For the ones who hate me

Good evening,
good news for you Anonymousguys...

Here's the story i'm gonna try to make it short.

Tomorrow, in FranceFranceland, there'll be music festivals everywhere. My neighboor proposed me to go with her @ a concert. I said "yeah such a lovely idea! Let's do this!". Well, you may wonder what's the problem then?

If I survive to this 12/12/2012 can come at me bros. :s

Some reactions from my e-friends :

Germanynerdcon :
Quotec=300:28c=3 <@nicon`> enjoy bro, cool music
c=300:29c=3 <@nicon`> hope you find some drugs, else I don't think you will survive

FinlandNiki0o :
Quotec=300:31c=3 <@Niki0o> lawl
c=300:31c=3 <@Niki0o> good luck

image: tumblr_m556yxoj6O1qzy9ouo1_500

MarseilleLeFrancis - A future deaf man
Still better than Justin Bieber
not sure bro, i think i'll regret it
how can someone hate you? :)
like it matters what music is playing when u are drunk enuff
doubt alcohol will be enough :s
Tomorrow, in FinlandFinlandland, there'll be drowning festivals everywhere.
drowning? :s
The traditional Finnish midsummer involves several litres of raw alcohol per person and spending time at a lake.

Around 10-30 people drown annually in midsummer. The headcount is a common thing to place bets (of alcohol) on.
holy mother of god: -D
lol tek parties are nice!!:D

I was @ some France french tek concerts here in Poland cracow, narkotek, floxytek etc:P hf mate, nice people there :)

if u dont like the music just take some extacy:D

tekno raves all the way!

image: 181826_2219105132805_1565051222_n
wtf man :s how can u appreciate all those BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM?
i dont know, i started listening to this kind of music from dnb, then i started to discover other styles like breakcore, hardcore, psytrance, acid techno and finally tekno:P i dont listen to this in my house very often (i mean tekno), but when it comes to party i just have to be there, 10 hours of pure madness :D everyone dances and party hard! i prefer this much more to some boring club
illegal tekno/acid raves are just crazy man xd
hell yea, was @ RINSE live 2 weeks ago, great acids, it took place in some abbandoned military building :D we couldnt leave it since army police would catch us, it was @ some military space haha:D still was sick, i love the dark atmosphere of such events :D

heres pic, im on the right with white shirt:D

image: 577729_424951934203075_1819022673_n
just drink a metric fuckload bro
image: Ohropax-Soft-03_gr

much alcohol
Thx for teh advice
LeFrancis, go to bed pls n8
i like teh night man, cant go to bed now
its early night true.

have fun then n8!
"headache, do not want"
hahah, would require quite a neighbor to go and listen to that :D
Ear cancer.
didn't read since I am not one who hates you
oh you're such a lovely american
scared about the music?
dont think "scared' is the correct word to define my thought
would rather say "cant fucking stand" this kind of music
u will like it after the party :D

i cant stand bees :/
jai pas lu

t es fou?
Francis lad I think we need a picture of the neighbour to properly judge this.
She has pussy, it's all you need to know i guess. :s
lol well that music is pretty cool, hf
Take drugs, and have the time of your life. Stay clean, and get annoyed like fuck. Your choice.
what desperate ppl do for a fuck
J'ai switché sur la 18ième minute à la recherche d'un changement de rythme.
Misérable raté.
all you need is a australian or cavello tracksuit, shave your head, put on your nike airmax, get some xtc, and show her your a hardcore star.

brings back memories
The fuck. Landed ad 1:46 while skipping through, those guys are seriously creepy.
almost all full of xtc
You seriously need to eat some e's to survive that and have a good time
bang her before leaving, go back home.
Good music, thanks for the link.
image: image5864522x
Take a half,then after a while take the other half,and drink one small bottle of water each hour.
pussy is a pussy but shit music is shit, tell her you have sometning to do so u cant go with her and find another pussy/pussies
i predict u will be there 2/3 hours, then u will ride her home, and then ride her in bed
I hope she's worth it.
you a good guy, stay away from those drugs !
You should also protect your ears with boulekies.
People a pretty friendly in those event, hope you ll enjoy other things than the music :)
I'm not into drugs at all. Anyway, I was suprised to see how friendly the guys were there. :)
Glad to hear that but now the question is : did anything happened with your neighbour ?
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