End of EURO 2012

Going to miss this awesome EURO. Well done Poland and Ukraine, you guys did an amazing job. Thanks for the great times!

(url) [[url]www.goal.com][/url]

I told you that he would win the golden boot. Torres is still a beast.

Why would you think that gomez would win it? That guy is sooooooooo overrated.

And Iniesta the MVP of the tournament. That guy is amazing. Such a great teamplayer without any kind of ego. Where was c.ronaldo???????
image: Iniesta-1200

Hope you guys had a good night. I sure did - celebrated Spain victory while getting free drinks from the bar owner. Viva España!
My electronic friends often compare me to Iniesta.
me and my friends compare him to a rat.

makes sense when you think about it :)
Vive la belgique!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Belgique champion du monde 2014 !
torres best striker 2012 !!!!!!1
the only thing I saw in this Euro was the violence outside of the stadiums..
You must be kidding me
hoho mr. online 24/7 nerd is here again
hehe cu lan :)
I'm not going to lan but ok
haha scared? :D:D:D:D

No, I just dont see a point why I should go to Lan if I'm not playing ET active anymore :)

but you're still here 24/7 :S oh right you're a moviemaker. Sorry. Feel free to stay sir
only if you defend me! I'm pretty sure that some people want to beat me up :(
Lol, no problemo ! You should see how many times people wants to fight we me when I'm drunk @ clubs :D And I'm like fuck off, and then they leave :D
You need to keep in mind these are ET players, they all got it in the mouth :D And when they finally show up, it's some 16 year old kid with spagetti arms :D
hahhaahha yeah thats what I expect from them :-) As long as alexl wont fight me, then I'm ready to kick some asses!
what lan :S?
oh that lan! hmm I might even come to this one. But really don't know yet. Is there a LOL tournament??
makes it sound as if everyone's attending LAN because of the game
im going cause of super mario & the peeepz only :P
I ain't active either, yet I've been at AEM and I'm going to AEM2 :P
the difference is that you are/were active in the scene, I dont care for this game/scene for 2 years now :/
Active is a big word. I never played actively with any team but night mixes with #ALMIGHTY.ET
no I meant that crossfire related, like the et.gather stuff and so on, not playing ET :)
this EURO looked boring to me tbh...
maybe because germany sucked pretty much every game? It would have been a great EURO if you won right?
wtf...? :O
apart from me being not that much into football/soccer anyway, I didn't have a favourite team
Germany is highly overrated (especially with jokes like Gomez), they only smash weak and small nations all the time and always struggle when it comes to better enemies
just couldn't find anything interesting in this EURO, everyone was playing passive, waiting for goals and the final was just the same as the previous one... :/
Well I understand what you mean. We've two differents points of views. If you're not much into football, you might easily find it boring to watch. But I love football and play it myself. That might be why I easily start enjoying the matches.

Sorry mate, you seem like a nice german afterall. Just got flamed by almost every german these last days after flaming your national team.
Spain is gay fuck spain
fuck boring final

might be a reason for it, yeah ^(._.)^
well, Germans can be so retarded when someone's attacking their proudness, always ashaming... but I guess that's a common thing in most nations

np, nice to see you're not entirely mad but able to communicate
in a better way than just "OMGOMG U MAD?":-)
haha cheers mate :-)
cant u just shut up when u dont have a clue about football like u say urself? :D

they have beaten pretty much every big team except spain and italy in the last years (friendlys and official games)
I know, didn't claim Germany's team's unskilled (but also didn't say I have no clue at all)
Löw is doing a great job imo

also: hey stiff? :P
not that i knew
are u fllaming a bit? now where u did win the em? isnt it a bad attitude to do it like this and even u dont rly know why it does look boring to him? not nice rly not nice.

but gratz to spain.
Quotemaybe because germany sucked pretty much every game?

good joke xDDDDDDDD they sucked only vs italy
they also sucked vs portugal and wasn't even better than holland.
how u can compare germany to holland on this euro :D:D go watch golf instead of football, seriously
It's pretty easy. Both played a lot better two years ago. Both dissapointed pretty hard. Germany might have been in the semis, but they didn't play that well and with their current lineup they should atleast be in the final.
the funny thing is that your profile says you are from denmark and I guess we all know that denmark lost vs germany :))
Like I would care. We still got more points than everyone expected.
still germany won against denmark, no wonder you are such a spain fanboy if your own national team has no chance :)
I'm sorry but when did your national team win anything? And how the fuck can you compare a huge country like germany to a small country like denmark?

Hey atleast we dominate the handball scene :P
pls we arent that bad in handball just since brand left us we r not so goood anymore imo :(

:D but yeah denmark is fucking goood i have to admit ;)
haha was a damn exciting group I remember last european championship. Poland saved us when they won against you guys. Then we just had to win against sweden I think and we were in the semis!
Germany won vs denmark e.g., and you are the one who is talking about football, not handball. No arguments anymore?
and yet you didn't get into the final. Year after year you can't win in football. Must be pretty dissapointing.

I'm proud of denmark. Such a small country and yet we're pretty decent in every single sport.
so what, Denmark didnt even make it through group stages :XD And I'm not disappointed about germany, I dont really care for football anyway :)
denmark dominates handball, lul
tell me if I'm wrong?
France dominates handball the last 7 years tbh, and Croatia is also stronger than Denmark, but Denmark is indeed good but def not dominating.
last season

gomez: 52 games and 41 goals

last TWO seasons Torres

67 games 12 goals
blame chelsea :S
and gomez still cannot into eurocup/bundesliga/champions league win :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD pathetic

but was suprised of his performance @ euro 2012, still he is shit in bayern
what the hell am i supposed to do now for a month and a half
I found myself watching MLS last night :( need new season now
nah, not gonna watch randoms play : D
Do what I do, watch guys in tights bending over on bicycles. AKA Tour de France.
no way, football only
sad fuck, go play outside
a bit mad sir?
boring euro really.
yeah better to party in cave
go milk ur cow wojtek :)
atleast our cows get vodka for us
best team won
sad but true: Spain has been outclassing the world for three events now...
Denmark would have deserved it more than POR imo
Don't really know mate. We pretty much defended in every single game. Couldn't do anything about it. We did very well but we were the weakest team in the group, just like everyone expected us to be :-)
u r really hatiing and flamin in here against some ppl. think about ur attitude.
instead of just making a positive joournal about the em which is indeed a good topic to discuss after its end. but then starting to flame the ppl in this journal is like da shit. sry but this is rly bad behavioour and i dont get it why :(
Yeah steeler is such a negative guy!
schnee on rampage,

this newbish random flaming is very low attitude.. just needed to point that out once more. i never rage or smth but i rly had the urge :P
Well I don't really care about my attitude here tbh. I'm just acting like most of the people here. Just like to piss off some people.

I'm a great guy.
I'm just acting like most of the people here. Just like to piss off some people.

this is why cf became a strange place to be. imo no need to act like an asshole all the time ;) if u r a great guy why not behaving like this? although it is online only.. ive never get why flaming is soooo nice :)

sry im just a girl so i be more on the good site than flaming randoms
I have never flamed as much as I do now. Don't really know why I started tbh. And I'm only trying to flame other retards/flamers. Don't worry, I won't flame calm and nice people :-)
nobody knew you before summer 2012
now everyone knows you as a whiny glory-hunting faggot

how cool is that?
I'm trying to reach your level.
unexpected come-back
You must admit that I totally owned you there mate.

Definately overrated, same amount of goals & passes x)
Why are you celebrating? Arent you Danish?
why can't I celebrate? I love spain. I've been there a few times. I pretty much love everything about spain. Also I love the way they play. It might look a bit boring, but it's damn hard to play like that.
du er jo også fetteretard da din ekle jævla dansketøs
jo tak. Held og lykke næste gang min ven. Det var sgu lidt synd at i ikke kom med denne gang. Det må være lidt hårdt at blive slået gang på gang af jeres skandinaviske naboer :-)
du er fortsatt den største mongoen her på cf, du skriver så utrolig mye vanvittig latterlig og dumt
kunne ikke være mere ligeglad :-)
didnt like this euro

- most games were boring
- athmosphere was shit
- soundtrack was shit
- poland and ukraine kinda shit hosts
- hate the camerastyle, only emotions caught by the camera were happyness beeing in tv
- shit team won the tournament
boring games? I would say some were boring, but most were pretty interesting.
athmosphere was shit? It's was fine imo. Enjoyed the atmosphere a lot more than two years ago - cause of the vuvuzelas 24/7
I liked Endless summer, not as good as waka waka but pretty decent.
poland and ukraine did a great job, don't know why you would blame them.
2010 was worst athmosphere in history, so dont compare it.

poland couldnt guarentee the safety of the fans. for example some normal russian fans including some woman got attacked by some masked polish hooligans. thats kinda sad, so i blame poland for hosting this ec.

and yes most of the games were boring, cant remember more than 4 games were actually exciting.
Poland did as much as they did to stop it. Hooligans fight everywhere, you can't just stop them. If they didn't do anything about the fights between the polish hooligans and the russian holligans, it would have been a lot worse. I'm pretty sure only hooligans got beaten up. Didn't hear about the old lady tbh.

I can understand why the polish people started to be aggressive. Why would they allow the russians to celebrate their national day in poland? Poland can't stand russia and the other way around.
They didn't do shit about the polish hooligans attacking russian fans, polish police failed as hard as they could
you didnt hear about accommodational & transportational problems they had there? people missing games because they cant get a place to sleep or a lift to game city - pretty weak. wouldnt happen on western countries.

most of the games didnt manage to pull a full stand, which is a massive failure.
nope didn't hear about that. And I pretty much doubt it's true. Atleast not in poland, dunno about ukraine.
Nah mate man, most shitty Euro ever. The final was the most boring 90 minutes ever.. Almost worse then Greece won.
I agree with the boring final. Too one-sided. I really wanted Italy to play better eventho I was cheering for spain.
Many true football fans here. "This team sucks, Spain is most boring team ever, not watching cause it's in Poland/Ukraine, this was worst game ever, pff no more than 5 goals per game = boring" etc.
I think I love you!
whats ur point?
That you should enjoy football for what it is, don't expect that everyone plays like Fifa 2001. It is kinda stupid.
Euro was descent.

atmosphere ok
some nice games, some boring ones to watch
host could have done a better job but was okay
best team won
germany sucked in halffinal :( (tbh i think germany - spain final would have been more interesting, anyway)

wierd that theres no match for place 3???????????????????

Endless summer, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh

e: I agree with you that the final might have been a lot better if it was spain vs germany
Was pretty average. Euro 2008 & Euro 2000 were 10 times better. Even euro 2004 was better. At least that one had a surprise winner and some memorably games like portugal - england and czech rep. - holland. Except for a few decent goals (ibra, balotelli & blasckowize) there weren't any good goals, mostly headers. And i certainly won't remember any of these games because they were memorable. Well, germany - italy was a very good one (though not memorable) but that's it.

You could say there weren't any vuvuzela's and the quality of football was better then at WC 2010 but that's because that world cup was the worst tournament ever.

Also way too many big teams were a big flop. France was just shit, Holland was extremely shit aswell, portugal were decent though far from spectacular and failed at the first decent team. Germany weren't as good as in the previous tournaments where they trashed argentina & england. Spain was pretty average aswell except for the final and England were never convincing but I'm kinda used to that so basically they are as shit as they used to be. Italy is the only team of the big teams that surprised me in the positive sense.
Yeah a lot of the big teams dissapointed. But there were also a few teams that surprised me, croatia played really well and both italy and spain had problems against them. Also Denmark did better than I expected. I would be happy if we got one point in a group like that!

And I can't believe how both france and holland fail like that. Both have fantastic players. I mean nasri, benzema, ribery and many more for france and v.persie, robben, sneijder and many more for holland - absolutely top players.
for me one of the most amazing players of the tournament was Italy Pirlo

but the final wasn't that nice to watch.
Indeed he was amazing. But he didn't show anything yesterday while Iniesta played really well.
Hosts did their job pretty well,regarding organization and everything!

Truth is Spain outplayed Italians last night,but for most of the tournament they were crap and that style of play indeed is boring yes it does brings in results but still boring and it may destroy football that we like!

No question about it that Torres is more classy then Gomez is but it's not fair to compare those two individuals as they're totally different,Gomez manages to deliver on his own way same as Spain's delivering via their TIC TAC style of play.

Those were only my 2 cents on this story,cu at next Euro held all over Europe

this euro was boring as fuck...i dunno...games were boring and predictable

euro 2008 in comparison was epic...just remember games like turkey - czech or turkey - germany or germany - spain...damn those were fine and exciting games
fucking shitty fag games (especially from spain), shittiest EC in my life
spain made it unbearable to watch. hate the way they play. ban spain from next ec / wc
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sup bbc? sup campbell? sup mr. online 24/7nerd jetro?
niiiiiiiiiiice chick!
natalia siwiec, polish model and probably most beautiful polish fan on euro 2012
cheers mate!
honestly, polish chicks are either butt-ugly or stunning hot! theres no middle section..
honestly, i really didnt think about it seriously, just picked up some of them and then i only needed to choose most pretty and the nicest ones :) everyone knows that every girl knows other girls, some part of friends of any girl is pretty & nice!
I reckon she's hot as a moddaf**********
Penis anyone?
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