
Anyone here got some nice tattoos, og tattoos they want in the future?

Got none atm. but is going to get 2-3 in the upcoming future:

1st - "Never look back" qoute on the left shoulder

2nd/3rd (Kinda combined) - Want the symbol of medicine/heath(Like this: , but with a bit more dark blue on) on right downside of the elbow part and at the right elbow same place then the word "Life"

Feel free to share opinions and experience and other great tattoos you have seen or have yourself

Hot chick (now with tattoos ummmm)

image: sexy%2525252Bgirl%2525252Bwith%2525252Btattoo%2525252Bhot%2525252Bcelebrity%2525252B8

GREAT DAY ASWELL ! Got 2 tickets very cheap for Coldplay live in Copenhagen! sweeeeeet life.
I want a big piece on my ribcage, up to my shoulder. Don't know what tho.

Your link aint working btw.
I want two elephanears on my belly.
I want a tattoo of a beautiful face covering my ugly face.
million dollar idea
looool made my morning :D
Thinking about getting a small one on my right wrist, or on my leg. Haven't got a clue about what kind of tattoo though..
u should defn think about it more than twice.. i needed some years to finally make this happen since :)
Well, even though loads of people tells me not to do it, and I will regret it and shit, I still feel that I won't regret it. And my patience isn't that good, so I won't think about it for years for sure! :D
But I have absolutely no clue about what to get. :(
u should first have a clue what to do and not choose this random... its more important whaT U GET and not where to put ;) keep this in mind... i startedt also with small ones and next 2 are small ones as well since im still not sure where to put the big one :)
Thanks for the tips! Well, that's the problem. I haven't really had any 'breaking' moments in my life, like... something changed. And that's what I had in mind getting tattoo'd.
ill put a musicnote for my passion for music on and im aquarius i like the sign for it and i love my stars. :D

and a girl which is listening to music with headphones sitting at a lkake., berlin in the backround
this will be the big one

e. i forgot a snowflake. its a must have since i have the name/nick schnee now for so many years and i like how it looks like. gonna see how it looks when its all painted. so u rly should think about what. cant say it often enough ;)
I've been thinking about a musicnote, but I think it's kinda gay to be honest. My zodiac is the ram, I'll consider making that.
I never underdstand why guys get a tattoo on their wrist, imo it only looks nice when a girl does it :p
haha i have mine both on my wrists :P
ur sexy anyways :_D
image: Soccer_Euro_2012_Sw_652903a

The size of the tattoo on the left is what I expect getting.

I'm kinda skinny, so it would look totally dumb getting a big tattoo, that's why :)
I want to get something like image: 522854_278178605606757_154501382_n but something else instead of the freakish looking monster :p
Looks awesome! But yeah, without that monster.. :D
Want to replace it by some hulk-like looking thing haha :p Which is crawling out aswell
I myself don't like that kind of tattoo's, but I guess it'll look awesome anyways! :)
Ill make a pic if CF is still alive at that time haha :p
Looks familiar
i have only 2 little and after summer finally ill go on. im just painting alot in my lil book but im bad in painting found a nice tattoo stuido who gonna get all my stuff to make smth good of it :D
oh and enjoy coldplay =) just missed the chance to get tickets for radiohead in berlin :/
aww radiohead ! never heard them live, they havent visited Denmark recently either, so that might be the reason. When are they in Berlin?
only concert in germany and i miss this one :( 6th july
Ah shame :p
Best tattoo ever

image: 574965_10150980375895681_2085734712_n
that's pretty awesome :)
1. Chicken Soup in Chinese (since everything in Asian hieroglyphs looks like it has a deep meaning and makes you 1337)
2. Soviet ABC book cover -

But if seriously - Latvian thundecross -
Penny has Chicken soup in chinese tattooed on her left buttock
I think also about get a tattoo :X right arm/shoulder :)
Forgot to tell you about my latest tattoo man!

image: sharktattoo
i like this;

image: XFnUrTnElo45vwpmO50MTcP5o1_500

never gonna get a tattoo tho
tattoos - the poor mans art
check profile
image: 54835721419335636401509

I'm the one with the emo looking one :P
they are all emo looking ones
sorry for hatin, but still, tattooes sux, especially when girl has a tattoo :| so fuckin disguisting :|
Ask Thomm!
I have 5 atm.

1: took it at my neck / upper back, just a text, quote from my favourite author, his alter egos epitaph
2/3: laughing / sad theatre masks near my blades, front, not sure what, with references to christianity / religion
4: bats, right shoulder, just thought they would look nice, took at trip
5: skull, though different one, my drinking-clubs logo, just that I would remember my friends and the times we had / will have
6: ET-logo at left chest, where the heart is

7: nothing yet, but I like symmetry, so I have to take it to my right chest, not sure what yet.

8&9. Phantom-rings, to my fingers. Signs of good & evil, would be so cool, though I wouldn't them to be visible all the time.

EDIT: I am kind of a hipster, don't want them to be visible all the time and I like them to be somewhat special, ie. have a personal meaning & nice memory & unique.
ET logo? you must be kidding?
No, took it at the AEM-trip.
got 3 stars at my right lower-arm. Took them after a friend of mine felt down a flat in front of my eyes. 3 years of friendship, and he's now a star in heaven. Thats what it symbolizes.

Also started with a project at my back a month ago. But as I'm going on vacation pretty soon, so I can't finish it or I won't be able to go and lay down in the sun. Will be ended in about a month I guess.
i like the idea of that 3 star tat thing

but im wondering how that accident happened. was your friend drunk as hell or what? you just dont randomly fall out of a building like that right?
Nope, was leaning forward to look down and slipped. Didn't scream, didn't said anything when it happend.
fuck thats sick
Yeah, happened in 2007
Got 3, more to come.

1. Lower right arm (nothing worth mentioning, will be covered up some day)
2. Behind my right ear - Super Mario theme - because I'll forever be a kid at heart AND a nerd :D
3. Karl's car number on my upper back - I associate so many great memories with my car, plus as schnee said it correctly: he's my soul :)
Got none, thought about getting one though, but personally I think that tatoos look shit on skinny/thin persons thats why I ain't got one. Gonna keep hitting the gym instead. :$
cba to write up my reasons behind each one but they're all personal blah blah

Stars at right wrist, could have been done/designed better
Panda in binary upper left arm
Glider symbol left wrist
Together forever united in an 'Elvish' inspired text
Misfits deathnote top left

Have a bunch more in mind and I think next one I'll get is a sentenced tattoo
Japanese style dragon on my left arm covering almost my whole arm. Still need two more sessions for it.
Had to book those two sessions for the summer which isn't ideal. But I had to get those times otherwise I should wait until january to get my tattoo finished.
One on the back, one on my arm
I got one tattoed tear under my eye
i have a tape measure tattooed on my cock
obligatory cunt puncher.jpg
I want the word THUNDER wrapped around both my thighs.
I HATE TATOOS !! Why is it so trendy nowadays among young people ?
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