Manic (Monday) Morning Journal

image: 28clw94

Good Morning Anonymous Crossies!

It's image: tumblr_lqe5lnD7rP1qaj5jro4_500 .... but it's also morning journal time!
Be a part of our movement, go go go!

Let's start with the usual 4 questions, shall we!?

What are you guys up to today?
Just got back from work, did some cleaning and off to university in about 3 hours.

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee coffee coffee and a glass of orange juice.

Plans for the weekend?
Finals are in 3 weeks so I really need to start preparing things.. but I probably won't.

Anything special happened to you last week?
I really need to delete this one... :((

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Why?
New Zealand... because it's beautiful :)

If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman/man, how would you spend your day?
Probably would play with my penis all day, try to do the helicopter, get completely shitfaced and start a fight.. I'm not gna lie.

Now it's your turn!

Shoutouts to:
Anonymous schnee <3 :*, Finland Panda, Germany wsk, Mauritania arclite, Baden-Württemberg Noorgrin, Estonia infi_, Anonymous knoche, Finland Thomm, Netherlands Mott4,
Germany FaKy, Anonymous nicon, Iceland tace, United Kingdom Rockskin, Czech Republic muflon, New Zealand iiky, China Gungy, Israel Matan, Anonymous, Europe #u|k

and Anonymous you! And United Kingdom YMCA`Marcus!

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Not so random Song
Random Video for wsk & knoche


-> just keeping because of reasons!!!! Stop stealing my journals!
What are you guys up to today?
Invoice work, job searching, metalocalypse, you.

What do you have for breakfast?
Tea and jam sandwich :3

Plans for the weekend?
Not sure yet, help you if I can! Maybe cycling somewhere.

Anything special happened to you last week?

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If you had a lot of money, where would i go on vacation? Why?
Finland beer, metal, good people, Norway metal, landscape, New Zealand because it's just awesome there though only been on south island :<

If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman/man, how would you spend your day?
SCISSOR YOU. Not sure, would be a bit freaked out at first then start juggling my boobies around.
That final gif never fails to cheer me up! :D

What are you guys up to today?

Work since 7:30 till 18 this evening, fml

What do you have for breakfast?

5th coffee already and shitload of cigs

Plans for the weekend?

Preparing last books for pl lan, got huge party on friday.

Anything special happened to you last week?


If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Why?

I'd buy an island and spend the rest of my time with gf there no work fucking awesome lifestyle

If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman/man, how would you spend your day?

I'd touch my tits and vagina :pppp

I'd flirt with faggots and reject them after like a true bitch
QuoteIf you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Why?

I'd buy an island and spend the rest of my time with gf there no work fucking awesome lifestyle

der typ gefaellt :D

goood morning my sweeetie <3

What are you guys up to today?
coffeeee, overlsept till 10 :o but well i dont care that much. need to finish my mix today but et got me again :'(

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee coffee coffee and dany sahne strawberry <3

Plans for the weekend?
hmmmmmmmmmm dunno... i dont plan :o

Anything special happened to you last week?
yes i installed et, bought a notebook, decided to go to enschede

If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Why?
southamerica for sure! why must be amazing. chile, mexiko, they have goood music there, wanna meeet all the peeepz ive met via inet so far

If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman/man, how would you spend your day?
touching it :D having sex to prooof the words men telling about having sex
Would have to visit Venezuela for sure!

Take a 4x4 to angel falls
image: off-the-beaten-path-in-venezuela

image: medina

image: playa_medina_venezuela_beach
What are you guys up to today?
Buying groceries soon, going to the gym after.

What do you have for breakfast?
Had some bread with tuna and a glass of milk after that a cigarette

Plans for the weekend?
I always make my plans around friday, so no clue yet

Anything special happened to you last week?
Made my final exam of the year, got enough points to continue to the next year of uni, so now i've got no worries and vacation!

If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Why?
I'd probably visit New York, want to go there for a long time already.

If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman/man, how would you spend your day?
Making some money, if you know what i mean ^^

Still at work, g2g to barber and beach (depends on the weather later on)

Nutella + bread

leaving for with full force on thursday (Leipzig)


been already in NZ for 4 weeks, its awesome!!

Would like to visit peru/chile

I seriously don't get these "what are you doing" journals.
What is there not to get... you answer the questions and share what you're doing. Are Polish people that fucking stupid?
:D Finish him off!
Oh, you got me there. I'm glad you explained why people love to share their boring and meaningless day with gaming comunity nerds they don't even know.
Well it seems a lot of people actually like posting such things and sharing what they're doing whether it is boring at work or drinking bears and fucking 666 chicks on the weekend like a king Finland and there are a lot of people on here who know each other (be it online or irl).

If you really didn't give a shit about such journals why bother wasting your time looking and commenting at it so the boring gaming community nerds can read your worthless post?
I'm amazed and I want to know the reason. "People like it" is weak. My guess is they just need attention and are bored to death.
That's quite alright :))
What are you guys up to today?
Dunno yet, forecasts saying it gonna rain today, so gonna stay home i guess

What do you have for breakfast?
Had sandwich with ham, cheese, and some salmon paste thingy

Plans for the weekend?

Anything special happened to you last week?
Dont think so

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Why?
Some Italian small town i think. Dunno :XD

If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman/man, how would you spend your day?
Hopefully not bleeding
Wow, those good morning journals are very professional and complex nowadays. Hats off. Just the boobs were kinda disappointing. :(
I want my fellow crossies to be happy :((
Plus I provided a nice side boob in the first random chick picture :D
The greatest joy is in the anticipation anyway. :P
QuoteFinals are in 3 weeks so I really need to start preparing things.. but I probably won't.

What kind of finals?
Last exams for my bachelor degree :) Forever unemployed!
Ah, stupid me. I didn't know something like that is also called 'finals' in English. I thought about sports, spelling bee or whatever. :X
A spelling bee? Yes, that's what I do in my free time... COME ON! :DD
Haha, no idea why I just wrote that. I'm confused about myself. ;(
Maybe it's because you secretly want to participate in one yourself! HA!
Don't reactivate my childhood trauma! >:'(
Would you like to spell the word "Sorry" for us? :D
You are so evil. >:'[
well since u r far away from ur finals. prolly thats why :P
Thanks man. Finally the "good morning journal feeling" is complete.
dat feel when im awake since yesterday studying hard
im on 800mg coffeine since then already yall mirin?

"sleep,i dont sleep,because i could miss the opportunity to be successfull"

What are you guys up to today?
first day back to work after 3 weeks vacation. awwwwwww yeah.

What do you have for breakfast?
I had a brezel.... trying to lose a few pounds before lan.

Plans for the weekend?
uhmm gonna meet up with a friend on saturday. sunday baptism-shizzle of my girlfriends cousins daughter and FINALE!

Anything special happened to you last week?
mhmmm dont think so.

If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Why?
there is still a few places I wanna visit like the US of fucking A, thailand, africa, china etc etc but since I am scared to fly I avoid places too far away. so maybe some day gonna make a world-trip with a ship or car :D

If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman/man, how would you spend your day?
I would have as much lesbian sex as possible. and clean the kitchen and make a nice dinner for my boyfriend/husband :P

mood is not the bestest right now. tired and feel a bit ill and boss is annoying a bit... but just a few more hours and first day is over again!
If you want to lose a few pounds send me some so I can buy beer ":D"

avi as your lesbian phantasy boyfriend thing, maybe!

sounds tempting, but NO! I want to be with a real girl, not some shemale thing that is a man on the inside! :DD
What are you guys up to today?
- Was supposed to have a free-day, but had to go to work :( 5h there, home now.

What do you have for breakfast?
- Coffee & image: 203050_100002223764920_7551209_n

Plans for the weekend?
- None, basic I think.

Anything special happened to you last week?
- Mid-summer-fest party, good times.

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Why?
- Not sure, haven't got any special place. Touring around with motorcycle perhaps.

If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman/man, how would you spend your day?
- I would jump in to a car and try pocket-parking and see what the fuck is the problem.
Quote I would jump in to a car and try pocket-parking and see what the fuck is the problem.

Indeed, I don't understand what the problem is... :))
QuoteI would jump in to a car and try pocket-parking and see what the fuck is the problem.

Hahaha :D
hey bro!

What are you guys up to today?
Probably gonna play Skyrim all day. Might whack out a bit of ET though. My life at the moment is a split between FM12, Skyrim and ET, and eating and sleeping. Boring as fuuuck men.

What do you have for breakfast?
gonna have some bacons in a sandwich i think

Plans for the weekend?
im going to my gfs in Kent(v near M25 though, so close to London) on thursday, so i will probably be seeing some sights or just chillin! :D

Anything special happened to you last week?
Got put on the insurance of my mums car, but apart from that, not much!

If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Why?
only one vacation? i would definitly want to go around eastern europe sortve area, would be fucking mint! but New Zealand/USA/Australia/South America somewhere would be mint too. Haven't been abroad too much, so i need to get some experience!

If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman/man, how would you spend your day?
woah! errrrm, would definitely masturbate, try to have sex, experience all that sortve stuff. Otherwise, just walk around and experience everything as a woman. Would be very very strange haha
sounds gay to me, bro..but hey, who am I talking to ;)
another day of staying indoors with my main bitch(dog ofc).
haven't had a beer in 7 days
haven't had a ciggarrete in 7 days


cant afford to do anything other than listen to music, read, dvd and throw a ball at a wall for several hours in a row.
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