Drink for saturday

It is saturday again, few hours work left and little bit hangovered. But I have a dilemma, what to drink today? Recently I have been going with beer & long drinks, wine-coke and jallu-punch, but I would like to have something new and good.

Tried this few times, didn't get anything really interesting yet, http://whatthefuckshouldidrinktonight.com/

Aiming for around 10-20% mixture, any suggestions? Saw one with cucumber + crushed ice + vodka + something else, looked nice. Would like something what is relatively easy to make, pref cold, to a tall glass.

image: FRLWd

Some sweet tunes

And a bonus from Megadeth, some background stuff from their visit to Finland

image: 910371208

Have a good one, thanks!
I would suggest you turpa your kiinni but that's just me..
I have ran out of turpa kiinni, but I have a big can of whoop-ass waiting for you.
really? perhaps you could lend me an esari? i am missing one.
Grey Goose + Multifruit
image: grey%20goose%20vodka%2070cl
image: packshot-appelsientje-multifruit-200-ml-horecaflesje-groot

My favourite at this moment..
Before it was Safari+ice-tea & Jackcola & wodka+orangejuice
Is that just basic screwdriver? Or what is the juice?
multifruit :P
Ermm :/ Doesn't seem that tasty.
try it & be amazed! Personal taste offcourse, but lots of people really like Grey Goose + multifruit :)
Pinacolada + milk + 1 spoon of sugar => shaker => done
vodka + blue coracao + sprite / orange juice => shaker => done
Pina Colada = vomit :( Second one doesn't seem that bad, maybe add some ice to it.
Yeah, with ice ofc :D If you add lemonade instead of sprite/juice, you'll get a drink called "Blue Lagoon"
Vodka with beer - I never mix that. Shoot some ingredients you like and I'll try to suggest something more.
Yeah, actually long drink might work better with it, you get those in several flavours here.
Oh, you can put other juice if you want - ananas fits, cactus fits. But with sprite/ orange juice is the best.

Also, you might try Torreador - vodka + tomato juice + orange juice + ice
2nd one is so dangerous haha, I drink this one alot during summer, and it doesn't taste like alcohol, AT ALL. though you're fucked after 3 longdrinks haha
The second one is awesome.
vodka caramel apple juice
whisky with ice or cola always works if you can't make up your mind about something else!
Southern Comfort ftw!
Whiskey = bad. You have to pay ridiculous prices to get decent whiskey, cheap ones taste like shit.
Well, true.. But the "better ones" are great!

Just buy watermelon, drop bottle of vodka there - eat it - profit! :D
Did that yesterday, though store had only mini-melons, it didn't take kossu-bottle inside :D
hah, well I guess that's not an option then. :/
How about buying some passion-kossu and mix it with "small" dose of vodka ! :D
Nothing wrong with coke zero!
image: brands_liqor43

either pure, or mix with cola (some say you can mix it with milk too, haven't tried that one yet tho.) it's one of my favorite alcoholic drinks.
What is that?
licor cuarenta y tres!
I suppose it would also work with lemonade, sprite with lemon, 7up with limon but it's all about the taste^^
Milk works great, tast like icecream but I always have problems with those drinks since you don't taste alcohol at all and suddenly your fucked up drunk :').
mix it with 7up!
Will try soon thanks
with milk <3
Well if even you like this then I'll try it soon too :p
Just back from a bbq. We were 3and drank 31 Chimay.
I slept 2 hours, then my father called me and told me "I got to go after so i come to pick you up now". I'm still drunk, that's kinda amazing to be as wasted.

Soooo no alcohol advices today. Orangejuiceonly!
red blue or triple?
the blue one

To chill at a terrace: triple (draugh <3)
To eat: blue
To enjoy it quietly with parents: red
I like the red one, but I'm quite sure not many people can drink 11 blue ones in one evening :P
The red one is my favorite aswel.
My grandfather spent his entire life in Chimay and his drinking skills were more than amazing. So it's a family tradition :)
Anyway, the blue one is really hard to handle. Especially on the stomac :p
Yez it is hard on the stomatch indeed :D
Is your grandfather a public relations for Chimay? (or used to be?)
He was born there and never left the town.
Just as I've done, he grew up under the "Chimay culture" and made the most of life :)
I wish I could have known him more than a few years..
all cool drinking stories include your father picking you up :)
Yea, the weird moment when you smell everything but good and try to act normal in the car :)
I usually keep it save and just drink beer. During the weeks a red wine from time to time. Southern comfort+ ginger ale is awesome , ask Rayzed ;). If they have shit beer and I can't make up my mind and don't feel like trying something new I usually go for vodka + bitterlemon since it's awesome.
I can't drink beer before I am drunk when drinking several days, so I have to get creative :(
Try the Southern comfort + ginger ale
It's saturday indeed! I try not to go out on weekends, too busy, annoying tourists and old people who have just got out of office and drink smirnoff ice and are dickheads.... buttt I'm going on a nice pub crawl later and will end up staying out.

So it's beer for a few hours then white russians to sober up or chambord + coke


Would love to drink just smirnof ice's and other similar mixtures, but the price here is around 3€ per 0,275l bottle :( Basically you would spend 60€ to get little bit tipsy.
Work starts in 2h _b
just mix beer with coke... or drink some redbull-mixed stuff. or just wine!
Beer & coke, err? What is the mixture-ratio at desperado?
oh wait, beer&coke actually wont have 10-20% alcohol :D
you want to mix coke with desperados? never seen anyone do that.
NO, I want to make my own desperados, we don't have those here :(
problem is there are more ingredients than just beer and tequila, dont think you can mix that up at home...
Don't tell me what I can or can't do!

EDIT: Googled it, http://www.drinksmixer.com/drink11537.html
it will not taste the same, already tried a few recipes and shizzle. it is gonna be beer with tequila, while desperados tastes like lemonade with 6% alcohol
weinschorle knallt net so schnel
bier und cola so suess :/
kommt aufs bier an und wie stark man es mischt... hier trinken das eigentlich eher frauen und jungs mit 14 :D aber ab und zu mags ich auch, muss halt ein herbes bier sein und nicht so viel cola, dann is ok
dooleys :----D
image: bols_blue_curacao_gr+ image: 348912_1_1_detail+ Orange juice :) (nom nom nom)
image: passoa-passion-fruit-liqueur-17-70cl + Passion fruit juice + Orange juice + any kind of Rum
my girl <3 goood taste!
hmm :-) vodka TAMOVA 0,7L bottle + some decent beers like brussels ( french one ) : D
la bomba shot or whatever it was called back then

I cant really remember what was in it but i think it was something like

1/6 smirnoff
1/6 blue curacao
1/6 tequila
1/6 absinth
2/6 apple juice

you take the shot, get a lighter and put the shot into flames. you put youre hand on the shot glass and it will suck your hand in like a vacuum cleaner(?). at this point you start to shake the glass until your hand lets go again. after that you take the shot and put your hand on top of the glass immediately. then you take a image: rietjes and put it thru your fingers. at this point all you need to do is suck as hard as you can on that straw and you will suck all the alcohol vapors(?) into your lunges.

take two of those shots in 10 minutes and you're wasted for life
Yea, we have that kinda stuff too, called "sniffers". Except you take those fumes to your nose after burning, drink alcohol, in the end you pour the last drops at the bottom of shot-glass and enjoy it via your nose.
Oh God, I did something like that in Tallinn. Snorting the stuff.. Was awful :D
If I got moneyz then I drink strong short stuff, in other cases beer or cheap wine for 1,5 euro for 1 liter :)
had moet last nite. im bit wasted. #try orgasmus if u like shots or likoer 43 fucking tasty!!!!!!!
Sambuca & Baileys

but original is Cointreau, Baileys & Grand Marnier
I cant drink any of that :(
same with jaegermeister here :/ but if im over the first 2 everything is fine :P
The smell alone already makes me wanna throw up damn alcoholo
hahaha yeah but just the beginning is hard imo :)
but alc is bad, having lil hangover today :/
Thats why i dont drink alcohol lately, i hate the hangover it ruins 1 day for me and in the evening i feel tired. So i keep it to social drinking and for the rest ill light up some herbs
ye i always planning those eveening different than they happen. well
bacardi coke !!!
try this:

image: Tavernello


image: fanta_neu

for 3€ ur more than drunk
hmm, the cheapest wines in finland are like 10 €/litre or something :(
I had the pleasure to experience a moment in a dutch supermarket and watch the faces of 3 Finns when the realised what the prizes of the alcohol.
6.90 actually
I dont like to drink alcohol anymore :( Maybe 1/2 beers or 1 glass mixed. It feels like a lost a good friend
What happened to you.
Man i dont know... time i guess :( will you still love me?
As if I could ever stop loving you.

image: 44968-57f109-363-480
ITs guy love <3
This bit full of love is for you -> .
Aha nice site... lead me to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVWWre8tn_U :D

A few bottles of vodka & some coke as chasers. Tastes good, gets you smashed & is fun to drink.
Southern Comfort and Coke
Southern Comfort and Ginger Ale (Credits to S.K.)
with ginger ale if so and NOT WITH COKE MAN!!!!
try it with Apple juice

btw, Coke and lemon juice
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