Shootmania - Looking for players!

So I started playing the alpha yesterday and I am actually quite impressed! For a game that is still in Alpha its pretty promising!

Is there anyone else in this community who is playing that speaks fluent English? If so let me know and add potty to your buddies list.

image: 421479_10151825937985062_1209288895_n
wat is this?
Try going to youtube. Lots of decent QL players playing atm. Played with Stengx and daheng yesterday and they were better to play with than randoms who dont know what to do! :D
QuoteStengx and daheng

Dont really watch or follow QL so I dont really care how you spell their names! Please go to the top right of your screen and click the red X and fuck off.
Nah I rather press alt+w
strenx dahang
Chill out poppy.
found a few gameplay vids. looks nice :) free alpha?
It is in closed Alpha testing right now. Kinda hard to get a key but apply for one anyway! I guess when it does more keys will be given away I am sure!
where do i apply?
You have to sign-up on the website :) just make a little research on google :)
yeah when i posted this i went to their website :PPPppPPpPpppp
Josh was saying you saw him on a public.
Yea, Just had a game with him a minute ago! Really enjoying the game and I worked out how to accept your friend request! :D
reminds me of playing ut2k4 instagib mode.
any major differences from UT and Quake ?
It's a really wierd type of game play. It would take me a while to explain so try youtube videos whoch explain game play. Played a pickup and seemed quite fun. Very balanced considering its alpha! :)
how to get this?
only pro get this.
awesome game yes : ) played it only once tho
System requirements?
same as trackmania 2 (canyon)
apply for beta key, google shootmania
looking for key pm me :(
Esr admins managed to arrange some alpha keys for a few select users / admins by just speaking with Hylis. Imagine the xf lot could do the same & competition out a few.
I was given some to give out to the Crossfire community on the condition that they give feedback on the Maniaplanet forums. That's how potty and some other people got their keys. I already asked them for more.
Make sure to give me one, when you get more :) Will owe you a beer!
Thanks for asking me, cunt.
have account that i have no time for use, anyone wants it? /q me on irc miNd` , might not answer till next week though cause of image: 150px-Karhu

know me atleast, no random homos.
already got 3 friends that wanna buy the game!
I play it time to time. Add mooc
More like Shitmania.
similar to trackmania or is it a shooting game?
It's a shooter; little research on youtube doesn't hurt
dont think i can run the game :{
i have the alpha, and with the specs in your profile, you'll be just fine.

i only have a dualcore and works fine for me.
oh, oke, ik heb me iig ingeschreven voor die key :p
You are a sick cunt.
I will be giving away 1 single key for alpha/beta. Be ready : #retro.eSports
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