Workout Routine?

What is your workout routine like?

As I'm really busy with university i m not able to go to my muay thai sessions 3 times a week. So i started doing most of the workouts at home.

3 x 20 crunches
3 x 20 dumb bell 12KG for bizeps
3 x 20 dumb bell 5 KG trizeps
3 x 20 pushups with claps
2 minutes neck to chest

+ Bulgarian Bag Workout for Core strength (12KG)
(squat with weight, running with weight, rotators ...)

20 minutes Hiit Cardio

TapouT XT
im about to start on this type of thing, my main worry right now is info about the apropriate diet, cant find infos =(

main routine for now is burn the fat, lots of cardio
I lost 10 kg in 4 months, no sweets or anything which is not healthy, much hiit cardio and more muscle training (the more muscles you got the more energy you burn without doing anything)
tks(i already knew about sweets, lots of people mention that as a big fucking must)

i also learned that i cannot into potatoes, best source of food is white meat(chicken without the skin+fat and turkey)
just eat only good carbohydrates (whole grain, vegetables), drink alot and eat enough protein fat (the good fats like omega 3,6)....
omega 3 has been found useless now I think, or maybe that is just in pill form?
dunno, could be. I don't take pills anyway. Getting everything from real food.
If you're serious about weight lifting, these are the most common and widely suggested macro breakdowns:

1g Protein/lb of bodyweight
0,45g Fat/lb of bodyweight
Rest of your calories filled with whatever you like.

Calculate your TDEE on some pages and track your calories for a week or two to see if you're losing, gaining or maintaing and adjust according to that. More calories if you want to gain, less if you want to lose.
Read the nutritional facts on the package and get yourself a digital kitchen scale to measure your food.

You can eat whatever you like (even potatoes or pasta zomg!) as long as you hit your macros and you can eat it whenever you like. You don't need 6 meals per day or any supplements. Try to get as much sleep as possible as this is the time you recover and 'grow'.

If that's all too much hassle just lift heavy and eat loads and check your results on the scale/lift improvements.

E: Current workout looks like this, 3 day split, twice a week (6 days).

[A] Back: Deadlift, Row, Latpull, Reverse Flys, Face Pulls
Legs, Abs: Squat, Calvesraises, Leg Curls, LegPress Abs
[C] Chest, Shoulder, Arms: Benchpress, Overheadpress, Latraises, Frontraises, Curls, Tricepsextensions

And for my macros, it currently looks like this:

- 220 protein (880 cals)
- 100 fat (900 cals)
- 820 cals left for carbs mostly (~200g)
Did you make a blog about your weight loss and how you did it? I need to read it since I'm a fatty :(
I got the blog in my profile. However I never really wrote how I did it, nor would I recommend all the food on there for weight loss :-P

PM me on irc or something. Guess it's easier than writing everything down in length on crossfire.

Chocomel is unfortunately not really an option :-(
I can make Chocomel work?
Sure you can! In moderation a can here and there shouldn't be a problem :-P
Chocomel is a great post-workout
Sean going to do an urtier?
Believe it or not, I have only been fat for the last 5 years or so. I was athletic as fuck before those days, fastest runner in my school and shit. I have always been "big" but muscular build, I played rugby for my school team and was always considered to look slow but run like a cheetah (LOOK, A CHEETAH!!), so the opponent would underestimate my speed a lot :D. My coach used to call me Forrest :D

I would like to lose maybe 70-90 lbs and be fit again. I just want to run, run, run, run. Just gotta cut the shit out my diet, too (except Chocomel).
some comments from my side

why face pulls on back day ? i guess you are cable pulling from below chest level ? else you work more the posterior deltoids or am i wrong

why overheadpress on the same day as benchpress ? Dont you stress your anterior deltoids too much ?

My Shoulderelements look like this: OHP , wide grip upright rows , face pulls ... switched from OHP , frontraises , lateral raises .. feel its more balanced

edit: also doing 3 day split x2 per week --- Legs Shoulders , Back Biceps , Chest Triceps
Face pulls are parallel pretty much, working the same as reverse flys. I just added them to help recover quicker from some shoulder injury. Not really training them heavy.

As for OHP it just felt pretty natural having them on the upper body/front day.
Haven't really been to the gym the last 2 weeks. So much work for uni and then even some injuries from playing football :-P
fuck yeah man

every single person reply's with how much protein etc you need, would be more helpful if you actually provided a list of cheap food with that
exact same issue. starting next week! If you find anything useful can you pm me? :)
Why are u posting it at gaming forum? :P
actually it s just publicity for this awesome track :D and i wasn't really active here the last months, when i left there were things like eating journals all over the forum :D
there are still some :)
Its summer so im getting shredded, FUAAAARK
i beat up hobos on the street cause that doesnt cost money and i actually learn something!
you used to be funny, what happened? :S
this is subjective how can i know for sure? gimme some examples.
fake Loekino :(
actually i am not trying to be funny or anything, i just bored and killing time. And there is a message in my message what could be missed easy but thats just cause you lack some cells dont blame me:@
i am ankry now bitch
isnt that a line from justin bieberlake?
50 sit ups
40 push ups
20 dumb bell for bizeps (15,5kg)
20 dumb bell for trizeps (7,5kg)
10 weight lifter (30kg)
and 5mins sixpack workout

per day
i just call it pussy workout, go to gym and lift some real weight in case u want any result
gym is overrated, furthermore i m training not to look like any bodybuilder but instead to achieve better results in thai boxing (core strenght, flexibility etc). And i bet the typical gym guys wouldn't be able to handle the bulgarian bag ;)

my friend can't do sits on one leg with his body weight and he is making on gym sits with bar, im only runnin(hill runs are involved in my train) and stretching and i can easily do a sit on one leg for 3-4 times, im not runnin a lot though
then you should also train chest, back and legs :D
never seen that thang, looks good for fighters etc
circuits are tiring as hell but with the best result tbh
indeed! :)
you wouldnt look like a bodybuilder without steroids anyway
true, but getting ripped abs and decent bi/trizeps is possible without such things.
I'm serious, try TapouT XT, it's awesome for core strength & all-over fitness. :)
reminds me of the stuff we do at the muay thai lessons.
Yup, my friend is a mma-fighter, he gave me this schedule, they follow it every 3months again at their fightclub :)
4 x food
3 x weed
1 x sex
1 x sleep
1 x sex
sounds good enough too survive
zeker dat je jalours ben op die 3x weed !
zo ff baggie van 20eu halen :$
-back & abs
-day off
-shoulders & shrugs
-biceps triceps forearm
-legs & abs
-day off
just runnin

monday: 10km medium pace
tuesday: 15km medium/slow pace
thursday: 3km hill run + 6km in medium pace
friday: intervals 8x1km fast pace
sunday: 18-23km slow pace
You like to run :D!
well actually, I love:p
Never heard of those games.
ask Sweden Alexander Lazarevic

or any polak cuz seems to be everyone is a pro bodybuilder
some cookies here and there
probiers aus, klappt super! ;D
ok! brb einkaufen ;D
today is biceps/triceps day, so:

3x10-failure 40 kg preacher curls
3x10-failure 16 kg inclined biceps curls
3x10-failure 22 kg barbell curls, put half of the weight down and do reps till failure

3x10-failure triceps dips between 2 benches, usually with 2x25 kg plates on my lab
3x10-failure 28 kg skullcrushers
3x10-failure 55 kg triceps pushdowns at machine
in the end again triceps dips with 2 benches till failure, without additional weight this time
bizeps/trizeps => nur arme an 1 tag?

ich mach bizeps/brust .. rücken/trizeps :XD

bin aber am überlegen, ob ich das tauschen sollte, da ein wenig abwechslung immer gut ist ;)
hab mir n bisschen was von zyzz abgeschaut:

mo is brust/schulter dran, di rücken + nacken, mi pause, do beine und fr bizeps + trizeps, sa+so frei, dazu halt jeden trainingstag noch bauch aber kein cardio :>
(during whole week)
runing few times a week, depends on how much tired I am (30-60 min of runing)
2x 1.5h basketball workout with team
5x 2-7h of overall basketball training on court(including runing, drible drils, shooting, pickup games)

will have to add some weights and swiming to this during summer, who needs rest & sleep anyway.
soz not gonna share my uber lifting program with weak nerds
dianabol is not a program
legit only sir.
ok walking more than 10 miles for weed is exercise
more like a fun trip with a friend that was really long time ago but if u say so
What do you lift? Your fingers to move in ET as the cheat does the rest for you? :)))
trying to have around 4 or 5 times sex per week
p90x working out 4times per day ftw
Sick atm, not training at all:/ Just the work that involves some weights sometimes :P

But I will try to start train 5 days a week, and have saturday as a rest day, sunday playing badminton.
Monday: chest + triceps + abs
Tuesday: cardio/hiit
Wednesday: shoulders + legs +abs
Thursday: cardio/hiit
Friday: Back+Biceps
Saturday:cardio/hiit +abs
Everytime I see your name I read it Cardio, is that a bad sign? :S
no, but cardio sucks:p i cycle 20 min to gym and 20 min back nowawadays, i arrive sweater than a motherfucker cuz i dont wanna cycle slow. And then i have to push weights and cycle back wich is even harder.
I didnt cardio at all since I started working out, I just have 5 km distance to the gym which I go by car ^^
my workout is dancing :x
rawr, dance for me
maybe, not sure, u?

sexy song
song is amazing =)
yeah im going this time for sure!
so u gna dance for me? :O together with all the other girls, in my room!
sounds like u wanna have table dance in ur rooom :)
i don't know of anything!

you gna make my body twitch?
:P i dont know anything of this!
real playa!
29 stairs down to the fridge
29 stairs up to my room
repeat multiple times per day
few pushups

1 cock pushup, that's all you need.
when i trickjump, it helps all my muscles
monday: chest+arms
tuesday: back+ legs
wednesday: abs+arms
thursday: chest+legs
friday: back+ cardio
saturday: chest
sunday: back+legs

5x25 dumbell 19.5k biceps
5x25 dumbell 12 triceps

bench 12x8 115k

leg workout 10x 235k
Quotewednesday: abs+arms


50 roundhousekicks to peoples faces, 4 times a week
something like this (but i also add running)

Day 1. Chest
Day 2. Back
Day 3. Abs - Shoulders(ONLY lateral)

4 x 6-8
guillotine benchpress
incline chest press

some of these Chinups, hanging leg raises, swiss ball crunch, bodysa, rkc plank, side-bends
(i tend to mix them up since i dont wanna do the same abs workout every time)

3x chinups
3x pullups
5x deadlift
2x kebab döner
1x tuna sandwich
1x calzone
1,5-3l sprite/water/coke/milk
I just started the gayest home workout program and I'm eating fuckloads of tuna and eggwhites after I'm done.

There's not a doubt in the world that I'll be ripped as hell in a few months.
The only workout I do during Euro 2012 is lefting my right hand up and down towards my face.

image: 00003010

1x 15 x 55 kg
2 x 10 x 60 kg
1x 10 x 65 kg

image: gym80_software

1 x 10 x 80 kg
2 x 10 x 85 kg

soulder / neck / back etc.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQM80fp0EwFlGvJEGSTHw-LdLHuGmlUK6ogK0EaFrnV_lIYARl0

also effects bizeps and a lot the lat muskel
1x 15 x 110 kg
1x 10 x 120 kg
1x 10 x 125 kg
1x 8 x 135 kg (max possible there)

image: 9369

also effects trizeps and breast
1x 20 x 30 kg / side
1x 10 x 40 kg / side
1x 10 x 45 kg / side
(1 x 8 x 50 kg / side - if enough power left, cant do it everytime atm)

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQsaELgWcT0zhdYtwsDt0WYWZRMi0q444e-JGbZbcD2Y5z0D4f0

also effects bizeps
3x 60 kg

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRcc2WMpdZtz920_GiilbLL5DLh2g7H1inoOYzC2Zo7kXARuOBZ

also effects trizeps and breast
1x 15 x 55 kg
1x 10 x 60 kg
1x 10 x 70 kg
(1x 8 x 75 kg)

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkdlnk0sgevx54JZ4S9amOSi3z9JfeJdKSH818AnNxEIP34Iqh

hardcore shoulder and neck press
1x 10 x 55 kg
2x 10 x 60 kg
1x 10 x 65 kg
1x 8-10 x 70 kg

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSp2VwKCli0UUVng8TgnTQ9-sfnO1lFedpRauUxa3z5YJ6k7Ib

doing this always at the end of the training, so not much power left :(
1x 15 x 70 kg
2x 10 x 75 kg
1x 8 x 80 kg / 85 kg

trizeps curl (other exercises already effect the trizeps a lot so this is the only special trizeps exercise i do)

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQehMvlwXxuOScgcbwDFApr6tqH2A8t5rvFs7-57ok65oOALlJw

also effecs a bit the breasts and shoulders
1x 15 - 20 x 100 kg
1x 15 x 110 kg
1x 10 x 120 kg
(1x 5 - 8 x 135 kg max possible -> it depends on when i do it, near the end of the training i cant make it anymore :x)

Yea, basically this is my workout routine i do everytime when i go to gym. Of course i do smth. for my legs also - doing random leg exercises 2x / week. Going to gym every 2nd day and overall since okt'2010. Got no special training plan, this works perfectly for me. 1,78 m and 89,6 kg this morning :o)
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
got these machines also at my gym, but tbh i dont use em that much.
Freeweights is the best you can train with, it demands more stabliization of the weight, thus using more muscles. Those machines take away all the stabilization since its movement in a fixed path.
i agree about the stabilization thing. But its a matter of ur taste. Personally i dont like freeweights that much and i am very happy with the result so far. Sometimes (once a week or so) i use the "normal bizeps curl"

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQq9-oXUFYgjEutVCD160Ckd6TuYTlkrIx0KpUm8VLdtgnonY_B

, also this

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRdmFtpNCJzCwt4L6l7M892ewCDm9hYgj6sKrff7krstN4RK8UT


image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRL77hJKxWC2tCblK3z3eR6rdjzPzq36L1Y7Xgr7HkTNsl_xvaA

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcShUIcTBdfSbC06v0xaJsK1pUNqe38CA_4W99ONYdcHvFflocG2

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTj5imLDe_Hl3mby16u4fxv0DhIem915yWIVxIepo1ZWeVfA6g

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZJI7wTWntNR81F2eH_xrYYiiR29ruuXFHxn78SbpqhYqg3YXoFQ

from time to time so it does not get that boring.

Better to explain what i mean with pics :P
too secret to share
real nerds dont lift, pfft
Monday: Press (531 BBB), Rows

Tuesday: Front Squat 3x8

Wednesday: Squat (531 BBB), Carries

Thursday: Bench (531 BBB), Rows

Friday: Squat 3x8

Saturday: Deadlift, Bench 3x8, Carries

Sunday: Rest
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