Bus monitor abused

I wish I could shoot these kids in the face.

thats why my lazy ass hasnt been on public transport for 5 years now, only scum riding busses.
But man these kids... I can't imagine the things I'd fucking do to them...
you just wish for a situation you can put all your hard work-outs to good use in.
socially accepted violence

e: but ill admit id prolly get quite mad myself.
did you see the amount of money people donated to her? fucking madnesssssssss
i know intimidation cannot be solved by intimidation but fuck these kids, hope they get beat up badly
Yeah but she's got like 500k given to her.
yeah but reddit
While this may be cruel, those are just a bunch of kids, jesus christ. Grow a pair, she's an adult - get over it already. She shouldn't even care or be bothered by it at all, if it gets to the point that you're being bullied by a bunch of 10 year olds, sorry, but you may as well just "deserve" it. How does one get through life like that.

I agree, however, these kids should be getting their skulls kicked in repeatedly, their parents probably even more so.
doesn't matter how long the busride lasted, EVERYONE gets mad or at least irritated when something like that happens to them ..
So when you react you're wrong? WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with this world?
These kids are fucking irritating, don't let them have their go, wtf?
When i first saw the video i thought; "fucking american kids" but then i realised, these things happen in Brussel or Antwerp aswell (Belgium).
YOU are what is wrong with this society, no offence, but if YOU think THE OLD WOMAN is WRONG for REACTION to such behaviour? wtf? Fuck you seriously :)
Respect for elder people, or unknown people ..where did that go? I've got no words for this, ESPECIALLY when there are people like you who say she (the elder woman) is wrong? ... Seriously, I feel sorry for you and your friends/parents/family.

Once again, no offence, i've read a lot of your previous comments and you seem like a nice lad, but this? no, just no ..
You failed to grasp my point. No, I'm not angered due to the fact that she reacted but much rather how she reacted. She let a bunch of 10 year old bullies get to her. She is an adult and a grown woman, regardless of the fact that anyone on the bus should and could have interfered and thrown the kids the fuck out, she did not have to take any of this. She doesn't bother to stand up for herself other than a wimpy "If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything", sorry but no. She could have gotten up and left, sit somewhere else for all I care or just tell those kids to shut up or for the love of god even smack one of those, I know I would have been when I was their age and would have attempted something like that. The problem right there is that she cared what a bunch of 10 year olds had to say, which only made it worse and fed the kids more and more to attack her for, she SHOULD know better. Again, she's an ADULT. Don't let a bunch of kids get to you.

You may want to try and read a person's post as opposed to randomly interpreting it yourself and throwing words into one's mouth. I've never even suggested anything of what you've described, as stated above. She could and should have stood up for herself, I have all the respect in the world for the elderly, I was raised that way, any disrespect towards an adult and I'd get my ass smacked - which is evidently something these kids lack, discipline.
from the moment you say a person should have reacted this way or that way, you are telling other people the 'action' that caused that reaction was normal. I can just go around town and chase a person for 30 minutes, and give him a slap or even a poke for every 1/2/3/4/5 minutes, every person has a breaking point.
That person will explode at a certain moment and hit me or insult me to release their anger, at that moment, i have the power to go to the police, and report them .. Oké, i overdid this one, but this is what you're agreeing to.

basically, what I'm trying to say is; you tell me she should have "reacted differently", but seriously ..
Why would she react without reason? Every person is different, everyone reacts in their own way ..
It's the ACTION that is wrong, not the reaction ..
Oke, if you kill someone, you're wrong .. but WHEN do you 'obtain the right' to push/slap/hit someone? Just sick how we are discussing about this, the kids are wrong, not the elder woman, djeezus, and if you don't agree .. fine, come to the next LAN (no i'm not going to beat you up) and give me 30 minutes to explain this "feeling". I will annoy the fuck out of you, and if you react in any other way that is 'acceptable' for the law, i'll sue you.
Maybe then you'll feel how that woman felt :)
You're still not getting it. I never denied the fact that the kids were in the wrong to behave that way, I'm pretty certain I've even mentioned they need their heads smashed in. Neither have I ever said that the women did wrongly or anything of that matter, I said she made it only worse on herself by reacting the way she did. She endured what you may refer to as "torture" when she did not have to at any given point during that entire video. She had the option to get up, sit somewhere else, ask the driver or any other adult for assistance or even go as far as handle it herself in whatever way imaginable, but no, she sat there, she didn't care to do anything but let these kids terrorize a grown adult that apparently cant manage to even defend herself verbally. With that being said, AGAIN, these kids have no right to do what they did and deserve a severe punishment for it, but at the same time SHE had the ability to walk away from it at any given point in time. SHE decided it's not worth it to stop it right there but instead just kept feeding them more and more to pick on her for, as an adult and elderly woman, which I'm sure has dealt with the odd situation in her life once or another, She. Knows. Better.

For clarification, I don't feel sorry for her - not one bit. I feel disgusted by the action of those kids and I also feel the neccessity to have these punished and taught a lesson, but I do not feel sorry for a person that had the option to stop any of that but just didn't care to.

Also I'm quite uncertain as to why the people on reddit felt the need to donate 500.000USD to her when there's a lot more ignored and worse issues going on world-wide on a daily basis that deserve attention and donation, but 500k to a woman that, yet again, had the choice to walk from it but didn't do anything about it because of whatever reason, is what annoys me.
I agree with you on one thing; "people donated her money while there's a lot more ignored and worse issues going on world-wide on a daily basis that deserve attention" but that's it.
Seems like i can't make my point clearly to you but whatever, world is filled with such persons.
She can't get out of the bus, she can't punch the kids, she can't be rude to kids. What to do?
Smack the kid?! This is 'MURICA, if she even touched any of the kids I'm pretty sure she'd be knee-deep in a lawsuit right now. :D But I agree, these kids deserve a good old disciplinary right hook.
you are fucking retarded
They gotta be dumb as fuck uploading this to youtube,seems like it's already viral,those damn retards will get their payback or they already got it,still dumb move uploading this.
douchebags around the world,nothing new.
image: Cvnmv
Yet another social media crusade, people sure like to keep themselves busy hating stuff and yelling death threats over the internet when in real life they wouldn't give a shit / do anything to prevent something like this happening
You must be delusional, if you actually think no one would take action. Not sure in what kind of fucked up country you live in.
Are you fucking kidding me? You know many times I have been on the bus and these black kids pick on others and I have stood up a bunch of fucking times.
Imagine that being your mother? You would want to slaughter these little fuckers
They're talking about doing cumshots and stuff like that? What are they, 10 or something? I hope they get beaten up so badly.
They need a bar around their faces, cheeky like fuckers
This is why I wish "God bless America" was real so I could shoot annoying and rude kids like that straight in the face.
Really sad, sad they need a bullit in the brain.
Well, she did make over 100k$ from donations. But yea, those kids should be punched.
she got like 500 000 euros now.
It's things like these where I just wanna take each one of them, and beat them untill they are sure they know they did something wrong. Really, fucking noob kids nowadays. No respect at all, I fucking hate that. I can already see it just 1-2 years younger then myself is like pretending they are Gods of the world or smt. I get so fucking pissed everytime they try to be so fucking smartass like.
I'd fucking drown them those dicks
seen worse
Battle Royal.. it's coming :o
I'm quite sure most of these kids are gonna brag about it until this video gets REALLY viral, and after that they will be living in a shitstorm and probably get hated on themselves
AfaIk the kids already got hundreds of death threats and receive protection by the police because there are tons of people trying to revenge the old lady. I think they got the lesson of their life and I fear that many people overreacted with their threats as they were only 13 years old kids.
So they already live in their self created hell.
Well, being perfectly honest, I think they deserve it.
You deserve to be able to think wisely.
grant me the ability to!
Think by yourself.
This world has some fucking real issues; let me resume the situation:

An elder, wich must be basically respected and listened for her life knowledge is being humiliated in public by kids.
The kids are having pleasure by doing that and it seems good and normal to them to do that.
The elder person doesn't even react by saying anything intelligent, wich would place herself above the kids in their minds, even though it would hjave surely not stopped them.
After that, people feel sorry by seeing the video on the medias and give her money to retreat.

What about all the others kids acting like this ?
What about all the others elders being not respected ?

This is the non-sense we are daily living in, the worst of it is surely the people donating.
Won't talk about the fact she is supposed to be the bus monitor, this is revelant enough...
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