Manic (Monday) Morning Journal #2

Good Morning Anonymous Crossies!

It's image: tumblr_m3xcd1HseL1qi23vmo1_r1_500 .... and now that the EM is over we can finally focus on the more important things in life... like morning journals!
Be a part of our movement, go go go! And if not, enjoy the random pictures below.

Random trivia about July 2:
On this day in 1964, U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signs into law the historic Civil Rights Act in a nationally televised ceremony at the White House. Click for more information on this topic

And now let's start with the usual 4 questions, shall we!?

What are you guys up to today?
Gym, shopping, being Mrs. Panda and university I overslept. Need to reschedule my day :D

What do you have for breakfast?
Nothing yet, coffee & shake soon!

Plans for the weekend?
Lots of studying, exams are coming up and I didn't do sh*t :x

Anything special happened to you last week?
I finally managed to clean! :D

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If you were a character on a TV show, which one would you be? Why?
Karen Walker from Will & Grace!
I'd be rich, drunk and Jack would be my best friend <3

What did you want to be when you grew up?
A pathologist :)

Now it's your turn!

Oh and don't forget the daily trivia! Today's Topic (Monday): General Knowledge 1 : Very Easy

Shoutouts to:
Anonymous schnee <3 :*, Finland Panda, Germany wsk, Mauritania arclite, Baden-Württemberg Noorgrin, Estonia infi_, Anonymous knoche, Finland Thomm, Netherlands Mott4,
Germany FaKy, Anonymous nicon, Iceland tace, United Kingdom Rockskin, Czech Republic muflon, New Zealand iiky, China Gungy, Israel Matan, Iceland mens0, United Kingdom YMCA`Marcus
Anonymous, Europe #u|k

and Anonymous you!

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-> just keeping because of reasons!!!! Stop stealing my journals!
overslept rest laterz need to hurry. i blame ..all but not myself

parziiiiii <3

and a good mornin :)

e: arrived. one day ill do it in 30minutes im suure to bad my car only can drive 200kmh :)

What are you guys up to today?
month end at work my last!!! nothing much more. maybe beach in the evening

What do you have for breakfast?

Plans for the weekend?
its monday, i dont plan till end of week =)

Anything special happened to you last week?

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If you were a character on a TV show, which one would you be? Why?
rachel from friends, cause she is crazy but lovely & in the end happy =)

What did you want to be when you grew up?
Ffs you guys are way too early.. Don't even have time to start writing :(
image: 220px-143Snorlax
Cho pew cho pew :D

What are you guys up to today?
Interviews, reading, True blood, cooking, maybe prac hard for SC

What do you have for breakfast?
Toast, banana, tea!

Plans for the weekend?
Maybe more cycling but doubt my wrist can take another 40km crosscountry ride x) who knows, it's too early to decide!

Anything special happened to you last week?

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If you were a character on a TV show, which one would you be? Why?
Topher from Dollhouse, he has an awesome job and would be fun to wipe people like he did!

What did you want to be when you grew up?

QuoteWhat are you guys up to today?

A machine for assembling printed circuits should be delivered and installed in our company today. I was supposed to take care of the IT part. Meeting point was 6.30am. Of course I overslept. When I arrived over an one hour too late, about 15 waiting people were staring at me like 'We're gonna kill you!'. So I had to tell them, I needed to buy some important IT parts and cables (which I didn't ofc), else the machine wouldn't work and the shops didn't open earlier. So suddenly they were like 'Nice effort, you are da man!'. Machine is running like a charme. Now I'm just sitting around for the case a problem occurs. Gonna leave in about 3 hours to university and will catch up on some sleep after it.

QuoteWhat do you have for breakfast?

Coffee + cigarettes

QuotePlans for the weekend?

Wtf, weekend? :P I don't even know what I'm gonna do in 5 minutes, so no idea.

QuoteAnything special happened to you last week?

Nothing worth mentioning.

QuoteIf you were a character on a TV show, which one would you be?

Michael Scofield. Because he's the awesomeness in person. If I would be a girl, I would do him... no doubts.

QuoteWhat did you want to be when you grew up?

Football pro or sports journalist.
ahahaha thumbs up for the excuse skills xD
1. law exam today from 12-14 o'clock
2. coffee, kellogs + cig.
3. I'll have holidays in 3 days for 2,5 months ;-)))))))))))))
4. i learned for exams and played et, ofc watched EM
5. Barney
6. forest engineer.

7. i loooooove lesbians, but only nice ones!

have a nice day parzi!
good morning, nice to meet you!

And now let's start with the usual 4 questions, shall we!?

What are you guys up to today?
errr nothing much. office is closed today and boss said we could decide to come or not, so I am staying home :D got up a few minutes ago, drinking coffee now, reading da interwebs. soon, I will study for Fernschule though!

What do you have for breakfast?
coffee, maybe some toast later. or I just skip breakfast and have lunch (leftover noodles with god knows what).

Plans for the weekend?
no clue yet... probably relax cause this weekend that didnt seem to be possible. oh, and its another family party on friday. gf's uncle celebrates his birthday. he is actually a cool person so it's not gonna be as stupid as this weekends family party.

Anything special happened to you last week?
not really... wonder if I will ever have anything exciting to answer here xD

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If you were a character on a TV show, which one would you be? Why?
maybe benjamin linus from lost. manipulating people seems like a good thing :D
or jacob from lost, the idea of touching people and that making them turning up on my island they cant escape from, I think I like that :D
I only watch a few series so there isnt that much options for me :P can't really think of a great character in king of queens right now that I would wanna be :D

What did you want to be when you grew up?
that changed from time to time, but somehow I always had the idea of working in an office and that kind of worked out ;)

gud day, frands!
1. wsk + 8 pts 10! 41 959
2. Thommm + 7 pts 10! 41 959

GRRR! Why you got more points, HUH?
dunno, guess cause I was first?
What are you guys up to today?
- Got a day off, maybe some cleaning and random chores.

What do you have for breakfast?
- None yet, just woked up.

Plans for the weekend?
- None yet.

Anything special happened to you last week?
- Hmm no, I don't think so.

If you were a character on a TV show, which one would you be? Why?
- Just started The Wire again, had forgotten how bad-ass Omar was. So at the moment him.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
- I am still growing, not quite sure yet.
Back to work after 5 days of sick, but they gave me a holiday tomorrow, so its all good. Had a banana and cigarettes from breakfast. Going out with a hot French chick tonight, should be fun, since i did nothing at the weekend. I've got the poker bug back, so will put in a hard session tomorrow.
What are you guys up to today?

What do you have for breakfast?
Nothing. But I had crisps for lunch!

Plans for the weekend?
Gaming, Mrs. Goku is leaving to Paris for the weekend.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Slept straight for 12 hours :-) But got a fucking headache atm :(

If you were a character on a TV show, which one would you be? Why?
Harry Potter; 'cause he's a fucking badass.
Chibi Sôn Gohan if manga's are allowed as well :D

What did you want to be when you grew up?
Creator of gadget houses XD

Have a good day o/
I overslept too! Again too late at work, hehe.
thanks for the shoutout parzi friend no time to answer maybe later!
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