gym journal #4343897423947

holla boys, what it do?

thinking about doing a armday in a new workout routine, so tried it today. ( i know you dont care)

But its nice a way to go HAM on your dem curls n shit.
Maybe someone got a nice arm routine?

Anyways if you happen to train and just started of you might wanna try this;

Bulking shake (use blender/mixer)

scoop whey
frozen banana
one large spoon cottage cheese
lil bit oatmeal
teaspoon peanutbutter
(ofc you dont have to add all ingredients, just make it what you like.)

you can also add few icecubes, with the frozebanana its gonna be creamy as fuck!

image: 1295303519682

anyhoe, i used to workout 4times per day and didnt need anything else except an "energy drink" the one u drink during the excercise something like a regen. drink, for more stamina
armday ?

there are so many fuckin compounds that take use of your biceps, rather hit them heavy instead of isolating dem on a special day

also why the fuck do you use Jeff Seids pictures as a profile pic , do you even lift ?
just wanted to try it, never did an armday. Always trained biceps after back and tri after chest.
It is nice to start of fresh and put 100% energy in arms for a change.

ps; jeff who?
i was semi trolling ... doing some biceps isolation on my back day , hitting rows and pull ups hard exhausts me pretty much though.

anyways ... -> jeff seid , your profile picture ,
that dude is ripped as fuck, at only 17 i doubt its natural, but its somewhat nice to strive for.
well lifting 4 years while having a great base ... possible natural ... i doubt thath he is 6'0" , looks like a manlet , also considering that lifting heavy is stalling your growth.
that stalling growth thing is a myth afaik. But you do look more ripped when you are smaller.
"do you even lift"

wow jij zit ook nog op deze site jonge :D dacht dat je dood was
af en toe check ik die sheiss maar er is geen kenker aan ofwel?
nee niet echt , ik check de scene ook niet meer alleen journaltjes ;d
ik niet eens, fuck die shit. Maar heb vakantie en verveelde me dus ging ff langs op cf me buddies checken
my arm workouts for now

Dips 2x10 1-failure
Standing Overhead 3x12
Cable Tricep Push-downs 4x12

Dumbel Curl 3x12
Hammer Curl 3x12
Hammer Curl (turning dumbel midway) 3x12
Preacher bench dumbel curl 3x12

(got triceps / biceps on different days)
triceps monday after chest
biceps friday before back
why bicep before back?
if you do that you i think your bicep will givin in way before your back is exhausted during backexercises. So you cant really train your back to the fullest cause your tired biceps are limiting.
I think the other way around is way better, bicep after back.
idk why, i always did biceps before my back and never thought hmm ima change it, but i could give it a try.
its better and worse in a way, ur excercising ur arms a bit more if you know what i mean
dont know man i got a big schlong so i dont gotta work out
gonna train back today, nothing too much as it's still 29°c here :S some pullups, machines and abs..
>arm day

sure it is summer in here
I can do my armday on my pc ;))))
image: 130927615839
just saw amazing! chick
this is so funny
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