streaming series on smartphone

Any good apps/sites for doing so?
Tried many from play store,all sucks balls neither did Google helped me.

xx, Nub
never had the idea to watch tv with my mobile
pretty developped at least in my country there are a lot of offers on mobile contracts allowing you to watch TV on it. For instance, on my phone i can watch 25 channels provided over my ISP provider. ( ISP same as my mobile service provider).

The bad part is tha the screen is obviously small but it's quite intresting during trips :p

Works perfect on Iphone, dunno about Andlowid
if i have long ride ill take my laptop with me well everyone likes it a different way haha :D
but what if u don't have any 3G access with ur laptop ? zhehehe :p
Unless u have a card and 3G card onur laptop which is way more classy
which is way more classy
topic closed :D
Activate wifi hotspot on your phone :-)? Stream over phone, watch on laptop, win.
yeah that aswell ! :p
Instead of just pimping mobile phones with inet n stuff, they should start pimping other stuff with mobile phones.
yea the upcoming pureview 808 is a phone camera.
Too bad it is so shit otherwise x) Reviews coming out basically with the phrase "it is like a putting a rocket in a skateboard".
depends what you want it for really - I find the tiny phones really annoyingly shit :D the OS is the main problem but Im still quite tempted.
For Android, I downloaded an app called 'Snappz Market' which has a lot of apps that aren't on the Play Store. For example I downloaded one that allows me to watch every episode of South Park, which would not be allowed on the Play Store (copyright etc), so maybe you can find something there.
Wow u so cool maaaan
Nice app which one for sp? Quite many to choose from.dung want to download over 9000 of them
It's just called 'South Park', should be the first one on the list!
Why don't you just download the serie and put it in your phone? No need for net-shizzle then, it is always up no matter where you are.

iphone / ipad / android
Ca bouffe beaucoup de MB ou pas? Vu que j'ai pas illimité sur mon 3G
Nan franchement c'est niquel quand tu est chez toi tu te connecte avec ton iphone a ta box et tu look des film j'en rajoute très souvent donc tu a le choix
Aprer sur la page d’accueil ta la méthode pour les regarder
1er site streaming en mp4 100000 visiteur par jours ;)
"Chez toi"
Je prefère regarder sur ma TV/mon PC alors.. J'espèrais regarder en étant connecté sur mon 3G
si tu as un connexion 3g de merde normal que sa marche pas et que sa bug buy_connexion !
Je dis pas que c'est de la merde, je te dis que j'ai une limite d'UN GB par mois pour 20 euros puis c'est 30euros par GB zlol
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