The Dark Knight Rises..

Not long now till the release of the latest Batman movie. Hopefully it will be better than the The Dark Knight, which was pretty good and hopefully even better than The Avengers. Which was also pretty good.

It might be the last Batman film with rumours they are gonna kill him off in this film.

Latest trailer

image: anne-hathaway-1

He won't be killed, bad rumours are bad.

Movie will be fucking epic tho!
dont think it will be better than the dark knight, but i hope so
gonna be great :D
Looks good though :D
most trilogy's get worse and worse till the end, except for LOTR, which is the only good trilogy there is

hope this one won't be a disappoint, looks good though, although the hoovercraft thing is a bit exaggerated imo
It is Batman did you expect realism to the max?
never said anything about imaginary or realism? Just said that it was a bit exaggerated, my opinion
gonna watch at big ass cinema with my friends for sure.

havnt been to the cinema for months, watched all good movies at home lately but i hope this one is worth it :D
why Bane? :/
Because he is fucking awesome?
The Avengers shouldnt ever get mentioned in the same list as "The Dark Knight"
avengers is actually an overrated movie. was expecting so much more. I got disapointed... 2nd zonde movie.
I watched it aswell and ... méh... just a belowaverage action movie which made me smile like 2 times the entire time... Its soo.... typicial its not even worth watching
guess the only two times we smiled were with stark ? :D
doesnt The Dark Knight Rises imply that it tells the story from before the original dark knight? hardly think theyre gonna kill him off then :p
I think it implies the opposite -- he returns to rise again
It's the end of the trilogy, as in the end of Christopher Nolan's trilogy.
dark knight > avengers a hundred times.
Dark knight most awesome movie ever but never seen batman begins before DK !!!!111
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