Atheltics Eurpean Championship

Event will start today.

Is anyone going to follow or will you just watch football?

400m qualifiers pretty many people getting disqualified :D GG United KingdomBrits
i was going to watch mens 100m but then i remembered its ec. wanted to watch usain bolt :(
gonna watch mens javelin tho
Christophe Lemaitre
nice track :D
Although many great athletes not attending due to Olympics still watching as much as possible.
Followed those 400m qualifiers? 3 winners of qualifiers got disqualified:D
Yep. Our commentators thought that the curves were too sharp or something.
Yes. Football field was extended and they had to modify the running track. Fuck football.
Watched a little bit of triple jump and Shot put only
I Will be looking forward to watch men's javelin, triple jump and long jump
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