smite beta paly paly :D

Sup CF ?

Come paly paly smite with me :D

I'll cary you hard

image: lWfPx

add me : mamouth :)
Got the betakey, played some practice games

Game sucked dick, would not play again.
you cannot into aim ? not like in dota/lol ? :D
Oh I was very able to play it but I didn't find it fun/enjoyable at all.
mamouth, offline :(
sec :D

E: In game wtf dude :(
the more i see of this game the less i think it will ever be balanced. very mixxed feedback from the moba community. i like the idea but i think it will have to attract its own fanbase rather than leech of the existing ones. namely the people who didnt manage the moba style of micro-control and feel more familiar with 3rd person mechanics.
didnt really like it when i played it, the fact you cant lock onto a target thus making all spells and autoattacks need some degree of aiming is interesting, but i really disliked the simplicity of the item system and how it overall seems to copy LoL; also the horrible map layout with the super narrow jungle corridors. Got bored after 2 games and went on to play some good ol' HoN :|
about item system, it's only beta and remember LoL at its start :)
"copy LoL" is very funny because it copied dota (mod from warcraft).

I pretty like the map, you have more way to escape or to fall in the trap :D
i wouldnt say that it copies dota directly because it is so much more similar to LoL - the 1 passive skill 4 levelable skills setup, inability to control more than one unit (excluding annie from this)(which by nature excludes things like couriers and multi-unit-control heroes), the built-in base-teleport/lack of buy-able teleport scrolls, no agi/str/int stats and hero categorization by those, magic damage carries (excluding lina/pyro bc shes a semicarry at best), indestructible environment (gotto eat them trees), respawning barracks/inhibitors, getting buffs from neutrals. could probably list some more things

so, i fail to see how the "copy LoL" statement was very funny since it has taken so many 'core' things from LoL rather than DotA imo.
I didn't say smite copied dota, I said LoL copied dota. And again, you should read what I said, it's only beta.
Is it hard to learn when you've played HoN/LoL and the likes?
Not really. You just have to get used to the new view and aiming.
I have played it for a couple of days, I am level 6 now I think. Only played Ra tho, dat fucking Kali is fucking homo champ.

Ymir Ra awesome combo!:D
get me key and I will fed so hard lets see you carry then
Beta keys:
Worked, thanks! =)
hope this is gonna be the last moba game for the next few years, five of them (popular ones at least) should be enough...
anyone up for some games did use sotarn key :P
add: GoGetEmTiger
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