
so, since my slac id is 666....

..who wants to have it?


EDIT: since i dont give a damn about ET (sry old mates, still love you all :) ),
im looking for a BF3 war team! contact me
so, since my slac id is 13....

..who is jelly ?
Gold[04:34] <Evilynn> I am going off :D
Gold[04:34] <Evilynn> <3 night husband <3
Gold[04:34] <Evilynn> :DdD

sir, gtfo pls!
thanks for the profile hit !
so, since my slac id is 28625....

..who is jelly ?
so, since my carelevel is 0....

..who gives a fuck ?
my life changed now...
GIEF!!! :XD I had 7th account on beta testing if I can remember correctly and 3223rd account afterwards, but forgot password :<
If it was possible to change username and remove screenshots ofc!

I'm happy with my number thou :))

+ ask gungy for bf3 team
It is possible.
Isn't BF3 competitive scene slowly dieing anyways? EA doesn't care about the competitive community and so on.
give it to me cause im real nigga
I'll rather keep my 007 ID
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