
Since I already have one son, I decided my second wife, had to be really old. So i married this 40 year old infertile std infested german girl and guess what ... 6 months later she got pregnant and to make matters even worse it turned out to be a boy. I never wanted a second child, and certainly not a boy.


I looked into assassinating him while he is still a sibling, but it comes at a heavy price so I'm not sure if I'll go on with that.

I did have some luck when my half brother 'mysteriously' died so at least I got him out of the way.

Anyways, how was your day?
say what?! :DDDDDDDDDdddddddddd

was at beach read a boook. came home watched a movie read this journal now im confused. wp
Its ok, Im just going to make sure he is dead before I die.
some years remainin then for a perfect plan
Good news, he caught syphilis!!!!! Hurray111
south of the wall is "the gift" not the riverlands.
Its a beta 0.2 mod
for? i figured it was one of the two aweful games
crusader kings 2, learning curve is huge though. Try the Duke of Munster if you are new.
mate of mine is constantly playing that. clocked in a couple hundret hours on steam already.
i am trying to learn sc2 and i prefer 4x space games to middle ages.
x3 terran confilct or freespace? :D
x3 (albion prelude) is a nice game but no 4x its a space sim. im playing sins of a solar empire, endless space but most important of all: sword of the stars 2

and i just get the picture now that i noticed "petyr baelish has become lord paramount of the vale". nice one
ah yeah, sins of solar empire was good, but didnt find it to have much replayability. gal civs was nice. Acendancy <3 Masters of orion :D

havent tried sword of the stars yet, i'll youtube some :p
there is a new SoaSE (Rebellion). but the lack of depth in the recent 4x space titles is what drove me to test sword of the stars 2. that is actually quite anal.
also as a fan of the x3 series i am quite interested in the new EVE "expansion".
Maybe he changed the pic, but I don't see a wall nor a gift..
or maybe the pic is quite inaccurate
No... The pic looks oki. Wall is north of "The North".
it sucks when your mentally challenged ruler gets to live for 50 years and a guy with good stats dies from diarrhea after 3 years of ruling
it sucks and it also makes the game good :p The statistical randomness.
haha indeed. is the GoT/asoiaf mod any good? might download that
I took the screenshot off the ck2 subreddit, havent tried it yet. Sword of Islam just got out and theres still so much content left in the game, I havent gotten into mods yet. <3
huh didn't even notice there's an expansion out.
and about paradox' games and their content, i probably wasted more than a thousand hours on EU1-3/CK1-2, they're just that good and offer so much to do if you can get into that sort of games.
lol'd at the pic, reminds me of one with gta san andreas. are those called somehow?
dont like the way it just ends.. seems you're only getting started building an army then its over, and if you go near north africa area the turks come and own you like a boss.

Also moving across water is just impossible sometimes
nerded lol, chilled with friends, played basketball, gonna go smoke some and then nerd all night probably
Love these, although get kind a boring when the Horde attacked and SOMEHOW (being a polish duke, now king of Sweden and such) i've got like 150k horse army that came from the east under my command. Did this also occur to you or was this just some kind of bug?
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