oh yeah morning yeah

morning Anonymous crossies,

it's time for the master of morning journals to come up with one again!

so here come zeh awesome questions:

whats for breakfast?
brezel, again. I gained 5 kg in the last year, and my body decided to put it all in the belly area. starting to look like my father, who is the impersonation of a pregnant woman. so no croissants for me anymore!

what are you up to today?
working, nerding, being tired, studying (LoL)

any plans for the upcoming week?
girlfriend is away all week, only coming home only for one night this evening. so it's nerding and studying every day (again lol).

any festivals this summer?
YES! going to a local festival that grew pretty back over the last decade. started with 150 people, now its gonna be 24.000. bands arent that great, but boysetsfire are gonna play so I am happy.

vacation this year?
just came back from sardinia 1.5 weeks ago. was pretty nice, but expensive. didn't do much though, 90% was hanging out at beach or pool and eating :D

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well, well, well.... have a nice day everyone.

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random song

oh yeah shoutouts yeah:

Fiji PaRzi, Estonia Schnee, New Zealand iiky, Austria mia, Romania nebu, Switzerland Lady, Netherlands Kiim and the other Anonymous girls
Estonia infi_, Germany cuttyP, Germany kNocHe Costa Rica gungy, Netherlands Mott4, Baden-Württemberg Noobgrin, Finland Thomm, Netherlands dezire, Croatia severus, Scotland seanza, Finland Panda, United Kingdom tacer, Germany SsAP
everyone from Europe iNm, Sweden faggotfamily + United States of America bd
and Europe everyone else (incl. kipster + notorious) + Belgium Goku
morning, emanuel (I think?)

woke up, slept like shit, weather is fantastic. came back to my uni city, brought my bro with me to party and to show him the city a little bit. he'll be a freshman this fall.

breakfast? coffee & marlboro gold. same all, same all

what am I ging to do? dunno yet really. passed all of my exams, so I can do whatever the fuck I want. we'll see :)

next week? no plans

vacation? yes plz, croatian sea side some time in mid july


it's just manuel tough, not e-manuel... :P
Immanuel Katapulski
YEAAAAAAAAH MANU BRO! Gonna be at university all day, gotta prepare a fucking presentation for Thursday and haven't even started yet. My song for today. :)
andré-bro! ich brauch noch ne überweisung zum augenarzt fällt mir da ein :D
woah ich steh mal auf. fahr zur Arbeit. antworte dann. :) moin moin
Quotewhats for breakfast?

Coffee, 2 oranges, coffee and coffee.

Quotewhat are you up to today?

No idea yet, I decide spontaneously.

Quoteany festivals this summer?

No, thanks.

Quotevacation this year?

2 Weeks Wildlife-Holidays in Norway and 2 Weeks Beach-Holiday somewhere.

Quoteoh yeah shoutouts yeah... Europe everyone else

Thanks mate, 2u2.
Norway? I'm jealous :|
lol why? what could there possibly be to do here
Go out and take pictures :) Beautiful landscape!
well yeah thats true, if youre lucky enough to get a non windy and non rainy day I suppose :p
You have no idea how happy you can be to live there.
All I know is we never have decent weather. Ever. I'm sick of it :p
I must be lucky then. I was three times in Norway and there was always nice weather, just a few times a bit rain for a couple of hours. But it was in the summer.
Hell yeah. The aunt (Tyskerbarn) of my best friend got a summer house right beside the sea in the middle of nowhere.

http://h9.abload.de/img/foto0312dzah3.jpg (it's behind the house, like 20 metre away)

We will stay there for a couple of days, spending time with fishing, drinking, swimming, smoking weed, partying etc. Ok, just with oursleves but still...

Following this, we planned to walk across the country just with our sleeping bag and fishing rod, drinking water from the lakes and eating fishes. Like I know us we will cry for a pizza delivery boy after 2 hours of walking, but we will give it a try.
Where is that?
Around Hammersak or something like that. About 1 hour away from Sandnes.
Haha yeah, hommersåk. You're not gonna be far from me then, as I'm living in Stavanger (the big city 10 minutes from Sandnes)
Yeah, I was in Stavanger for a couple of times. My favorite place to be of the big cities, even better than Oslo. Sounds like an invitation - we are 4 persons and expect at least a crate of beer as alcohol is so fucking expensive anyway. I will call you 5 minutes before we arrive.
Hah, as if I can afford buying alcohol. I'll probably be in the process of moving to Trondheim anyway ;)
NP, we will walk to wherever you are.
drinking water from the lakes and eating fishes - sounds like a fairytail


we will cry for a pizza delivery boy after 2 hours of walking, but we will give it a try. hmmmmmm destroyed everything :P
It was just a joke - we are like Rambo, Chuck Norris and McGyver together. Just in need of a paper-clip and we will kill 7 elks within 30 seconds, np.

Edit: What's fairytail?
what the hell are elks??! if u kill an animal ill hate u....

fairy tale*
sry for wrong spelling... its my life id like to have.
image: elk_running

We have to, we have to - else they will multiply and gain the world power. You need to be thankful, I save your life!

Quotefairy tale*

I have to google for that, never heard of.
ok no huepfburg for u. im sry. ride ur elk me will ride the horse.! bAAAM!

Oooh, what a double standard. I hope you know Danny Sahne Strawberry is made of kittens?
I dont think there is anything natural in dany sahne... if they used kitten, it would be some chemical artificial shit too xD
Meeensch, du musst doch richtig hinhören. Bei Froop kommt die Katze nicht mehr in den Becher sondern in den Mixer! Bei Danny Sahne Strawberry weiterhin direkt in den Becher.
:P Sssshhhht, schnee doesn't need to know about it.
thats froop
phhhhhhh.... its still on my desk not touched. will give it someone else :P
Milka Torte isn't an alternative. It's made of cute little calves.
yummie yummie and its soooooo tasty. was jsut about to tell u that it was so TASTY yesterday....
Ahhh pfff, I don't care. The cabbage and tuna tasted sooooooo much better.... not. :'(
reminds me of skyrim
We are much more bloodthirsty, no doubts about that.

at least thats what the guys from "survival duo" say :DDD
What's the survival duo saying about elk urine?
that was never the subject in the episodes I watched... but I remember when bear grills wanted to drink but there was only water with bird shit in it. he used an enema! :D
Wtf, i prefer to die due to lake water than doing this.
I hate you... at least a tiny bit!
I never loved it so much to be hated like in this case. Feel free to join us, I got a 2nd sleeping bag.
:DD I'm jelly like a jellyfish! Take pictures and share them, will you!?
It might be a problem to persuade my mates to wear pants, while taking photos. Apart from that it's no problem. Any special wishes?
I wna see landscape landscape landscape :D And a deer!
Damn it, you didn't fall for the trick. I hoped you would say something like: 'I wish your mates won't wear pants on the photos'. So I wouldn't have felt so cheap anymore for my bad joke the last time.

Landscape - CHECK
Landscape - CHECK
Landscape - CHECK
a deer - CHECK
:( I will get you, some day...
According with cf rules and thommie rules this journal should be deleted.reason:we don t allow spam on cf there is already a journal with this subject.of course this will not happen.wsk and tom playing same team and e buddies so the sytem will not work.being against the system and having a dif oppinion makes u hated.anyway there was smt similar last week from who else?parzii.well those questions are so damn nice that i have to go to take a dump.i m gonna show u soon how this journal should be.kiss u my dear parziii
according to common sense you should be deleted
Common sense u say?name one time when u or others have been nice with me and i not
never did anything to you did I?
don't even try to talk yourself out of what you did!! WHAT YOU DID, MANUEL!
but but... I didnt do aaaaaaaaanyyyyyyyyyyyything :D
Are your pants on fire yet?
they should be, YOU STARTED IT ALL!!!!
I got friday off muahahaha
fick dich MUAHAHAHA!!!
according to common sense you should be deleted
Was trying to make Your journal look gud.this is how u repay me:-(.i m so sad now
according to common sense you should be deleted
according to common sense you should be deleted
Honey,i think panda found out about us and now he gelly.
let me know when you're done trash talking behind my back :))
making threats against a girl, you're so manly.. oh no wait, not manly. pathetic! idd, that's what i meant.
honey i did nothing behind your back,as much as i remember.i dont make threats i just make sweet promises.kiss kiss
according to common sense you should be deleted
Bit early in the morning to be so bitter, relax man
Please, learn to put spaces before new words after you've used punctuation.
QuotePlease, learn to put spaces before new words after you've used punctuation.

Quoteyou've used punctuation.



image: 661e77020bb4106fd13bc08e5427a07d
QuotePlease, learn to put spaces before new words after you've used punctuation.

Quoteafter you've used punctuation.


image: 661e77020bb4106fd13bc08e5427a07d
he hates me cuz apparently i've never been nice to him :(((( like that's even possible
it is possible,but not when u are a cunt
Worst chicks this week!

congratz :)
whats for breakfast?
- Coffee & cigs

what are you up to today?
- working, nerding, being tired, studying (LoL)

any plans for the upcoming week?
- Football, one goodbye-party for exchange-student, work.

any festivals this summer?
- Maybe just the local punk / alternative http://www.hassakkapaivat.com/2012/ , don't really have time to go anywhere further and the bigger festival hasn't got anything good this year.

vacation this year?
- In October, haven't got any plans for it.

EDIT: And oh, today our horsie has his birthday, 3-year-old. HB image: 562777_378369952222830_609660853_n
HB Horsie!! :D
HB with the horse Thom!
HB horsie!! =)
I thought your horse was called Callela Longshot, after a Finnish painter.
It is his real name, but "Sulo" is his nickname.
Sounds like the title of a bad porn movie.
make a journal then!
Im so sleepy :(
Teacher is telling us stuff about CSS, not listening at all and the ADD kid is sitting right next to me.... AWESOME!

Whats for breakfast?
Coffee & shake

What are you up to today?
University, office, university

Any plans for the upcoming week?
Studying i guess.. maybe not.

Any festivals this summer?
Heidenfest :))

Vacation this year?
Been to Wales ofc, Netherlands in September :)
CSS? That bastard, stand up and praise ET there!
good morning :)

Whats for breakfast?
few slices of bread in a hurry, as usual

what are you up to today?
working, nerding, being tired, studying (LoL) <-- thats exactly my plan too, though studying at work... if only i'd finally get myself to start already :/

any plans for the upcoming week?
none what so ever

any festivals this summer?

vacation this year?
just had a week off, just staying at home though, probably not going to have any real vacations this year.

QuoteI gained 5 kg in the last year
wonder how that could have happened, you seem to barely eat anything *cough* xD
I don't eat that much... for real :D I eat rather unhealthy but I don't eat a lot and I am not really fat, just thin arms + legs but fat belly that doesnt look too great with tight t-shirts etc :P
really sounds like you were just eating junk a lot ^^
was probably just because of your lunchbreak posts, that i now think of you eating constantly all day long :P
haha yeah probably :P probably gonna be mcdonalds today, what a coincidence...
- i never make breakfast
- reading shizzle for uni
- nope
- do not care about festivals
- nope

very nice pictures!!!
Exactly the same as yesterday except its now 8 days.
I don't eat breakfast
Gonna watch tv probably action movies all day and then sit in the garden reading cuz its nice and sunny.

Quote by moianother day of staying indoors with my main bitch(dog ofc).
haven't had a beer in 7 days
haven't had a ciggarrete in 7 days


cant afford to do anything other than listen to music, read, dvd and throw a ball at a wall for several hours in a row.
its morning already ?! didnt slept for 30h and cant sleep :(
oh yea watched some pauly fag d yea?
whats for breakfast?
Ate some blended Netherlandsbanaans, Germanykiwis, apples and peaches

what are you up to today?
Hoping the sun keep shining, then some football after friends get home from work

any plans for the upcoming week?

any festivals this summer?
Yes, summersound festival, Tiesto, Dash Berlin, Armin van Buuren, ATB, Gareth Emery etc.

vacation this year?
whats for breakfast?
lol nothing, cig maybe

what are you up to today?
oral exam retake (introduction to literary theory), dunno shit :D

any plans for the upcoming week?
being sick, Euro 2012+another oral retake (British Literature)

any festivals this summer?

vacation this year?
going here and there (Stuttgart, Krakow, Kostrzyn, Szczecin, Lublin)

enjoy your morning CF
Lublin, what is this? Poland Dublin? :D
here we gooooooooooo =) arrived at work

whats for breakfast?
coffee and again i got a dany sahne strawberry

what are you up to today?
working, nerding, being tired, no music today just finished my last yesterday

any plans for the upcoming week?
my new notebook will arrive today so i guess i stay home for testing and nerding. feeling bit sick. dunno if i want to party :)

any festivals this summer?
nothing planned. fusion ist next weekend but i didnt get tickets.
festival will be enschede for me :D

vacation this year?
nothing planned, since i never plan and i have new job till august, so i wont get much hols. planned it prolly london end of july (a week) an enschede/Amsterdam


I do not really like any danny sahne, but strawberry is probably the worst xD IGITT!!!
my colleague brings me one every day. shall i say IGIIIITT??! :D
ahahaha that wouldn't be polite I guess :D
you have to convince them otherwise, buy landliebe schokopudding for everyone, then they will notice the difference :P
awwwww i would kill for landliebe + leibnitz butterkekse in it <3
we have 20 ppl here cannot afford it plus im leaving in a month this company no need to convince them about their taste :P
ah yeah right, then it would be a waste of money, for the people in the old company xD
Wasn't your mix a bit soft/slow to be Deep House?
well lets call it soft girlie house then? :P dunno how its called :D
I know what can cure your new weight! Quark bällchen and chocolate croissants :D

whats for breakfast?
Usual with tea

what are you up to today?
Job hunting and maybe movie

any plans for the upcoming week?
Same as yday

any festivals this summer?
Maybe at image: Heidenfest2012

vacation this year?
Germany Netherlands not sure of any more yet!
They are the best! :D
yummmi yummi love iiiiiiiiiiiit
obwohl man auch gleich ein fritiertes zucker-butter-gemisch essen könnte xD
neee so baellchen form bringt es einfach doppelt. das ist wie gefuellte reisbaellchen frittiert. wooooooooooah ich liebe es :D aber so in schnitzel from faend ich es net geil D
whats for breakfast?
Some meat with rice as i woke up now! :p

what are you up to today?
hardcore tennis and ET later :)

any plans for the upcoming week?
Tennis, tennis and tennis! girlfriend if i find some spare time

any festivals this summer?
Reggance Reggae!

vacation this year?
No holidays for true men! Working during 2 months :(

I'm eating muesli with quark atm! Going to make my presentation for communication tommorowz, need to give a pitch to my teacher.

Going to Solar, in August I believe, it's a pretty big festival, will be my 2nd this year. Shit is expensive :{

Plans are just as normal actually, but without school :D So sleep, gym, work. And Ill start doing cardio more this week!

Vacation will be in London and Berlin! :D
whats for breakfast?

Ate 2 sandwiches with chicken, cheese, salad, tomato and egg this morning at 6.30, ate another sandwich with egg and onion around 10.30.

what are you up to today?


any plans for the upcoming week?

watching the football, obviously!

any festivals this summer?

No, I'm not a festival fan

vacation this year?

yes, 1 week to Belgium and a few days to Bretagne
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