Config with good FPS for laptop


I just started playing ET again after a 4 year break, but I am suffering terrible from poor fps as I am playing on my work laptop (dell latitude E6410). It's not a bad laptop, so I am not sure why I am getting unstable fps... but I guess there should be a way to lower it.

One issue is that I have to play with resolution 1440x900 to get the game full screen. isn't there a way to fix so that I can have the game in 800x600 resolution and still play full screen? Thats what I used to play with back in the old days, and it worked fine full screen.

if I set 800x600 with this laptop, the game is a small square in the middle and the rest is black :(

Any ideas? :)
its ET, stable fps doesnt exist
125 stable here
look my old tzac pics
playing with same pc
43 stable here
dedicated graphic driver

enough said :/ had same with my dell although specs looks goood. the ram for ur grphic driver isnt enough but u cannot change this in settings afaik
so my comeback is doomed to fail? :(

I have a macbook pro as well but I hear TZAC doesn't do mac?
dunno if tzac is into mac but i would give it at least a try.
and to ur dell. i tried all googled the whole fuckin inet and couldnt find a proper solution. heard u can give ur graphic more ram in bios but i have no clue about this so dunno if this may work
damn... I wouldve asked our dedicated IT-guy but he just moved away...

Seems there isn't much I can do :(

thanks for your help anyway.

Any recommendations for configs which give high fps?
you could bootcamp windows on your macbook pro though (which'll enable you to get TZAC), but TZAC doesnt work on Mac OSX unfortunately no
guess some guys here are able to give u cfg settings for high fps i play with 100 =)

and wb btw if u can do it ;)
It would work in bootcamp, if you installed Windows and ran it through that. Just not in OS X.
wb kiitos :))
No more Malta?
that's where I live! but right now I am in Amsterdam visiting Wesbo - going to Sensation white tonight ;)
greeetings to wes please and enjoy sensation white. hope it isnt that much trance related !!! =) enjoy!!
any config recommendations? or and commands which are critical for lowering graphics demand?
r_picmip 3

options> system> sync every fram off

Delete ur pb folder in the et map
try r_primitives 2 in the cfg

if your graphic card is nvidia then i know how to make it fullscreen with low resolutions in the driver settings.

Make sure you set the laptop on "High performance" mode.
I tried that in the graphics drivers.. unfortunately it doesn't allow for much inbetween... its only full performance or full graphics. I tried the performance setting, but it was pretty much rivatune style - everything was smooth and the crosshair wasnt visible.

Any advice on getting the game full screen in 800x600 would probably help quite a bit as 1440x900 is quite demanding.
ALT + Enter ;)
I said the same when I banged a fat chick ;)
She was bleeding a bit more though
Hahahaha you fucked a virgin!
no, from her face.
Hmmmmmm did u bite her?
I sometimes play with 800x600 on NBS #1 :D
Fullscreen -> Left ALT + KP_ENTER

btw. for that fps u should have bugged some cvar..

Or just try

r_picmip 3
r_detailtexture 0
r_detaitextures 0 (dunno if it exists)
r_depthbits 0 (doesnt work on my new pc,on brothers laptot ye 0_o)
r_colorbits 0
r_texturebits 0
thanks mate, Ill give these a try. I dont have KP_enter - its a laptop :(
Normal Enter works too ^^ i just use that KP_ more often. :-)
kiiiiiiiiitos :P Nice to see you playing again.

Check my profile for a low gfx - high fps config :)
cool man, ill give it a try and see if it makes a diff! You still active :)? Ive played a couple of pracs... lowskill 3v3s, lost a couple and won a couple.
For the last few months I only played QL and D3. Also quite busy with working. Now it looks like I will play summercup with sick6. After that I have no idea if I will continue playing or not :P

Where is Nils? :(
Nils has been playing with me and Wesbo the last 2 days, he might return as well, but probably not. We are playing a bit of D3 as well - pm me if you wanna play sometime!

I don't get much time to play though, just bought a flat in Malta, working full time, DJing a bit on my spare time and going to the gym, so at most I can probably get 1 hour per night for gaming :/
Nice att se en gammal svensk et spelare tillbaks :) där hänger de flesta svenska et spelare just nu.
Första gången jag loggar in på xfire ser jag dig , kom till Belgrad å festa föfan haha , puss
bra i belgrad lr? är det bara maffiabiffar som dig som springer runt på gatorna eller? lirar du ET fortfarande?
wth :D:DD
been there done that
I got my huge & homoish fps lags fixed with a cfg : o
pm for it if needed
i want ur awesome cfg for fps lagg.oh wait i dont have any :D:D:D:D
fps in ET is only about luck, tried to play ET on NASA's main computer, had unstable 15 fps & it did run 25 mw3's by the same time !
is nasa a player or THE NASA`!`??!? :o
but u do work there or how.......```=?
Nah, I just called them and asked if i can use it for a while
try different r_modes with custom aspect
shit i thought kritos came back...
Wow thats a blast from the past :)

Welcome back and say hi to your bro!
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