just brainlessly doing his own thing). Save your IP for when you reach level 30 and go to ranked matches, so you can instantly buy phat runes (they are expensive). You might want to buy ashe though, only costs 450IP and is easy to handle and good to learn the game.

Best tip in universe: don't ragequit; will get you banned and everyone thinks you're an ass.
Ok bought Ashe, wont buy anything else?
you can buy master yi for playing kills only :D
try to find out what's your favourite position/kind of champ and you'll know what to buy :-)
meaning: try everything at first if possible!
don't buy runes till 20 level, you will unlock tier3 runes at this level and they are worth buying, 20-30k should be fine for start, when you reach that you can start thinking about more expensive champions, btw I bought most of my champs for rp (the few worth 6300 ip, only 450-3150 for ip since i dont play that much to gather more ip :P)
You can get tristana (+skin) and alistar (+skin) for free by liking riots facebook page and subscribing to the youtube channel :)
Oh nice, when does this expire?
It doesn't, it has been arround for quite some time now
Dunno how ppl learn all the champions, so much data.
Haha I felt the same at the start, don't worry I'm sure you will be just fine :D

Btw: http://championselect.net/ , it's a useful site to have an idea of counter-picks (just click on a picture)

Only playing vs AI means I dont have to worry about counterpicks just yet! ;)
you got gayer
nice game started play it few days ago :) add me matti8D if you play euwest
Start playing since last week.

And i notice i get a bit behind on levels when i stop farming as much.. Or i recall to much
But i got a bit of RTS experience and if you played SC2 you notice how slow the speed of the game is.

what i would do is pick a ranged and just focus on lasthitting and staying in the lane for longest time, i see i easily outfarm people based on lasthitting > gettting more money > be stronger later in the game.

And dont solo que on low levels, its really frustrating
if you want to play with us (devastation) just pm us ;P #devastation

E: About leaving games, 9/10 games sofar, the game gets decided by someone afk'ing or leaving.....
many people just dont care about botgames

you should play normals games though, gonna prolly get owned by smurf accounts, but u will learn faster how the game works id say

and to the disconnect problem, it happens sometimes in rankeds, when people feed and then ragequit, but ye, big community with even bigger % of retards than the et community ;D

get some people who know the game, to help u improve

learn farming, and when to use ur abilities and positioning
"big community"

"even bigger % of retards than the et community ;D"
No. Every online community has a large number of retards nowadays...
i still think that the lol community is worse than the et community, maybe cuz people here often know each other/played with them, know them for a long time, whatever, but ye, my impression ;)
Its impossible for people in LoL community to admit their mistakes in game. Its just impossible
sad but true
there are more 12-16 year olds than in et now. i actually think that the cf community is grown up now :O

except for stray and hummel lOl
there are wayyy worse people here than stray and danielm :DDD

but ye, there are many people at the age, where many of us started playing et, might be different in some years, but i dont have that much hope tbh :D
drop me a msg on irc, got few questions :P

in return i will teach you some pro LoL stuff :P gold rating player here!
Ever notice that even the busiest people are never too busy to tell you just how busy they are
too busy to reply to you! :P
uninstall and forget that you played it
uninstall -> play HoN
nice items u bought there
I suppose you know what to buy...

for leveling up you need to be in range of the minions that are getting killed or champions ofcourse so just try to stay in the range of the minions without dying, try to harras the opponents players if you can and last hit the minions (unless you're playing a support character)

about the players leaving, I guess it is occuring more often during games vs bots, but also in random pvp games there are quite often people who dissconnect due to connection problems or just randomly egoquit there is nothing you can do about it except reporting them at the end of the game, but most games can still be won 4on5
just farm, farm and farm and dominate late game. Buy wards and play safe. Communicate with your team(if they're not retarded)

do you play on eune or euwest?

e: you can also watch some streams. Learned a lot while I was watching players like wickd, ocelote, snoopeh, shushei, dyrus and many others. Watch some dreamhack etc. You'll learn a lot about the gameplay!
please what is your lol nick. I'd love to play with you and defend for 50 minutes with four while you are afk farming. Let me guess: k/d ratio is everything, your team is a bunch of noobs and you are the only one who can carry them to victory if only you had one more item.
what is your point? I'm telling him to farm as much as possible since many newcomers tend to forget to farm since they want to fight. Of course you have to help your team in teamfights and stuff.
omg steeler your so low in LoL:D<3
lets make a Diamonds LoL team. Tell everybody to install LoL, reach level 30 and then we're going to own! I can carry you np!
I have noticed a lot of K/D ratio whores, somethings never change.
Glad to see you now have a different opinion. You'd better play with some people from AnonymousCF community in order to level up quickly. When you see people leaving during a game you can report them so their account will be suspended for while and (maybe) they won't do it again. Well, when you play against bots you can easily win even if some of your mates leave. Anyway, you should start playing some PvP games since you will play against summoners of your level and you'll learn more this way.
Played a few 5v5 vs bots yesterday, only had one disconnecting guy but he came back after 10 minutes.
at first i didnt like game of this genre too but now, im nearly a LoL nerd.

you will be used to play with total nobrain, bad team composition, so i advice you to play for kills atm :D

then in 10 lvl ( gameaccount ) just farm your lane, make ONLY last hits, if you are a farmer, you will get items faster and then you can roll.

play with 1/2 skilled ppl max @ ts, so you can learn faster, dont play with 4 lvl30, otherwise you will face probably 3-5 lvl 30 and you wont do anything.
Tosspot! Run away from this cancer! Everyone i know (and i kinda introduced them loooool) are real massive nerds nowadays, playing LoL and watching streams 24/7 :D

So no, give up, move. Nerd game!
Add me (on EU - west) ; jaacklol --> level 14
getting boring after some weeks. total timewaste...
Come to HoN. League of legends just doesn't compare even at top level!
Good that there are so many top HoN teams ;D
I just wonder how much players are playing HoN ?
but at least its not a dumbed down and noobified version of dota. I'll take that over lol anyday.
How's the air up there? Your horse seems to be so very very high.
It pretty nice up here. Hows Quakewars and Diablo III?
Never played Quakewars and grinding D3 is boring as fuck by now. I'm not gonna rub it in the faces of people who enjoy it, though.
hardcore *cough*
That's even more of a rinse and repeat experience to me than finding new, better gear in inferno.
rule #1:
don't listen to crying nerds telling you HoN > LoL or HoN < LoL
just try them both and decide what you like the most
LoL is so much better than these rip offs HoN or DotA.
+1 but it's a matter of taste anyway...
QuoteIs this a common occurence?

Among beginners, yeah. Once you get more into the game you start getting matchmaked with more experienced players who leave very seldom.

I had someone ragequit on the enemy team yesterday after I kicked their butt in mid, and that was the first ragequit I've witnessed in matchmaked games in weeks.
Try to last hit minions so your lane won't be pushed and jungler can't gank so easily. Last hitting under your turret -> full HP melee minion, wait two tower hits on minion -> auto attack and you get last hit. On caster minions attack him once -> let the turret hit -> attack again you get last hit. Works on early game, later on with AD champs you can even one hit minions. (In low level games nobody can actually last hit and if you last hit correctly you can get so much ahead of your opponents that you just destroy them)

Watch pro streams.

When playing champ use guides from www.solomid.net. They are very useful, showing what you have to buy and so on.

Try to learn as much as you can about every champion, it is really important what enemy champions can do and how to play against them.

Use wards, map control is important. On higher lvl games some people might play 'support' whose job is to ward so you really don't have to think about it but 1-2 wards on back is always good.

Usually recommended not to destroy turret before 10mins or so.

Communicate with your team, think what you can do for them, maybe little roam and gank their lane if your lane is pushed or something?

Getting behind levels is because you are out of the range or you get harrassed out/dieing so you have to back. Try to stay on lane as long as possible, buy 3 health potions so you would survive longer. When you have ran out of potions and you are low hp/mana then recall and try to be as fast as possible in buying items so you won't lose so much xp.

atleast try HoN if u like such games
welcome to \o/

players vs. bots people will disconnect often as they see it as a 'quick bit of fun, can leave at any time' sort of game. if you do solo queue you will play 5 vs 5 against people who are low level as well so they wont be that amazing - probably just a bit better then bots.

But whatever you do you want to level up and get last hits - if you are in top or bottom lanes you can stay in the bushes (known as brush!) and stay close to the area where the enemy minions are dying and you will get XP - you dont get a bonus for XP on last hitting but that is the only way to get gold from minions - which in turn gives you the chance to get good items and be better built for fights against enemy champions.

There are 5 main roles in LoL:

Mid AP Carry - This guy is the Ability Points stacked champion of a team, his skills normally are good to destroy opponents and certain champions have better AP ratios and actual abilities (Anivia, Veiger, Brand, Cassiopeia among some)

AD Carry - This guy is similair to the AP carry but he will stack Attack Damage, you have one of each of the dmg types to make your team more diverse and make it harder for the enemy team to build defence against you (AP defence is MR - magic resist, where as AD defence is AR - Armor) This champion will go bot lane. (Ashe, Graves, Kog'Maw, Vayne and Caitlyn are the most common)

Support - This champions role as the name suggests is to support the team by healing, placing wards around the map so your team can see whats going on and where - also can depending on the champion help a lot in team fights with stuns, slows or silences (ability to stop opponents casting skills for short amount of time). (Taric, Alistar, Sona, Soraka are more common picks here) during the early points in the game this guy will go bot lane with the AD carry with the only aim to keep the team mate alive. With this character you shouldnt last hit minions unless 100% there is no one else around to do it.

Top Lane - This guy will solo in the top lane and is normally a bit more of a sustainable class that has reasonable all round defence and offence - this guy will normally build into the initiator for the team end game or the secondary tank aka off-tank. (Garen, Jarvan, Darius, Renekton, Sion, Xin Zhao are commonly seen top lane)

Jungle - this guy will literally roll around the jungle on your side of the map killing creep spawns and ganking each lane when a chance arises - the more difficult position purely because you are in a lot of demand and generally blamed when things go wrong. (Udyr, Nocturne, Olaf, Amumu, Shyvana, Skarner are common picks here)

I would watch some MLG replays as it gives you a good idea on how each position works, concentrate more on the map and see how teams are psoitioned.

Just remember Experience (XP) is proximity to a minion kill or if you had a big or small hand in the killing of an enemy champion. Gold is the last hit of a minion or if you had last hit on an enemy champion, although you get a small fraction of gold too if you get a hit on a champion that falls within 10-15 seconds.

great course to learn item builds for each champion: http://www.mobafire.com/ (scroll all the way to the bottom for champion list)
Play HoN to prepare for dota2, with LoL you're gonna get stomped when dota2 releases.
Because DotA 2 will instantly kill LoL.
HoN is still better than Dota2.
Oh you. "I'll never play LoL with you guys, the game just looks utterly terrible".


Drop by mumble, potter and I will carry you, np.
Don't play against bots.
Watch streams, find the champs + builds you like from streams and try to use them ingame.
Also, find the role you like best in the game (MerlinatoR's post) and play champions that fulfill that role so you don't waste your time playing other champs.
dont kill ET
Pre-learning: Dictionary: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=556519 (especially Basic Game Mechanic Guides). Laning: usually its 1 top, 1 mid, 2 bot and 1 jungle. At lower level games there is rarely any jungler, so its 2(top) 1(mid) 2(bot). Summoner spells(your spells, not dependant of any champion).

1. Learn all the champions, what are their skillsets, how much dmg they do about, cooldowns of the skills etc. This might take ~4-10 months, depending on how actively you will play. Though you can get the general idea what the different champs do during couple of months. (All the champions with up-to-date infos: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/champions )

2. Maybe the most important thing in long run is to learn the last hitting with different champs. They have different aa(auto-attack) animations and it might take some time to adjust to them. Don't aa minions, just hit the killing blow--> your lane wont get pushed--> harder to gank. Also, versus bots you can pretty much freefarm, so its a good place to learn it. It becomes little bit more difficult when you face better opponents, since they can harass you when you are going for last hit --> decisions: is that 1 last hit worth of taking x amount of damage? Can I trade dmg back and win the trade(I do more dmg than him)?`Or does enemy has some sustain(healing, life steal, spell vamp, potions) maybe more than I do, so is it worth of it? And so on...

3. During the first ~20 levels just play as much different champions as you can. Also learn the Masteries and Runes, what they are, what different champions usually use etc. Also learn to pay attention to minimap! Notice enemies missing and at later on if someone of enemies is somewhere alone(5on4), you can force objectives(baron, dragon, towers/inhibitors) and so on...

4. Just play. Watch some streams(own3d.tv) and tournaments. Read guides(preferably up-to-date ones). And as already mentioned, save your IP for runes, most common ones will cost you around 60k IP. Sounds a lot, but it isnt after all. Also try to use your "First win of a day" -IP bonus every day. You get double IP for your first win of the day, resets after 22h. So just try to get even that 1 win every day(normal win ~70-110ip, with bonus ~150-240ip. Quick math: Lets assume you dont have much time to play, you get 300ip/day. 3000ip/10days. ~60k IP takes ~200 days(~6,5months). Double the amount you play and you get 600IP/day, its ~3months. Use some money and get IP boosts(double IP) and its 1,5-2months.

Most common runes you will need(Quints x3, others x9):

+1,5% Movement Speed
+2.25 Attack Damage
+3.33 Armor Penetration
+2.7 Health regeneration / 5
+1.0 Gold / 10
+5.0 Ability Power
+26 Health

+0.95 Attack Damage
+1.7 Armor Penetration
+ 0.95 Magic Penetration
+1.7% Attack Speed
+0.91 Armor

+1.41 Armor
+1.2 Mana Regen/ 5 at lvl18
+19 Health at lvl 18

+2.7 Magic Resist at lvl 18
+0.99 Ability Power OR +3.1 Ability Power at lvl 18

Total amount of IP needed:[/u]
Quints: 29220
Red: 14760
Yellow: 7380
Blue: 5535
56895 IP is needed for most common runes.

5. All the rest what there is to say. Now you know all the champs, you are able to last hit properly, you have got some gamesense, you know what to build to different champions, you start to learn good team compositions(what works well, what doesnt), you are able to counterpick enemies or if enemy counterpicks you(for example: you choose akali to top, enemy takes lee sin-->you are screwed) you understand to play safe and basically farm under your tower, not to challenge him and just ask ganks from jungler, wait for end of laning phase.

DO NOT FEED! Example: You are solotop, enemy kills you, you spawn, you go back to lane, don't go 1on1 vs him, chances are you will die again(less xp-->enemy is higher lvl-->more base hp, base dmg, dmg/shield/utility from skills). Also enemy has now more gold(kill+freefarm) and once he goes b(press b in-game-->after some seconds you teleport to base) and comes back, he has usually clear advantage. So just farm, pray ganks and play safe. Harass when its safe to do so. Get some sustain to heal back enemy harass(life steal, potions). If enemy does mostly ad dmg, get some armor. If magic dmg, get some mr(magic resist). Simple, but majority of people are not able to do it(sample excuses: BUT THEN I DONT HAVE DMG, I CAN'T AFFORD TO GET WARDS + DEFENSIVE THINGS, I'M USELESS LATER ON...blabla).

Btw, if I haven't mentioned it yet, always get wards. Learn the most ganking routes and put wards wisely. Wards(vison) win the games(random warding guide: http://solomid.net/guides.php?g=21018 ).

Mhh lastly I would like to say that usually people think that you should play according to meta. Which atm means bruiser(tanky, still able to do shitloads of dmg) or ap top, ap mid, support+ad carry bot and jungler(pref tanky) which has some utility(stuns, slows etc) but is still able to do some dmg. Yes, it is good basic-composition, but its all about 1. counterpicking 2. the team composition, how the team synergies. Also untill the very top of LoL, you can play decently with any champion, just learn it, different tricks etc. People just think that its either x,x or x champion for that lane or role and start crying and flaming when someone doesnt pick any of those champs.

Anyway, I hope you can pick some bit of information from this messy text :) And remember, have fun! I guarantee that sometimes you will feel like smashing your monitor/laptop hard because of idiots the game sometimes has. :D
welcome to the world of butthurt x)

some tips:
- Lasthitting creeps gives you more cash. Even if you wouldn't last hit you gain xp from minions. The xp is split between the players that are close enough. Therefor sololanes level faster than duo lanes.
- There's several types of champions, mostly divided by tank, meleefighter, ap(mage) and ad-carry(ranged highdmg-lowhealth). Champions like lux and ashe are great for learning the game.

All stats and general info:

Guides for beginner/intermediate-players:
Tosspot a LOL player ... expected :D
buy evelynn, she can go invisible!
www.solomid.net for Guides

Watch streams to get knowledge of the game.

ignore everyone when game starts so you dont have to see all the fucking flame.
time to start with that game.. and be it only for this :

Interview with qu1ksh0t :
Is there someone you would like to shoutcast with but you still haven’t had the chance?

qu1kshot: Actually if I am going to say it is going to be someone that is not actually in the LoL scene and I don’t know how many League of Legends players would know this particular guy but his name is Stuart "TosspoT" Saw.

source : http://www.team-dignitas.net/articles/blogs/League-of-Legends/1579/Interview-with-qu1ksh0t-As-long-as-Riot-Games-continues-to-support-LoL-it-is-probably-going-to-be-the-dominating-MOBA/
My faith in humanity has been lost
exactly, this is the most popular journal atm :(
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