Guitar paintjob

This one goes to all the guitarists here. I got a bit bored during sickleave, so I came up with a brilliant idea to customise my Squire Stratocaster.

It's my first ever attempt at something like this, and it really isnt that easy if you wanna do it correct. Let me know what you guys think. I'm planning to leave it classic white, but if anyone has any nice ideas I might consider them.

Here's a few pics of my progress so far:

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image: 575905_10151834006145311_1802334496_n

image: 598839_10151834006230311_1450573362_n
nice way to waste time
"paintjob", and you make it plain white. Draw something interesting..
Well I think a plain white strat looks really nice and I dont want to aim at the moon for my first attempt at screwing up a guitar :D
jeh ok. next time:
image: hendrix-monterey-4
Here she is, all ready and stringed!
Looks pretty good, ey?
image: 543352_10151839620745311_123332703_n
yes i like it tbh
not bad i guess, i take it its your beginner guitar (since its a squier)

i myself have a LP

this is an old picture before i replaced the pickups with two p90 humbuckers
nee, maar die lijken er inderdaad verdacht veel op
yeah it was my first electric. Really looking forward in owning a LP someday...
why 4 layers of paint? primer + filler would be enough to get a good paintjob..
The paintjob affects to the sound of guitar. Mostly with acoustic guitars but slightly also with electric guitars.
On an electric guitar? :o I dont really have a clue about guitars, sounds weird tho
The paint will absorb in the wood used making it harden which affects to the sustain and the warmth of the sound (:

And on the acoustic it's all about reflecting the sound properly, so it needs to be varnished with acoustic lacquer.
Yea that makes sense to me, thats why I asked if using a filler isnt enough.. As far as I have learned, a filler is filling the holes in the wood better than any number of paint
Yeah the paint has a big affect on the sound, this is/was one of my major worries. Shall see the outcome in a week (although it takes 1-2 weeks for the spray lacquer to fully take its form). The sound wasnt all that great on the original. Gives me the possibility to tune it from scratch. New strings, will have to configure neck + other settings completely.
I personally would stick to the brand look till I develop myself and find the style that suits me the most. That's still a nice idea and would love to have it done someday!
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