new xfire,WTF TOOLBAR

Does some1 have the new xfire?

+ that stupid toolbar which i cant DELETE ?

Does anybody know how to fix it? :(

I know how to fix it.

What are you talking about?
xfire is shit, everyone discovered that like 5 years ago
How's it shit, plz do enlighten me.
its just another piece of crappy software that you dont need
So basically you don't have any facts about why does it suck, you just heard some1 else say it sucks as it's a mainstream opinion right?
No, i used it for a long time, before i realised i never used it anymore and that i didn't need it whatsoever
cmon jobro, i have some m8s i met on the interwebs who only use dat shit, so i use it since they dunno shit about irc :s
anyways, its indeed not superneeded but still a nice software to chat with some nerds even if it does more than communication stuff, i only use it to communicate tho
I use it for keeping up with my old gaming m8s! Well it is a chat program i guess...

- regular game definition updates
- quick login
- low resource consumption
- decent ingame

Lets compare to, raptr!

- Illegal, ignoring GPL license
- Annoying tooltips
- annoy your ICQ or MSN friends with info they don't need.

Or steam:

- slows down your entire computer
- bugs all over the place

yes its shit.
the low resource consumption is good, to be fair. By why have "low" consumption when you could have no consumption? I just don't see why its necessary, everything it does can be done without having another piece of software!

I don't know raptr, but there is no way you can compare xfire to Steam, they are two completely different things! Steam is pretty much an 'essential', as it is the only way to run a lot of games (FM12 etc), so although it is a fairly clunky piece of software it is necessary.
of course you can compare the separate services of steam as steam offers a chat / ingame / game hour tracking. And if your computer gets slow from 1 cpu cycle per hour then you really should consider buying a new one. I its not worthless at all, there are a lot of people that really need it and just because you don't understand what you can use it for or don't need it doesn't mean its shit. Also funny how you are talking about 'everyone', so I guess you are everyone?
It was okay back then, when you could store ET servers at favourites though..(and still can) Never use it anymore anyway so now I just find it completely shit. :D
that was handy to be fair, tzac makes it useless though
It doesn't if you share mulitply servers with multiply people to check which are full or not.
stupid bitch installed the toolbar within the update

image: fuckthat
pidgin + gfire = win
ubuntu / linux for video games = fail
ubuntu / linux for dedicated servers , vps , root = win

windows 7 / windows xp for video games = win
windows server 2003 / 2008 for dedicated servers, vps , root = fail
you know pidgin works gr8 on windows right?
then why u fuck u don't use the original xfire
because i only want one IM program. I use pidgin for msn,xfire,icq,facebook,gmail
Though, for everything but facebook (I think), xfire has support. Although Xfire isn't exactly the greatest third-party chat program going.
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