Manic (Monday) Morning Journal #3

Good Morning Anonymous Crossies!

Welcome to our very first collaboration-morning journal. Your writers for today: Korea, Republic of TOMOYO & me :D

Wales PaRzi: It's image: tumblr_m6vsamsnW61qcumozo1_400 .... and actually I'm in a pretty good mood, what's going on?
Korea, Republic of TOMOYO: Today is a shit day coz I've been hanging with dev bros for almost all week-end (yes yes nerds), I am now working for 2 hours and until 19h tonight. I do feel like this will be painful.

Be a part of our movement, go go go! And if not, enjoy the random pictures below.

On July 9, 1997 Mike Tyson is banned from boxing, for biting Holyfield's ear.

- this weekend PolandNerchio beat Korea, Republic ofYonghwa on HomeStorycup V finals. Poland best in gaming !
- NetherlandssaKen rolled mTw, playin Nocturne and snipin' them one after another.
- United States of AmericaEnhanced took the golden pocal in ESL finals. Big gaming, bringing pocal on #enhanced like a baws.
Big shoutout to RomaniaESL|Stary for being such a dickhead ingame as well as on irc.
Last question would be : Where mirror ?:o

EuropeDevastation rolling nerds on everygame as usual LovehinaOST. Preparing themselves for CGS, cyu lan tMoe.Btw tonight big gaming : Francesticked vs Europedev.bros lan line up prolly ( PolandKirej, NetherlandsRockskin, NorwayDommel, FranceTOMOYO, PolandWoozie, PolandEstaloth).
Gratz to our fellow mates PolandtMoe who smashed overload eZ.

And now let's start with the usual 4 questions, shall we!?

What are you guys up to today? Got vacation?
TOMOYO: Working all the summer
PaRzi: My exam will be at 4, so that gives me enough time to study.. yeah I'm a bit late :3 Vacation starts next week, weeee!

What do you have for breakfast?
TOMOYO: Coffee & cigs
PaRzi: Coffee & toast

Plans for the weekend?
TOMOYO: Working all week, gaming with dev bros, going to le girlfriend !
PaRzi: Cleaning, groceries, cleaning, napping, meeting friends, movies

Anything special happened to you last week?
TOMOYO: Golden pocal winner, huge hangover, didn't remember what I did from saturday 23h to sunday 10h.
PaRzi: I ran into someone I've been avoiding for weeks and hid between the supermarket shelves until he was gone :3

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If your house was on fire what 2 things or items would you want to run back in the house with a flame proof suit on and save?
TOMOYO: My computer & my kitten
PaRzi: Probably my animals. I guess the dog will ran out herself, but I at least should save my bunnies and the spider since they're locked up :D

What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
TOMOYO: Frogs, god dammit this is awful
PaRzi: Shark.. disgusting! Urgh..

What do you think about Rockskin?
TOMOYO: He's a beast, cuty and he rolls.
PaRzi: Awwww... :D

How much time takes gaming in your day?
TOMOYO: ~4 hours
PaRzi: less than 2 hours

Do you like bananas?
Both: NO!

Now it's your turn!

Oh and don't forget the daily trivia! Today's Topic (Monday): General Knowledge 1 : Very Easy

Shoutouts to:
Anonymous schnee <3 :*, Finland Panda, Germany wsk, Mauritania arclite, Baden-Württemberg Noorgrin, Estonia infi_, Anonymous knoche, Finland Thomm, Netherlands Mott4,
Germany FaKy, Anonymous nicon, Iceland tace, United Kingdom Rockskin, Czech Republic muflon, New Zealand iiky, China Gungy, Israel Matan, Iceland mens0, United Kingdom YMCA`Marcus
Anonymous, Europe #u|k, Europedev bros

and Anonymous you!

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Random Song


-> just keeping because of reasons!!!! :(((((((((((((((((((((
\o/ awwwwwwwwwwww
no gaming news about evo 2012?
watched it, didn't rly enjoy
how couldnt you enjoy it?
they cheered and cried like crazy for bala in kof finals, it was intense and mad kof came from loser brackets, had to beat bala twice in a bo5 which he did and it was so damn close
even mortal kombat was fkn awesome, perfect legend winning with kung lao
10:55 etc. crowd cheered like that for 40minutes
tbh even if the atmosphere looked nice i didn't rly enjoy the games. Random guy vs RTD as #1 seed and got beaten up hard was fun, although back then I realy appreciated a few games :

For instance ->

I guess i don't fancy fighting games enough to get ur point. ^^
morning my lovely parzi <3 & crossfire =)

dunno why but i slept more than bad.. just arrived at work but im happy it is my last week here :) so im not that stressed.... :)

e. SHIT i just noticed i have to work 2 more works here, well...

What are you guys up to today? Got vacation?
vacation starts 24.07. / no plans so far..

What do you have for breakfast?

Plans for the weekend?
i have no clue so far, but since i wasnt clubbing for 2or 3 weeks, its more than time.

Anything special happened to you last week?
smth special sexy beautiful

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If your house was on fire what 2 things or items would you want to run back in the house with a flame proof suit on and save?
mio & childhoood box

What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
lol dunno, i remember nothing i didnt like or what ive found strange :D

How much time takes gaming in your day?
less than 2 hours a week

have a nice start in this week :)
my song of the week <3
awww yeahh
Morning *yawn*

What are you guys up to today? Got vacation?
Try and wake myself up, maybe out, reading, music.

What do you have for breakfast?
Nothing yet

Plans for the weekend?
Have a lot of packing and organising to do so I guess that at some point.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Same things I guess as last

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If your house was on fire what 2 things or items would you want to run back in the house with a flame proof suit on and save?
Can one be 'family'? that's 1 :p no idea, I've got too much crap to think about. Computer and books?

What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
I guess for me was shark, kangaroo, deer. Almost had frogs legs but bah :D

What do you think about Rockskin?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh image: tumblr_m62yaaojpO1rwnw8go1_500

How much time takes gaming in your day?

Do you like bananas?
Is this a trick question? But yes I do.
QuoteWelcome to our very first collaboration-morning journal.

That's the spirit!

QuoteWhat are you guys up to today?

Exam will be at 11.45am, followed by some after-exam-drink with fellow students and then starting to study for the next exam. (at least I'm supposed to) I fucking hate the exams period.

QuoteWhat do you have for breakfast?

Eggs + Coffee + Cigarettes

QuotePlans for the weekend?

As always... no idea yet.

QuoteAnything special happened to you last week?

off the record

QuoteIf your house was on fire what 2 things or items would you want to run back in the house with a flame proof suit on and save?

Dog and match worn jersey of the relegation match in 1997.

QuoteWhat is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

The head of a sheep in Iceland.

QuoteHow much time takes gaming in your day?

~0 hours

QuoteDo you like bananas?

I'm a silverback, ofc I do.

QuoteWhat do you think about Rockskin?

Who? :(
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhh i heard its more than disgusting.
but props for u that u did try it!!!!!!!! :)

gl for exam :)
I wasn't brave enough to eat the eyes. :(
stop it. kopfkino but defn not a nice one...
What are you guys up to today? Got vacation?
m1ke: Nothing much, going to a restaurant with my mate, nerding, basketball in the evening.

What do you have for breakfast?
m1ke: Nothing yet.

Plans for the weekend?
m1ke: Chilling, grilling, maybe a trip to the seaside.

Anything special happened to you last week?
m1ke: I was so wasted, I have been teleporting from club to club all night @ Friday

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If your house was on fire what 2 things or items would you want to run back in the house with a flame proof suit on and save?
m1ke: PC / external HDDS

What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
m1ke: Can't remember exactly but something while i was working at a sushi bar/restaurant

What do you think about Rockskin?
m1ke: |TM|Rockskin

How much time takes gaming in your day?
m1ke: probably something like this (on average) winter: ~6h summer: ~4

Do you like bananas?
m1ke: Yes.
as stupid as it may seem, but you using "m1ke:" in the answers made me giggle :D
starting my morning with kyohei akagawa: :))

What are you guys up to today? Got vacation?
Im sick today, so no job school for me :)

What do you have for breakfast?
coffee, tea and a watermelon

Plans for the weekend?
festival at my town

Anything special happened to you last week?
every day is special

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If your house was on fire what 2 things or items would you want to run back in the house with a flame proof suit on and save?
a fire extinguisher and waterbaloons (throwing them just for fun)

What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

What do you think about Rockskin?
didnt know Rocks have skin

How much time takes gaming in your day?
usually 0, sometimes half an hour or 1 hour, but thats really rare

Do you like bananas?
morning. working till 5. i'm on a break now

weekend was da bomb
good morning!!!!!

slept terrible, tired as fuck, work annoying... usual monday I'd say. oh, and ofc working-mate cant order food with me today cause he got better things to do so I have to organise my own lunch!!!! W T F lol.

What are you guys up to today? Got vacation?
no vacation, and none in sight anytime soon :<
today I am going to see my eye-doctor! I noticed a few weeks ago I see some black spots here and there. should be kinda normal, from what I found on the interwebs. also gonna make a normal eye-test cause I am quite sure I need glasses.

What do you have for breakfast?
I was on this brezel-breakfast-diet last couple of weeks, but today the brezels werent done yet. vittu mitä paskaa!?!?! so I bought a croissant without any filling and a sesam-brötchen.

Plans for the weekend?
not sure yet, I think there is nothing planned so far... so probably drinking at my brothers house :D

Anything special happened to you last week?
nope :<

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If your house was on fire what 2 things or items would you want to run back in the house with a flame proof suit on and save?
my external hdds with my mp3s, movies and photos. I count that as 1 item. 2nd one would be the fire insurance papers.

What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
snails maybe? oh, and stuffed whineleaves. god, most disgusting shit ever. had them once offered "free" in a restaurant in greece. the owner of the restaurant was really such a nice guy, I just couldnt give it back and I was so polite to eat it. one of the hardest things in my life xD first world problems, yea yeah...

What do you think about Rockskin?
if I was gay, I'd do him.

How much time takes gaming in your day?
not so much anymore. when I started with ET it was 4-5 hours a day, now its more like 2 hours 3 times a week...

Do you like bananas?
sometimes yeah... but cant eat them when there are brown spots already. or if its green still, thats even worse xD anyway, I dont eat banabas often, but when I do, its in a homosexual way! :D

I need more coffee... but its still 50° in the kitchen cause we had a wasserschaden and the trocknungsgerät has to run 24/7.

have a good day everyone!
moin moin. u really ate a snail ? :O
how is it???!
disgusting don't try it !
of course I ate snails! classic french appetizer! :DD

usually they are served in (half) a dozen... with kräuterbutter. schmeckt eigentlich nur nach kräuterbutter mit was in flummi-konsistenz. so ähnlich wie tintenfischringe vom pizzaservice xD

uuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh never. but thx for clarifyin this :P

gl with trocknung of ur appartment ! :O
I wouldn't order it anymore, but if its offered somewhere as the only option I'd eat it. if they're done well its like any meat. its only in ur head ;P

its not in my apartment luckily, but in the office kitchen! when I get there in the morning everything is hot! the floor, the walls, the besteck and even the kaffeedose! XD
Quotebut its still 50° in the kitchen cause we had a wasserschaden and the trocknungsgerät has to run 24/7.

image: Approved

I approve of this collaboration.

maybe us 2 we should collaborate, too

image: If%20you%20know%20what%20I%20mean.
I'll file this under "maybe"
i know u want me .. fuji-san !
Kono hentai, do hentai, THE hentai! :D
What do you think about Rockskin?

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I've just understood what a huge mistake I made. I didn't attend Open'er this year. The line up was pretty fucking sick. There were so many great artists and bands... I hope to be there next year! Watching all these pictures now makes me feel how much fun everyone there had.

just finished my "abgabenordnung"-exam

went wquite good i guess, 3 exam there now in 8 month, this time was the first time, i had the feeling, to be prepared quite good :DDDD

chilling rest of the day, got perparation day tomorrow, exam on wednesday, and friday again!!!

then 4 weeks of summer holiday BOOM CHAKALAKA!
Morning both!

What are you guys up to today? Got vacation?
Yes, dunno what ill do today tho

What do you have for breakfast?
Orange juice with "fruit flesh", white bread and nutella

Plans for the weekend?
Nothing, maybe drinking

Anything special happened to you last week?

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If your house was on fire what 2 things or items would you want to run back in the house with a flame proof suit on and save?
TOMOYO: My computer & my kitten
pc and monitor

What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
Dunno :A

What do you think about Rockskin?
I remember him from ETW as F2K|Rockskin

How much time takes gaming in your day?
Around 5h, 3 hours in the afternoon while my friends work, 2 after i come back home

Do you like bananas?
Yes please
good morning parzi

What are you guys up to today? Got vacation?
learning, workout

What do you have for breakfast?
nothing yet

Plans for the weekend?
learning, workouts, american football, gaming

Anything special happened to you last week?
won my first american football match :)

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If your house was on fire what 2 things or items would you want to run back in the house with a flame proof suit on and save?
at home: my family
at my student flat: laptop and my preotein (:DDDD)

What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
dont really know, usually i dont eat strange things

What do you think about Rockskin?

How much time takes gaming in your day?
way too many

Do you like bananas?
yes, much
What are you guys up to today? Got vacation?
Gaming hard and yep in vacation.

What do you have for breakfast?
candies ;DD

Plans for the weekend?
gaming hard ofc

Anything special happened to you last week?
not to me but to my mom. She found a galaxy s phone on the floor outside :D

And here are some new questions for you to think about:

If your house was on fire what 2 things or items would you want to run back in the house with a flame proof suit on and save?
computers and guitars
What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
For other people I would say frogs, but as french it's not strange.
What do you think about Rockskin?
Don't like him

How much time takes gaming in your day?
around 6 since I'm in vacation :D

Do you like bananas?
Ofc, I love them green.
Freeday today, got no plans, just one errant to run before 4pm.
No breakfast yet, coffee etc. soon.
Weekend? No idea, it is monday, give me a break.
I think not. Heatwave, lots of drinking & swimming.
Let the motherfucker burn. Not really, PC & my bed.
Strangest thing? Hmm. I don't know, I eat everything I can get.
Rockskin is pretty.
Maybe two, but not everyday though.
Not really, I eat the occasionally.

Remember trivia, since parzi forgot it!
you clearly need glasses!
wow that hurts TT
What are you guys up to today? Got vacation?

No, working as usual. Got vacation in 2 weeks though.

What do you have for breakfast?

same as usual, 2 sandwiches

Plans for the weekend?


Anything special happened to you last week?

I think I'm falling in love.

If your house was on fire what 2 things or items would you want to run back in the house with a flame proof suit on and save?

If I had a flame proof suit I would not limit myself to two things but just take everything.

What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

the things inside my nose

What do you think about Rockskin?


How much time takes gaming in your day?

i dont game anymore

Do you like bananas?

with who kim tell me with whoooooooooooooo..............?

glad u r happy :)
Im not that happy, she likes somebody else :D
oh shit........... :/
and u cant be a hero and try to get her
No, cos she likes my good friend :-)
oh then it is not gooood...
I still have you and your music.
glad i can help to make u happy a bit ;)
How did the gigs go? Got a lot of good feedback?
yeah a lot . bastard is the biggest ive ever done so far. just hit the magic 3000 plays :)
and a big dj will do my boooking. so when i have some days off ill need to practise live so im able to play in front of a crowd. dont wanna blame myself .D
oh wow, that sounds really amazing :-)

I will be your groupie, haha!!
yeah it is. im rly surprised about it tbh =)

well not when u throw ur underwear at me ;P
I will throw myself at you!
good afternoon.

was going to write a long reply but got rather bored halfway through, so i decided this will have to do:

image: gollum
:-D you so crazy
Hi best friends of germany and france :)

love you
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