Saturday moarning

Happy weekend to crossies and others! How are we feeling at this beatiful morning?

Here in Finland Oulu weather is sweet, sun shining, little bit cloudy every now and then, around 23 celsius, going up every minute. Under 3h work to do, then it is image: zVEwP time with barbeque and pool and stuff :)

Your plans for the day, anything special?

What was the highlite of your week?

And a special music-bomb & history lesson, there you go.

image: uOlIO

Don't forget the cf-trivia, I messed it up today, but I blame the customer who came just when I started to play, grrrr.

image: Rxrij
oow shiit i got huge hangover. iam going to drink some cola and take some sun and yeah the weather is very sweet!!
I was smart and stopped drinking before 02:00! Just little bit tired now, will fix it later with citrus-rum & coke :)
You mongs :D
Admit it, the delivery one was good :))
haha, all 3 are good. More of these!
image: 29lk9p4

image: 2h7zyw4

True stories :))
just woke up - no hangover, drinking ES & prolly gonna watch a movie
a bit cloudy outdoors but might hit the beach for some ball-gaming
afternoon/evening gonna play Halo: Reach campaign with a friend of mine and drink bear
night: being drunk someplace and making an ass out of myself
gonna earn myself some good hon prices kkekekekeke
Moi! Feeling OK, little sleepy though.

Your plans for the day, anything special?
Haven't really planned anything, weather still shit

What was the highlite of your week?
Booking my Germany flight.

Record of the month/year(?)
You brits and your weather, always complaining...

image: me_on_fridays
I'm on the island of Saaremaa this weekend. Spending time with my relatives, we always come together once in a year to drink, eat and party. The weather is just awesome, at the moment 26 degrees for sure and going up I suppose. Pretty soon there will be a volleyball match between the "oldies" and youngsters, that's a tradition and it's just priceless to see the faces of oldies when they lose. :D
Anyway, have a nice day! :)
35 degrees outside so im prolly gonna visit this place :

image: 2874554913_73cfb41777
Looks sweet!
yep and its only 10-15 mins from Poland Cracow main square:P
I'm planning to visit Cracow later this holidays, mind giving a hint about what and where the place is? It looks just too damn good!
[pl] to stary kamieniolom, przez przypadek sie przejebali do jakiegos zrodla podziemnego i zalalo:P woda super czysta, teoretycznie jest to teren zamkniety/prywatny, nalezacy do klubu nurkowego, ale jak tylko ogrodza oni teren po raz kolejny to juz po paru dniach zawsze jest mnostwo dziur i duzo ludzi:P super czysta woda, zejscie nie jest niby takie proste bo trzeba uwazac zeby sie nie zeslignac ale sa miejsca, gdzie latwo sie schodzi bez problemu, nawet po flaszce:D z centrum dojazd prosty, wsiadasz w tramwaj 12 pod dworcem (kierunek ruczaj), jezdzi co chwile, wysiadasz na przystanku rostworowskiego (przedostatni) i idziesz sobie ulica norymberska (po drodze kaufland), jakies 500-700 m i juz jestes na skalkach:P trzeba znalezc jakas dziure w plocie i voila [/pl]
Dziekowa za wskazowki i odpowiedz. Mysle, ze z pewnoscia sie wybierzemy na ten kamieniolom, jesli tylko zawitamy w Krakowie w taki upal, jaki jest przez ostatnie 3 dni (jeszcze biorac pod uwage, ze to tak blisko z centrum). Mam nadzieje, ze trafimy :D
Will you jump off it?
i did, not from the highest points but still :P
how high did u jump, around how many meters?
no idea, there are some places where people painted height, but not everywhere:P around 8-10 i think is my maximum (im not crazy:P) but ive seen people jumping from much more :P like here (its from this place) it says 27 metres but i guess its around 22:P
nice nice, this year in mallorca ive jumped from 14 metres or so, it was awesome and hurts. Some friends of mine jumped from 25m, but i didnt dare to do it aswell since you can break bones and stuff at that height.
Ah nice x) looks fun to do so and water so inviting so was wondering :>
yeah, but there's still danger that u will hit the cliff that is hidden just under the water, same goes for drowned trees, this area was a quarry (stone factory:P) once but they hit a wrong stone and the water filled the area:P
good day!

working since 6 am. sweeping 100 x 15 hangar full of dust with a broomstick, 70 percent still to go -.- working for almost two weeks. every day waking up at 5 am :( i miss my peaches so much

plans for today? tonight my mate celebrates his 20th bday. so gonna party to death and try to empty my balls :)
gud moaning, gud moaning,

day seems to get chilled. just had breakfast, now nerding a bit, then cleaning and groceries. tonight probably couch evening with movies and such...

seems like weather here cant decide if it wants to be nice or shitty.

highlight of the week? there were no big ups and downs during this week I think - besides our usualy awesome praccs. the ones you all missed cause you had better things to do!
Hey, I have to enjoy these summerdays when I can!
could be the last summer of your live!
I was avi on tuesday, where were you then?
uhm... I dunno, lol!
surely, _SURELY_ it must've been the one prac you played with me!
no there was a 2nd pracc... I think. :D

image: fuuuuuuuuuuuu_This_Shit_Ruined_My_Day-s516x399-70813-300x231
Morning. I'm grumpy. That's all. Bye.

Your plans for the day, anything special?

What was the highlight of your week?
image: monkey_dog

You = dog, me = monkey.

Your plans for the day, anything special?
Going to eat in some restaurant, after that im gonna meet some friends.

What was the highlite of your week?
Friend bought me a 6-pack of Leguana :D
At saturday! Or was it monday! Or wednesday! I bought two 6-packs of leguana and one grape-pack + smokes & bbq, totaled it around 30€. I was hmm, well, let it go, checked the recipe, cashier had taken the plastic bag twice and only one leguana-pack = like winning in the lottery = I is happy.
not too, got hit by a car on the highway yesterday. My neck/back hurts pretty bad :/
I woke, I yes.
At work til 19.00. Lunch time, thank god. Too many customers, how i hate the saterdays..
12 here in 4 hours, so boring...
Went to summer up at 23, came back at 06 both ways with taxi, rumours say I paid the evening for all my friends, im still afraid to check how much I spent last night, hopefully not more than 1000
Hello! :D Today.. I'm gonna party hard in a pool party, better prepare myself :)
did u shave ur bikini zone or maintainig the bush coz being bald is too mainstream :D
weird question, perv' ;)
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