League of Legends gayming #2

Dear Crossfire.

Since my gf doesn't want to meet with me again coz she is too busy (ofc) it's time for some LoL games.
Just played my 1st game today and it worked fine even tho some random player refused to jungle and I was on 2v1 top. Didn't died once during game and carried hard, at end me & kenne did a 2v4 fight with our ultimates combined and enemy team surrendered at 23minutes, so sad. I want to play some harder games :< Anyone up for duo que? I'm on East, summonername: UnbrokenHero. ~1600 elo atm. If you are from west and somewhat skilled I can play on my low lvl account :PP

image: ssuj

e: image: aard
pic of gf please
no way! :D
Yes indeed, your gf is busy.

i c wat u did ther
Normal, not viable.
yes, indeed. i don't want to play ranked solo, prefer duo que and since for some reason my mates are offline i play normals just to chill :D
u know, 1600 elo on eu east is like 1100 on west?
it's funny when people talk like that :P and you know that I played more team 5v5 rankeds then solo que and thats the reason why im still on 1600 ? :P in premade 5v5 i scrimed vs 2k elo players and laned against them without serious problem.

deal with it! :D
u know, 2k elo players on eu east are like 1500 on eu west?
it doesn't work this way but if you say so, i dont care ;d
same for me, im just glad not all polaks come to eu west!
i would go to west but most of my mates play east so I will stay here !
btw. you highly doubt if i would be playing west, my elo wouldnt be lower then it is at the moment
You know 1800 on East is better than 2k on west?
>normal game screenshots
shouldnt it be
>normal game screenshots
im pro lee with troll bulid
thinbrag of gf followed by an obvious brag of LoL
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