Manic Morning Journal

Good Morning Anonymous Crossies!

IT'S MORNING JOURNAL TIIIIIIIME!!! image: tumblr_m5xxj8TYl71ro4tjm

What are you guys up to today?
University... bleh! Think that's basically it, my life is boring.
Oh and returning an email that annoyed the hell out of me this morning.

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee

Plans for the weekend?
Need to clean the apartment and get some groceries.
The only things left in my fridge are ketchup and Jägermeister :(
Might be seeing friends of mine on Friday and if the weather is good might go out to take some pictures on Sunday.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Had some pretty shitty work days, but that's not really special. Other than that as I mentioned above my life is boring so no.. maybe I should delete this question to make me look less sad.. or maybe not.. HM!

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
90% of the people around me because they deserve it & my boss because he's a tell-tale. GNAH!

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
I would have the power of invisibility so I can scare people and throw stuff at them!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand that’s it. Now it’s your turn! COME ON!

Shoutouts to:
Anonymous schnee <3 :*, Finland Panda, Germany wsk, Mauritania arclite, Baden-Württemberg Noorgrin, Estonia infi_, Anonymous knoche, Finland Thomm, Netherlands Mott4,
Germany FaKy, Anonymous nicon, Iceland tace, United Kingdom Rockskin, Czech Republic muflon, New Zealand iiky, China Gungy, Israel Matan, Anonymous, Europe #u|k

and Anonymous you! And United Kingdom YMCA`Marcus!

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Not so random Song
Random Video for wsk & knoche


-> just keeping because of reasons!!!! Stop stealing my journals!
The real question is why did I read this shit?
prolly cuz u aint got shit to do since u live on welfare and have way too much time
VRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I am so happy its amazing! Or is it the medicine?
I think I horse
Well, I think I horses.
they see me rollin..

image: tuffcare-challenger-2040-recliner-electric-wheelchair
Why do you make fun of me beeing in the Wheelie brah?
why the fuck not.
What are you guys up to today?
Last day of college mwahahahaha! Have to do some diagnostics on an Audi and that's all I think. Then home, gym stuff and you!

What do you have for breakfast?
Ceylon assam schwarzer tee, jam and bread <3

Plans for the weekend?
The jager will be long gone this summer :3 "I'm warmmmmmmmmmmm" hihi.
Friday appointment with my consultant to try get more surgery and things, Saturday maybe visit relatives but easy weekend I hope with you!

Anything special happened to you last week?
Every day is special now! But nothing out of the ordinary I guess. Almost won at bowling if that counts x)

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
Certain few people, I would say unforgiven at times but he's just too funny. So many idiots from the city at my college that think they're black and run the place, window lickers and general smug bastards from my class.

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
What are you guys up to today?
work till 16:30 then go home do some shit untill its time to sleep

What do you have for breakfast?
green tea

Plans for the weekend?
since i moved out from my old house, my friends live 1:30 hours away. so i promised them to come this weekend if i could sleep over somewhere

Anything special happened to you last week?
i lived!

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
my boss, very hard, in the liver. cause he is stupid as fuck and doesnt trust me with the work i do

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
turn super saiyan ofc, for obvious reasons
What are you guys up to today?
Another day at the office :d

What do you have for breakfast?
bread with chocolate sprinkles like a true Netherlands

Plans for the weekend?
Need to edit some footage I shot earlier the week for a project.
If the weather is nice I'll go with my roommates to the beach.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Work almost ate all my spare time? :x

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
...I can't think of anyone, sadly.

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
To teleport to locations all over the globe (no traffic jams, instant holiday travel.. fuccccck yea :D)
hagelslag ftw
What are you guys up to today?
Leaving to Helsinki, flight @18.10

What do you have for breakfast?
Cooked some chicken and rice while ago. Was tasty.

Plans for the weekend?
Drinking hard till my plane leaves back to Oulu

Anything special happened to you last week?

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
Well, now when im browsing crossfire only annoying who i'd like to punch into face is seareal cause hes fucking retarded. Irl i'd like to punch Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj.

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
Probably teleporting.
Didn't read, came for the chicks.
Shower, pack my stuffs, take the train, suck christ's dick so that he can't pee and doens't make rain, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, wake up tomorrow, get my results, drink to forget, be back home, be bored, pack my stuffs, take the train, take eurolines to cologne, drink, forget about uni, drink.

Good morning, have a ncie day

My superpower would be to stop the time for let's say one hour everyday. During that hour i would be the only one able to do things and i would of course be the only one able to remember them.
It would be amazing. Imagine: you're at an exam, hardly rolled, but you can take one hour to cheat on the others or even use your notes to answer the questions.
Or you're in the tram/bus/train, suddenly a group of 4 hot chicks steps in. You stop the time and.. :)
You wake up at 6. Too tired -> more sleep time!
What are you guys up to today?
Working till 4, of tomorow, will have some cans tonight along with a poker session

What do you have for breakfast?
1 sausage, 1 rasher, 1 egg, 1 has brown, two slices of toast

Plans for the weekend?
Going out with some sexy french chick

Anything special happened to you last week?
Not really, managed to spend €220 in one night

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
Olly murs without question

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
To be invisible

Listening to this atm
What are you guys up to today?
gonna go to the gym in 15 minutes cardio hiit today back 12:00,after that i dont know yet.

What do you have for breakfast?
tea & bread

Plans for the weekend?
party with my buddy keith but he doesnt know it yet

Anything special happened to you last week?
Got a fast 5 man spree in 3 on 3 saved the day in supply

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
the person who's comment is underneath my comment i dont know why

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
the power of letting people think & do whatever you want them to do;D
What are you guys up to today?
booring and easy work ;)

What did* you have for breakfast?
Coffee, sandwich and 2 cookies

Plans for the weekend?
Its gonna be "Jaanipäev" in Estonia, It is kinda tradition to get wasted on this day and make a fire, jump over it and shit like that... Hopefully not gonna get too wasted like last weekend ;)

Anything special happened to you last week?
Yees, i had hangover for 2 days :P very special thing

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
I am not a violent person :(

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
I dont believe in superpower shit much tho.. I would just like to be a head of some big famous and rich organization :)
Good morning, though little hangoverish.

What are you guys up to today?
- Go to work soon, for 3h. Then to shop, buy alcohol & food & supplies for the midsummer-fest weekend at cabin.

What do you have for breakfast?
- Pizza leftovers soon.

Plans for the weekend?
- Good times.

Anything special happened to you last week?
- Nope, don't think so.

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
- Don't have anyone in mind.

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
- Timetravel. Or stopping time.
what time would you travel to?
None special, I would go all over.

What are you guys up to today?

Project management in my company as almost everyday. I started 3 hours ago, and i'm off @ 19 tonight. Need to make moneys

What do you have for breakfast?

coffee cigarets

Plans for the weekend?

Party hard for my successful results ( engineer much now) and living a hangover on sunday by watching my gf's dance show

Anything special happened to you last week?

I decided to go to pl lan

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?

There are always consequences, tho i think if i punch my giant supermario on my bed it's fine :D

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?

Being able to control the time
Morning friend
Morning friend
morning my dear :) nice pic :x

What are you guys up to today?
working till 5-6pm, going home, finish my mix, nothing much since its raining as hell here

What do you have for breakfast?
nothing, never eat breakfast

Plans for the weekend?
Going out with some friends, dj from mexiko is finally coming so he invited us for party

Anything special happened to you last week?

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
my best friend for having no ass in his pants :D

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
i grow very big and bring foood to every place without producing co2
Haha, your superpower is too funny :D
im serious about this fact :(
i try to buy only foood from germany (just sometimes i want a ananas or smth like this) to reduce co2
today quite boring, working and napping! :D maybe some D3 later if I have been a good boy and finish all my worky works =) been pretty much the same the whole week! :( breaky fast today I had chicken soup which was yum yum =)

This weekend my family coming to my house and we are celebrating my youngest brothers 18th bday =) lots of presents! :D

If I could punch anyone would have to be Luis Suarez, I dunno he just annoys me after the WC - what he did for Liverpool was amusing but the WC thing made me hate him a lot :p

Supah Powah hrrm I would have to say I would be an Elemental =P and because I am like Wolverine (he has bone claws + ability to regen) I would have a second powah being able to read, understand and learn things quickly just like image: johnny5 :D
on a second thought I would punch wsk or making me play 5hour 2maps ET last night TY MAN :(
ahahahahahahahahaha :DDDD YOU'RE VERY WELCOME <3
Good morning :)

What are you guys up to today?
Off to a friend soon, he has bought some nice liquor!

What do you have for breakfast?
Rice porridge with little butter and sugar and lemon ice tea

Plans for the weekend?
Mid summer!!! Drink drink drink

Anything special happened to you last week?
I was with friends and a drunken man came to a friend of mine and asked if his dad had ever fucked her.

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
An old class"mate" of mine, so fucking annoying...

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
The super power to have all super powers
morning B)

What are you guys up to today?
nothing so far, too lazy :D woke up few minutes ago, I looked through the window and the weather is so bad :{ ~ 12°C , it's raining all the time. I might come to gym later and then to hit some bears at poznan's fan zone for portugal-czech game.

What do you have for breakfast?
i''ve just eaten 1 and a half dark roll with cheese, ham and peanut butter + coffee.

Plans for the weekend?
nothing special, gonna meet my brother, chilling with friends, watch euro2012 games and some casual parties.

Anything special happened to you last week?
finally finished my school

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
my ex-principal because i hate his talks or jose maria bakero haha (ex coach of lech poznan)

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
time travels would be great
What are you guys up to today?
play games meet some buddies smoke some later

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee and a Cigarette

Plans for the weekend?
gaming and goin to some azzlack club on saturday

Anything special happened to you last week?
Cleaned up my room like a mad man looks like I just moved in now. so proud

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
Joachim Loew for not lettin dortmund players play

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
To stop time EHHEHEHEHE
good morning Fiji Wales PaRzi and Anonymous crossies,

What are you guys up to today?

end of my holidays are coming closer and closer, but since the weather is shit we are already running out of ideas of what to do during the days :D probably going to shop in the town, both saturn and media markt have special offers for cameras and lenses this week and I might take a look. been thinking about replacing my camera and selling the old one.

What do you have for breakfast?

I had a small piece of ciabatta we warmed up in the oven with nutella + coffee with sugar, no milk.

Plans for the weekend?

gonna watch football on friday evening at Germany kNoche's house, no further plans yet.

Anything special happened to you last week?

I was in italy! ;D this week nothing happened at all...

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?

my girlfriends cousin for getting a baby that is gonna be baptized the day of the Euro-Finale and I cant watch the warmup and such....
edit after watching "the video for wsk & knoche": the nossa guy :D

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?

I'd like to see be able to see through clothes for obvious reasons. then again, that is only a good superpower if you can turn it off when needed.

have a good day everyone!
Work till 18ish, beach after that. Relaxing with ma dudes plus some beers!
What are you guys up to today?
university, driving home

What do you have for breakfast?
milk kebab

Plans for the weekend?
party with soccer team

Anything special happened to you last week?

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
same as you

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
flying np

good morning, bye
<3 you Carla !

What are you guys up to today?
work, diablo3 :D

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee coffee

Plans for the weekend?
none yet, beside football and bbq ... will go to Poland Poland next week btw ... but not for EURO... have to work there T_T ... after that, 4 weeks long holiday !!!1111

Anything special happened to you last week?
I was 2 days in Leipzig ... also cause of work... but went around in the city etc, was really nice

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
noone ofc, i am a nice guy !

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
i did one as well yesterday and i was waiting whole day to see ur name... nothing :(
u ppl really bored:p
goooo day to u :D
nice to see you back
hehe not rly back but just a bit. missed that :) sup? tell me ur news!
Im back to England, stopped ET again (played 3 months). My ex-gf probably hates me so i am a bit sad now, but I try to be happy anyway.
Ohh and weather sux, raining almost every day :s
QuoteOhh and weather sux, raining almost every day

Same in Ireland :-(
What are you guys up to today?
Work, obviously, and tonight pub for the football!

What do you have for breakfast?
Two sandwiches with salad, tomatoes, cheese and turkey. And Mustard!

Plans for the weekend?
Friday evening to the pub for the football, afterwards clubbing.
Saturday evening to the pub for the football, afterwards clubbing.
Sunday evening to the pub for the football.
Maybe cycling during the day, I haven't touched the bicycle in 6 months and that is a bloody shame.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Nothing special. Except an hour ago when I received a phone call from somebody I went to school with. Before you say, that's nothing special: I work as a customer service agent and I only help people working for 2 particular companies, and half of the people calling me are dutch. And we're with 6 agents here, so it is pretty special yeah!

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
The Russian football team for losing against FUCKING GREECE

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
The power to control/stop time at will.

Feel good song of today:
Get practising and cycle around Ireland in the summer :D
I have been thinkin about that! Problem is, it always rains here!
And all my stuff is back in Belgium, but I'm going home for a week in july so I can bring it back with me.
That and Ireland is a little less flat than Belgium iirc! :P
Friday evening to the pub for the football,
Saturday evening to the pub for the football,
Sunday evening to the pub for the football.

I know that feel, studying op kot with almost no internet left and ofc no tv :D
I have proper internet, but apart from watching it in the stadium there is nothing better than watching it in the beergarden of a big sportspub where dozens of fans from both team show up and make some noise.
Especially not with the low beerprices the pub has, 1 pitcher for 10€ (1 pitcher = 3,5 pints = 7 pintjes).

They even made some stands in the beergarden of the pub, so you can all sit down when watching the big ass screen (almost half a movie theatre screen).
nice nice! I enjoy my pubs occasionally but lately with the EK ive been going every single day for 4 hours before and 2 hours the last games.. kinda got sick of spending so muhc $$ :D
What are you guys up to today?
Smoke weed and play some Bf3, tonight probably drink beers in any random dutch city.

What do you have for breakfast?
Some small baguettes with various spreads.

Plans for the weekend?
Got a birthday party @ saturday not sure what i'll be doing fridays

Anything special happened to you last week?
One of my better friends father was cremated on monday. Went to support him ofcourse.

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
This female colleague of mine, because she's just a bitch.

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
too lazy to write anything.

now going to bed and tonight drinking and clubbing

and yeah

what the fuck is this
What are you guys up to today?
Study, watch football, go to bed early for exam tomorrow.

What do you have for breakfast?
I never eat breakfast but had some pizza for lunch!

Plans for the weekend?
Friendly football match on Saturday and then on to Genk on Stage

Anything special happened to you last week?

If you could punch someone in the face without any consequences who would it be and why?
one of my old teachers

If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
X-ray vision ofc
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