happy birthday faks

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My ego celebrated his fifth year

Happy birthday Bro

Member For:

5 years and 0 days

image: private-category-bienvenue-img

Flame on !!
HB rouilla ! :D
<3<3 khoya :D !! thanks

image: troll-face

lovely lips
HB a ton ego, t'es sexy.

change pas t'es toujours cool et là pour me remonter le moral lol mdr.


Trou Du Cul TMTC <3
Ta vu mec, belle gosse mon ego, c'est la meuf avec "Bienvenu chez Prada"

Et le mec que j'ai mis, c'est le meme mec dans le film la Haine (c'est a moi que tu parle), quant il etai petit, il a grandi mtn il fait du manquina..

TMTC > Toi Mange Ton Caca ??
Toi Même T'es Con
vodafone caralho, thanks fofinha
wow, the 3rd biggest retard this community has, is a member for 5 years...

3 biggest retards:
1st: bozar
2nd: seareal
3rd: faks

the 3 most braindead scumbags:
1st: faks
2nd: faks
3rd: faks

You make my day :D, wasnt in the mood, but now :D<3

thank you for this acknowledgment

The 1st biggest mad about some 3hs or kicked on some serves ....


image: Trisomie_21_illustration_artlibre

woow handsome rooky
Next time make a Poll on CF, we will see :D
take INGLESH lessons before u talk!
I like how you talk, you have nothing else to say?

You have all the time "learning English", change the tape, we are in 2012

Hey man, I finished school I am on vacation, so the English I dont care. Big bastard.

return fuck bunnies hitler And let my journal clean with your messages of my two


Fucking bastard

image: 63348382_p

Fucking RACIST

Kill your family and open the windows and jump, you are useless in this world

Kill your fucking racist dad, kill your face

Or I will


See you later


(nice expression)
WAT? now in a language i can understand :XD..

how can i kill my face? :o

o wait, if i do that i look like u :)

lowskilled scumbag, why dont u quit this game already? :)
but ure amusing me so keep the flame on u dumbhead
Ja change the tape :)

Since know u, only "lowskilled scumbag; dumbhead ; ..."

Thomas Fahr / scow sound like no personality, no originality,

you are a dog without head

careful your little white ass, you gonna get raped by the turks

still Game over

see you scow
1st: muslims, turks and other retards who believe in god should be burned! :D
2nd: how can a dog live without a head? O_o
3rd: tape? X_x
4th: think before u talk Abdsammath sawari :XDDDDDDDDD
5th: how can parents call their child abdsammath???? :XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
6th: game is over for you since youre a debased cunt :{D

got u there huh? now please, do another reply so i got smth 2 laugh about!
1st : before speaking, informs you of the origin of the name
2nd : you are nothing, oh yes an asshole
3rd : What did you do in your life, kissing, smoking, drinking, and rock am ring? nice life
4th : You will say it's funny and we have one life
5th : I'll answer, you stink the piss nonstop
6th : you try to find a loophole to have the last word, but do not worry, in this area, I am better than you

7th : its not "Abdsammath" but "Abdssamad" fucking dumb fuck

8th : back to school to learn reading
9th : the game is over, since you came out of grandma's vagina

"scow : got u there huh? now please, do another reply so i got smth 2 laugh about!"

image: Quand-le-troll-te-pisse-dessus

Owned, ;)
I forgot to say, again, you still proves that you're parents miss originality,

they took a book, the first name they found was Thomas: D

While my real name was wanted, he has a form, a sense ..

An original first name.

While Thomas is common :/: D

See you gringo :)
boy, i understood the half of your replies...

to 3rd i can just say: i got a girlfriend (3 years now), im goin 2 many parties and ye im smoking, sorry but if thats nolife u didnt understand the meaning of life...

life's short, u'll die anyways, with 40 or with 90... i dont care about, but atleast i can say, that ive had a great life with my friends and stuff...

Rock am ring is a festival on that ure drinkin and smoking every day + listening 2 live bands, so dont tell me its nolife... u just dont get the point of it mr. saudi arabia..

to 7th: idc about names ive never heard, i just remembered it cuz u told me someday... abdssamath abdullah abdi .. all those names are to firing bonfire...

to 5th: thats not an answer 2 my question..

now really, continue school, englisch is a worldlanguage and ure not even nearly able 2 speak it.. u got a poor life with your believings in god, drinking no alcohol and goin 2 no parties... great life, i prefer being shot in the back than living like you..

See you mr. i dont know that i descent from monkeys :DDD
do u rly think that it was "god" who created the humans? boy, go to some religion-lessons, mayb even before u try 2 learn english.. cu boy :)
Lol i dont care about ur life dude

I dont stink of piss nonstop, I wash five times a day
My feet are cleaner than your face from monkey with your ears that act as sailing boat

My religion allows me to respect people, not to be racist, like your uncle as a father.

Many scientist, philosopher are entered in the Muslim religion.

Like Commander Coustaud, who discovered that there was an invisible line that separated the salt water to water fresh, and that in the Quran it is written.

Many athletes like Mike Tyson, Thierry Henry, Ibrahimoviche, Franck Ribery ...

Inform you about this religion, before you speak.

Anyway my life is great, i have all thing i want, if you are non beliver i dont care..

Stay in this way, the way of piss, drugs, and wow the festival ROCK AM RING

Stops to tell me your life, I dont care, I have other things to do
you playing your clever behind your screen to 19"

Do not worry I'm a real, I'm not afraid of the death,

my belief that only is killed mangy dogs as your descendants shit, scow

Rap French from a nigger african a prob ?

I prefer to eat halal sheep, that your gay pig shit



Try to be a racist front of turks and arabs ppl

Just know smth, The ppl like me, the belivers of God, they are not afraid by the death..


change the tape mdr
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