Sniper rework?

Sniper is used really seldom right now and it only fits in some situations.

I came up with the idea what if sniper would be improved in some way like it would kill with one headshot versus any class or making scope to stay even when moving? It would give a this game a little twist and make it more interesting having that one sniper on both teams.

What improvements you would do in order to make sniper more useful or make it viable in normal game?

Please tell why you want this change/or why you don't want changes!
Not, use sten only.
1hs/2bs while in scoped mode
I thought that but 2 bodyshots would make sniper just way too overpowered, even 1hs per kill would make sniper very strong.
How many bs do you need right now? 3/4?
It is three
Ah well, guess you could leave it at three then, and 1hs :) Wouldn't make it overpowered at all imo!
It would be worth of testing. It doesn't need to be permanent.
change firespeed also then, make it more like rtcw :o)
buffing snipers would be the worst move ever, inb4 team vanhaomena winning every game.
It isn't needed to to buff significantly, even a little buff can make the sniper more useful and regular in matches.
worst idea ever.
no need to buff camper weapons in the only remaining competitive fast paced teamplay fps out there.
go play cod
Maybe you can do a change which allows you to use sniper in a aggressive way? Like making a change that makes scope stay on while moving would increase the snipers potential in offence.
thats the m1/k98 isnt it?
With scope. Scoped it deals more damage.
why would you want to use a scope in close quarter combat? and i wanted to point out that we already have that weapon in the game right now in its non-scoped version.
we simply dont want sniper gameplay in ET, its slow and boring.
the only thing i could imagine would be the enable the sniper to take off the scope for close quarter fights in order to work around the "1 rifle limit" we have in place atm. dont see that being really useful tho and dont think many people would use it.
With 1hs=kill sniper would work on a close fight as well since you can land 2 hits per second making it possible to score more kills than with unscoped which firerate is about the same but it needs more bullets to kill one guy.
1shot kill weapons make games awefully campy. as i said i dont think "we" want a "1button-killer" in a game that otherwise demands meticulous timing, positining, movement and after all 3 headshots to kill.
this game is about chosing fights wisely and winning them in more than one aspect. to give one guy/weapon the ability to deny an area "within a single press of a button" is completely counter intuitive to the way we play ET atm.
have you ever tried cod2/dod or anything with 1shot carbines?
Sniper can be denied pretty easily just by shooting him because of damage feedback. Also making a headshot with the sniper isn't always the easiest thing to do in ET. Anyways like I have stated before the change doesn't need to be that 1 shot 1 kill. This is just a journal where you can discuss how we could make sniper more viable in game!
buffing the damage sure as hell isnt an option looking at the current "meta-game".
maybe have snipers be able to spot landmines thru the scope like they can with binocs.
Not all snipers have that damage feedback apparently, have had enough snipers that just kept sniping eventhough you were hitting them.
They do but it is hard to keep shooting when someone is shooting you, long-range sniping becames almost impossible when someone is shooting for you.
What map is long range now-adays??????
I think I would consider radar or so being long range. Also a good example situation would be sniping from grush bridge to bank. If you are getting shot there is not a big chances you are going to hit with sniper.
good idea, would be fun to see vanhaomena win games 1vs6 vs noobs like miNd
The change must not make sniper overpowered but more useful in-game. Also the other team would have the sniper so it would be even.
Have you seen vanhaomena play?
Of course. But there is plenty of players that can compete with him and the change(s) would make more people to learn sniping. Also like I stated above sniper can be taken down pretty easily because of the damage feedback which makes the sniping really hard. With good positioning sniper is really annoying tho.
We don't want this game to become more campy. In the end improving the sniper would create more campers.
Not necessarily, like Hub above suggested a improvement for snipers which would allow snipers spot the mines through scope. Or maybe remove the sway of the sniper?
I don't. Any links?
Sniper already good as it is! :))
Isn't there anything what could make sniper more useful in situations where it is not used?
Give it more bullets :D I'm sick of reloading after a few shots x)
But I think it's good enough as it is, be a fun thing to play on pub or tactical and a great addition on something for example radar. Great long distance (and short if you can) at assisting the team, maybe someone hates long range smg, but with the damage the sniper can do it'll help knock down the enemies quicker then.
Close range can be a hit and miss at times just like the rifle but other than bullets I don't think it needs anything else :))
ye good idea, and also add medpacks and syringe to sniper aswell.
That's a good idea! Now picking a covert ops won't lead to a situation where you lack one medic!
don't forget mg42 and panzerfaust just in case its not strong enough yet!
bad troll and if you're serious you're an idiot.
Without any arguments this comment is not useful at all :P
you're actually serious about this aren't you? You maybe should stop playing ET and go to CSS or Cod, these games do have the 'balance' suggestions implemented.
Thinking things like this does not hurt anybody. I am completely aware that the changes are not gonna happen so this journal is completely hypocritical.
go play cod
Gimme a working key!:D
GT28 8PGT 8LE2 Q8PQ 0E43
the last thing this game needs is "L0L U JUST GOT NOSCOP33DD"

go play cod
Noscoping with sniper is as hard as it is with rifle :D
ye, i guess theres no such thing a no scoping without iron sights :P
half of the skill needed to play sniper is to choose when and where to use it. we dont want to every noob to be able to play with it. it is a highskill weapon after all.
I agree with you. After all this is just a journal to think about how would changes affect the gameplay and so on. I mean, changes are not gonna happen anyways since you need to mod ETPro afaik.
Anyways I think sniper is a great weapon but you can't really use it efficiently, picking medic instead of covert ops is almost everytime a better option.
i think its good as it is =) but nice to see u think about this game and how to improve it. gj =)
sniper allready is quite powerfull with all the people using m_pitch changers, add the 1 hs kill and it gets close to impossible to play some maps
I don't see sniper being very efficient choice. You lose that one medic which means less healing and close range fight power. Also when you play sniper you are not really going to get any gibs at all if the enemy team has any brain, organized defense and teamwork. I mean sniper for example on radar works if you get nice timing with the push, if not the sniper might do some harassment on enemy team and might end picking a kill or two but in the end the kills he is going to pick up are useless since the players are going to get healed by medic. Also he will be spotted and pretty hastily fired down, also people tend to hide from the sniper.

There isn't many situations where sniper is picked and when it is picked it is almost always picked on offense.
the point is that there are hardly any really organized teams left, most teams are playing for a bit of fun and keep it casual, if you get an sniper against you who can empty a clip in 2 seconds and remain accurate (m_pitch scripts) and who gets a kill with every headshot it gets pretty much impossible to play against.

Don't get me wrong though, if there would be enough teams who still take this game seriously and play like a team the sniper changes wouldn't make too much of a difference.
i bet you play rifle
That is so stupid that I don't even have an argument against it.
I think it is certainly not stupid to think about things that could make the gameplay more interesting. Like I have stated 100 times the chance must not be more damage dealing sniper but it could be something else like Panda and Hub have suggested. If you think sniper is OK and balanced right now then I completely understand, this journal was just made to think about sniper and its current situation and let Crossfires creative minds to suggest some improvements if they had any.
sniper is strong enough dealing 50+ dmg while in scope mode, its a teamplay game- sniper one hit medic does 2hits and he should be down
if you do add aswell a new sniper shot that sounds more like real life sniper shot!
Make sniperbullets go through walls and I will agree, free CoD for everyone!
Why everyone thinks that changing the ET sniper will lead in a situation where it is similar to CoD sniper?
Because the way sniper is right now is fine for ET gameplay, having 1 hs sniper will just take the speed out of the game.

All the weapons have been balanced enough over the years etpro has progressed, I don't see any reason to make more changes.
Vanhaomena would own to hard then
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