This summer I'm going to...

Come out of the closet, I'm tired of living in denial and will finally tell my father the truth. But what is the best way to do it?

Just had to cancel spotify too (im really poor atm) any good alternatives?

I'm too tired tonight to go out drink and get laid so I think I'll stay in and pub all night.

image: MV5BMTgxMjg0Mzc1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODI3MzA2MQ@@._V1._SY314_CR5,0,214,314_

image: journal_090826_ville

image: linda1


Good luck Conor.

george bestest shame homo
get back in the closet
Tell him you're gay, you're a fag, you're a butthumper oh oooh.
so u like dicks? like mandicks?
Please film your father's reaction and upload the video for us :D
I love the peener, the big black weener.
so are u sender, receiver or u take turns?
Are you interested? ^_^ <3
just curious how it works. so u gonna answer or what?

subquestion: do u shave ur butt crack?
best thing is that homos always assume that we straight people run around telling people about our sex lives.
no1 gives a fuck so go get ur attention somewhere else or find something new that makes u so unbelievably unique now that ur buttsex and satanism starts to bore people.
2. to tell people that you are homosexual (= sexually attracted to people of the same sex as you) so that it is no longer a secret

image: mother-of-god
Reminds me of these oldens but goldens

It's 2012, I don't think anybody minds about your sexual orientation unless you're one of those flamboyantly gay types or live in a country like Iran. Just stop being a PUSSY and start living your own life!
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