Pag>Novalja>Zrce 2012

Hi to you guys,
well to make it short, im heading to Crotia for 10 days from the 7th july to the 16th july, going there with 5 of my friends.
We are about to book our fly from paris to split then take 2 bus , on to get to zadar and another one to land at Novalja.

I would like to know some informations, first of all, we are willing to book a flat but we dont know yet if we should book it trough internet or directly from Novalja, we want to be as close possible to ZRCE beach, so i guess Novalja is the best place to rent a flat at ?

Second thing is about the food, how expensive is it there to eat outside,like restaurant for a lunch for exemple?
Is there any fast foods?
What about drinks?

If you got any tips,advices suggestions please let me know!

Cheers buddies, thanks for the help :)

image: aquariustits
food and drinks are cheap, dont worry about that :) and yes there are loads of fast food cabins. :-)
What you mean by cheap ?
Thanks for the infos
Oh putain tu t'exiles l'arabe !

hf :D
best place to party !!!!!!!!

take enough money for alcohol with you ;D
Yo, I was on Pag three years ago. Was awesome!
It's absolutely fine to rent an apartment over the internet somewhere in town. To the party beach it's a short bus ride for about 1 euro per way.
As far as I remember there was no McDonald's or Burger King or so. Just normal restaurants for normal prices. And DO NOT go to that mexican restaurant in town. They tried to rip us off big times.

Another suggestion: When you leave the island and you got a day left or so, stop in Senj. It's a really small village right at the sea with one night club called Magnum's. When we went there we were practically the only guys. Ratio was about : 3 guys per 7 women, and out of those 7 about 4 were stunning. It's worth it. :-) Really easy to get an apartment there aswell.


PS: If you are bored during the day you can also go to the Zrce beach early afternoon already. The music will be pumping.
haha nice infos thanks!
Whats the average price for a lunch or a dinner on those normal restaurants?
Was there any supermarket arround?

What about ratio on Zrce beach :D?
Ehm, I'd say around 6 euros or so?
Yea, there are plenty of supermarkets do buy your alcohol. :)

About the beach: People were quite old and there were (obviously) way more men around than women. How old are you? I was 18 and I felt like a baby, haha.
22, but i heard that ratio and nationalities depends of the periods for example 1st to 15th july etc..
props to anyone who can stay on zrce for 7days T_T
Why :D? Cant stand partying hard 7 days in a row :D?
it kinda gets boring imo, I guess you could party hard 24/7 for 3 days and then go somewhere else
been at all 3 places, all are shit
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