
good morning my fellow Anonymous crossies. and Finland wsk.

I didn't post a morning journal in ages, WHAT THA FUCK! so it's about damn time again.

today is zeh busy day before the long weekend. tomorrow is some weird christian holiday and on friday we're forced to take off and the office is closed. not that I am complaining about it :D 4 days off, FICKJA.JPG!!!1!!!11!!

as usual, people are supposed to answer a few smalltalk-morning-journal-questions, which are today:

what was your breakfast?
Just coffee & cigs. I am about to start a diet.

how are you gonna spend your day?
Work first, then going-away-party for one exchange-student, football somewhere between, then more party, maybe karaoke

any plans for the weekend yet?
Nothing planned, business as usual I think.

image: Jessica2

Sin City 2 is in production (again), can't wait <3

the epic shoutouts from old journal:

Fiji PaRzi, Anonymous schnee, New Zealand iiky, Austria mia, Romania nebu and the other Anonymous girls
Estonia infi, Germany cutty, Costa Rica gungy, Baden-Württemberg noor, Finland wsk, Netherlands dezi, Croatia severus, Scotland seanza
everyone from Europe iNm, Sweden faggotfamily + United States of America bd
and Europe everyone else (incl. kip + notorious). And pity-shout to United Kingdom potty ofc!
Good morning Thomm
It's going to be a semi-important day. Going to the Supreme Court to hear oral arguments, then studying for the LSAT the rest of the day and going shopping in the late afternoon. :D
Do some shopping for me too, I need new jeans and shoes, just cba to go and wonder around the city, I hate shopping...
Shop online!
I don't know how :( Shoes I might find, but no way I can find good jeans without trying them out first.
Find a GF -> Have her go shopping for you -> Profit. (^o^)
Wanna go shopping for me? :D
Is that supposed to mean what I think it means...? :D:D:D
I think if you think what I think you think it might be exactly that :D
I don't see my name there Thomm. Very upset now, probably going to listen to some spice girls to cheer me up... THANKS
Hey, don't blame me, blame wsk, I just stole the list from him.
You need to edit this journal to be all about me to make me happy!
Happy? Flag isn't working for some reason, hmm.
I will let you off this once. Next time I wont go so easy on you and we will have to have a pillow fight at lan.
you did not, your list is far shorter, CERNSORSHIP!!!

PS: the questions are not original, atleast add one or two diverse ones aswell :P
I was sneaky and took an older one from him. And no time to be original today.
how's it going with your new field of interest? learning still fun? :D
Cereals at breakfast : image: product_2670266b

Have a tennis tournament @ 3:30 pm, going to have some warmup at 12 o clock!

Nerding hard in the evening :p
With milk? I used to love those with milk & strawberry-jam when I was a kid.
yeah with milk of course! I don't like cereals in general when it's dry
Had 2 toasts with Salmon and shallots for breakfast
Gonna work from 15:30 to 23:00 again :(
And probably spending the weekend on the computer except for maybe Saturday, going to Couleur Café :)

Have a nice day/weekend Thomm :-)
What was your job again? Something with answering the phone?
Yeah, for Touring Assistance. It's like Roadside Assistance abroad.
Sounds annoying.
It's cool, co-workers are great
Yea, but I ment the customers, asking stupid stuff and not understanding and bla bla bla.
It's chill. Most of the times it's just opening files and sending a depanneur :)
That's what I'm talking about <3
what was your breakfast?
I usualy never have a breakfast

how are you gonna spend your day?
Nerding behind the pc , Go to school to give my schoolbooks back to them , Nerding behind the pc.

any plans for the weekend yet?

Nerding behind the pc .
No shoutout :((

Anyway, breakfast as usual. Don't really have plans yet other than job hunting, reading a book , music, maybe prac later? :P

Weekend plans still the same.
Was about to pop out Kurt Vonneguts "Fates worse than death" -book yesterday, but apparently I have loaned it to someone but can't remember who :/
Sneaking around in the office, cuddling with Maggie :)) Byeeelio
Give her a big hug from me, make sure she isn't working too hard :)
The guys here bought breakfast this morning and got her a big piece of sausage from the butcher for lunch :D
what was your breakfast?
Already 4-5 cups of coffee :-D
First meal will be a big ass lunch at 14cet or so

how are you gonna spend your day?
Already wrote a job application and bookmarked a few interesting companies. Gonna write them in a couple of days. Will go shopping in some minutes to buy some quark and snacks for tonight's football! Other than that I guess I'll still head to the gym, study for an upcomming exam and finally start writing on my master thesis (42 days left and 0 pages written, oh dear :-))

any plans for the weekend yet?
Master thesis all day long :-|||
What is "quark"?
Curd! It's magical for curing sprains and chest colds too!
I still got no idea what that is.
Ye, curd, quark, cottage cheese. I think there isn't a real translation for it as it's a pretty German thing. It's basically a low fat cream cheese, slightly sour. Low in fat, low in calories and high in protein - perfect for a diet ;-D.

Have been out drinking and eating quite a lot recently, gotta watch my figure :-<
Oh, it is healty? I though it was something like image: juustodippi. Sounds good though.
I'd consider it extremely healthy. It's been THE staple of my diet for the last 2-3 years. Cheap (0,68€/500g) and extremely versatile to use.
And now I know what you mean! It is good.

Panda showed me a image: 20_cut_curd_phase_2_P3120273 and I was thinking about that. I should never trust a brit/welshie on anything that concerns food, what do they know.
I was only showing you an example!
We have image: IMG_0387 and stuff though! :)
Considering that you are/were on a diet - is that really healthy to drink coffee (especially, so many cups of coffee) before eating a decent meal? I think I heard that to be fit, healthy, well-fed etc. you first have to eat breakfast (a solid breakfast) to don't be so hungry during the rest of the day, and automatically you won't need to eat so much for lunch/dinner.
Doesn't really matter when you eat first of all. A lot of ppl find it easier to get over the morning with a breakfast and automatically eat less in the other meals. I guess I'm a bit different as it needs quite an amount off food to get me full/satiated, therefore by skipping breakfast I can have larger portions throughout the day, even on a diet. If I ate breakfast, I'd still eat the same amounts at lunch or dinner and therefore overeat most of the times.

As for coffee, I don't know, I don't really care that much either atm. I love the taste of fresh black coffee!

The approach I'm following is called lean-gains or intermittent fasting. You can find out more about it on including several health benefits of short term fasting (16-18 hours).
Very informative site! Been reading quite a bit on there so far and went through the leangains guide etc so far.

Still a bit more reading to go but have been trying to set a routine to work out now.
Don't really need to lose weight, but more lean/muscle growth and some of the stuff on the site is useful for me :-)

What supplements do you take if any? Have this on my list to get in time and get some new fish oil capsules.
I am mixing flax seeds into some meals to take in a bit of omega3 but that's it pretty much.
morning all =)

what was your breakfast?
I usualy never have a breakfast

how are you gonna spend your day?
work... tonite testing prolly my new laptoph ... got it yesterday. nerding on irc /vent with jiminiiiiiii and playing some 3o3's hopefully!!!

any plans for the weekend yet?
depends on weather.. beach would be nice.
otherwise nerding :D

ah btw tonite they play a new mix from me at radio from 8-10pm
this is what im doing

and the one ive made these days, really went crazy. and got some requests alrdy. didnt expect that but im a happy hippo girl =)

have a nice day all.

shout to parzi <3 :*

ok ill share her with only this welsh guy nothing more. BOOOOOOOOOOOM <3
You so kind to share :3

guten morgen! new mix seems good, already 724 views! Last I clicked was 5 :D
hehehe. hope its okay for u ;) <3

mix went awesome. :o got some requests alrdy for radio show and a live gig :O
im more than surprised tbh!!! :)
That's awesome :D Will you do live show or not just yet?

When is next mix out? x)
recording atm. need more space in my appartment for live. but this is planned for next weeks.
uuuhm next mix tonite :) 2hours :D
wow, congrats!
heheh thank u. im so fucking proud of myself haha =)
You asked to shout to parzi, so I just did.. :( Don't be mean to me please :<
i didnt ask to shout at her. i spreaded y love in this journal about her . so still mine!!
stop shouting at me :(((
What was your breakfast?
Coffee & shake shake shake

How are you gonna spend your day?
At university... bleh!

Any plans for the weekend yet?
Movies <3

Off to university, byeeeeeeeeee :)
didn't eat yet, so only cigarettes...

spend the day. doing nothing mostly, gotta run some errands, maybe drink some bears and/or play basketball and probably euro in the evening

weekend plans: probably 3 bbqs in a row, again...

Quotewhat was your breakfast?

Vegetables salad with chicken + Coffee

Quotehow are you gonna spend your day?

Being at university till 4pm; after it i have something to do at work for about 2 hours. Evening = FOOOOOOTBALLL TIME. Either watching with some friends or alone at home, depends on mood and level of fitness.

Quoteany plans for the weekend yet?

Friday = chilling in the park + flunkyball sessions
Saturday = football match + birthday party
Sunday = European championship of course
Rest = I will play it by ear.

i read uni.. wait ill read again... stilll... strange thing
:D Ye and it sucks hard. I can't even nerd on the wanted level. I had to write the text about 3 times. The professor is walking around all the time. Sometimes he stops in my back and watches me, while I'm supposed to do some programming exercise. So, I marked and copied my written shit quickly, closed firefox and switched to the IDE. But because I'm a fucking dumbass, I copied & pasted some random parts of my source code afterwards, while he was watching me, to act busy and serious. The stuff didn't make any sense actually, but okay. After he went away, I opened crossfire again and wanted to paste my written text... voila... everything was gone. So I was shouting something like "Fuck it!" accidently. Because of it my prof was telling me loudly: 'It's sad for you, your source code doesn't work out, but the other students want to concentrate, be quiet, please." Now I'm looking like a stupid donkey...
fantastic story!!!!! i had a goood laugh and now concentrate on ur code ;)
As if.... a buddy had to do the excerises 1 week ago already. He sent me the source code via e-mail, so I just do copy & paste and I'm done.
pppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... u lazy _bastard...
Pardon? It's called energy-efficient.
sneaky i call this... :)
I felt fucking smart and shrewd a few minutes ago. But now... you made me feel guilty. :( Topic change - when will your autograph card be avaible? I want to order some.
i neeed to get logo for it. friend wanted to paint it but he seeems as lazy as u r....
:'( so not avi so far :D
Rescuer? You was about to write Rescuer, eh??????!! Well, he has to hurry, before you become a shining superstar, who doesn't interact with little, poor guys from the street like me.
just cause u call me superstar i wont call u a rescuer :P:P
ull get guestlist till end of life for ur amazing sharing skills
Quotejust cause u call me superstar i wont call u a rescuer :P:P

It sounded like a fair deal for me. :'(

Quoteull get guestlist till end of life for ur amazing sharing skills

Yeehaaa, I am eternally in your debt.
u lil machine :P
AHAHAHAHAHAHA stop highjacking journals already :DD

but moooooooorning...

what was your breakfast?
see yesterday

how are you gonna spend your day
trying to get the content of the company's homepage done. its kinda complicated, cause I am not really responsible for it. but everyone else here has msn as their start up page, think that tells enough about their interests and knowledge of the internet.
boss is beeing annoying about it too, cause he doesnt wanna publish too much details. told him mcdonalds also doesnt hide its products online, cause they wanna sell shit. obviously we dont. he doesnt even know what he wants to achieve with the homepage, I have an idea where to go and I have to fight for every sentence right now x) AHJHJKÖJFKDSLÖFJDSKF

tonight some hard praccing, yo.

any plans for the weekend yet?
see yesterday

have good day, mans.
Can't prac today, have to get little bit drunk and do some moves.
what was your breakfast?
Haven't had any yet and I doubt I will.

how are you gonna spend your day?
Much like Urtier, applied for 2 jobs already. One called back, gonna have an interview next week. Now playing some HoN and FIFA 12, later going to GF to fix a few things, paint a door, fix a leak, fix the cabinet and all that shit. Then gonna get some snacks and go out to watch the football! yay, Spain today, Yermany tomorrow, Yermany in the final, I hope so at least.

any plans for the weekend yet?
Going to Pärnu, the summer capitol of Estonia with my girlfriend, visit some of my childhood places and shit, beach and stuff, just laid back and chill.
Quotewhat was your breakfast?

Haven't eaten breakfast yet. I might go downstairs in a minute to have a cup of tea and some toast, though.

Quotehow are you gonna spend your day?

Just chilling doing whatever I want till 3:30. I have to go to a course for my work, where I've gotta learn about diabetic children and how to deal with them/their needs. No one else at work has time/is already working, so I have to go and write a load of notes, and then later have a meeting to explain the course to everyone else. Not fun :( Back home at 5:30 and can do whatever again, probably go out and see mates.

Quoteany plans for the weekend yet?

None yet, might go out drinking or just chill with mates/play some ET and CoD4. Although I do need to go to the town center at some point to get some new smart trousers, shoes and a shirt for my school's leavers meal at a posh restaurant, since I've just finished school.
what was your breakfast? Woke up a few minutes ago. No breakfast.

how are you gonna spend your day? Take the train back home. Chill, have a talk with my brother and parents, blablabla. Today I was supposed to go to a barbecue organized by my student circle but I don't feel like i'm gonna make it. Yesterday night was a fucking waste of time (no chicks involved, plenty of morons at the bar, bad organization) so I think I better stay home, watch football tonight and share the german water beer I bought for my brother.
I'm also supposed to go to the belgian seaside with my circle tomorrow but I don't want to (even though I wouldn't have to pay anything) be wasted again.
I miss my slippers.

any plans for the weekend yet? Barbecue with an old friend on Friday.
A bbq, food, plenty of Chimay, friends, country side <3
Saterday: bbq with my uni fellows.

Life is gut..
4 Dops cookies for breakfast.

I should be making calls to other companies and convince them to buy new computers and stuff..I have no clue how to sell and what to say so i decided to not call at all. I might go play some floorball and after that maybe play piano and in the evening EURO2012.

For the weekend i might got to Helsinki with ma gf and her friend. Not sure about it though. some sport summertraining is going to take place in thursday but that does not count as weekend i think..?
I usually dont eat anything in the mornings (mainly because I only get up around 11-12ish).

My mom just called and told me to cook lunch today, maybe I'll finally do an other cooking journal (unlikely, its gonna be something fast today).

Other than that I'll spend some time with the gf, maybe do some shopping (for food, not for clothes).
Tonight I'll have to help our friends who run a restaurant in the service.

Friday is my prom so I'll suit up and get wasted, saturday I'm off to a big german LAN (Convention X-treme [cXt]) where I'll play CoD4 and MW3 (never really played one of those games competitive)
I also will shoutcast CS and maybe CSS/CoD there.

Parents going on Holiday once again on Thursday :(
Thursday you say? Party at your house, some football and few hundred beers, ok?
Feel free to come over.
No breakfast, fuck that

Going to the bank to pay off my debts (HOPEFULLY)

Later watch the euros, its tonight right? then off out to a friends houseparty to enjoy my first beer in 9 days (again HOPEFULLY)

will talk to chicks and all will go well untill....

image: WillFerrellOldSchool
what was your breakfast?
image: 300px-Croque_Monsieur
croque monsieur

how are you gonna spend your day?
shower + learning all day long for exam tomorrow...

any plans for the weekend yet?
learning for the last two exams on monday and wednesday..
and playing a bit ET.

have a nice day!
Oh I so want those sandwiches too!
No shoutout, bah.

Breakfast: 2 sandwiches as usual.
Today: First work, then football and bears.
Weekend: party hopefully.

4 slices of brown bread
100g chicken filet
4 eggs
400ml milk


going to the gym in 20 mins. after that prolly gonna watch the first half of Spain vs Portugal and then partying hard

having 2 other partys this weekend, prolly gonna get wasted once again. not guut for my strength diet tho:(((. but idc about that diet anymore anwaysz cuz i have about ~2 partys every week because everyone gratuated(?) from highschool.

ps. threw my own graduation party last friday. bill came today, 650 EUROS WTF
Haven't eaten yet.
Nebu arrives here tonight so I need to tidy my place.
Nebu all weekend.
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