drovage banned


Note Suspended from playing until 09-07-2022 13:00:00

15:28 -sBNC • [Tue July 10 2012 15:27:51]: ESL|Stary ([email protected]): I hope you are happy that u busted a player that used cheats somewhere in 2009

a sec after I came online...

15,13 15:28   ESL|Stary       14• Go make another thread on crossfire about it
15,13 15:28   ESL|Stary       14• scumfuck
15,13 15:28   Kalli|PMCG      14• HAHAHAHAHA
15,13 15:29   ESL|Stary       14• rofl
15,13 15:29   ESL|Stary       14• Amazing how immature u can be
you have nothing else to do ? :D
well, my dogs don't want to go for a long walk today due to the heat and most of my mates are on vacation
well, by mates I also mean female friends
oh okay :p
haha stary cheaterscum

keep it up kalli
nice life

bust me on my pbbans to please xx
no need to /!\
only a year :sss
I dont get it
Haha stupid gypsy got rolled. Nice bust
the funniest thing is that this guy actually used vpns/proxys to avoid being banned :XD
kiddy drama
you show a lot of nerves writing this :D
I'm not surprised that this game is dying, just too many retards and kids. Even the admins aren't mature ROFL
Stary super admin, why didn't you ban mirror who magically rejoined your team on ESL with another name, using a proxy - while he was already banned on his other account(s)? Too bad mirror is a fucking idiot who creates the account using a proxy and then logs into it without a proxy.

Carry on.
any closer information? maybe a mate of me who is in the cod4 section of the esl could help

Both accounts are banned atm, think he had a 3rd yet Im not sure which it was.
However, I assume you mean he can help with removing Stary's admin status? Not sure if anyone's looking into it.
well, he can make the headadmins pay attention on what is going on in the ET scene, not more though
Two retarded kids having an argument....
if they're kids u can rape em' no?
love you
and i played against him in oc spring final...
You gave so many fucks that you built a shelf?
I'm sorry galiathus, but you are wrong. You took advantage of the CB noob admins to ban a player that has a ban from 2009.

If I apply your logic, I should ban you aswell, as you are also an ex-cheater.
drovage has payed for this own stupidy, he was the one using proxys/vpns and making tons of cb accounts, but you ESL admins aren't able to track players like him
As long as I'm still an Anti-cheat administrator, Drovage won't be tagged.
Tags are for cheaters, but even some cheaters get untagged as their ban period passes. He may have cheated in September 2010, but 2 years passed, so the tag as a cheater is undeserved at this time, since we use tzac and not pbbans.

Drovage may have did a mistake, but you are the one that got him banned because of your big ego. I told you once, I will tell you again. Give me proofs, solid proofs that he is cheating, and I shall ban/tag/whatever him. If I start digging for cheaters, I will find out that more than 50% of this community cheated at least once. Would you like me to start tagging everyone, including you, for being an ex-cheater?

Stary may not be the right person to tell you this, but I think I qualify for it: grow up!

+ CB Admins didn't even try to ask him: do you even use those accounts? We, ESL admins, ask players first about multiple accounts, if we see that those were not used for a long period of time. Not the case for CB admins, it seems.
Would you like me to start tagging everyone, including you, for being an ex-cheater?

it's not up to you to untag people who become tagged by another C&A admin
Wrong! It is up to me to tag all cheaters. I choose not to tag CB banned players due to unreliable proofs.
hahahha unreliable proofs, the ESL banned a couple of players for a few not clear avis for example my mate AustriajaN and you actually banned Germanycashy for a pbban matching his pbguid although the IP that triggered his ban wasn't his according to the CB so they didn't ban him (yaya, the cb is bad bad bad they ban without proofs) . (eventhough I am sure he was the one playing there, with some mobile modem or smth similar) So don't come up with retarded arguments that you got no single decent example for
Other times, other measures, other ban criterias.
cashy's ban was around half a year ago and jan's was one and a half
Kalli an ex-cheater ?!?!?!?! :O
wow, did you notice that for the first time?
So u r even more retarded then i thought. Wow. Leave home srsly.
I am going to leave it when I want to, problem?
So, never?
it's quite useless to speak to someone about such a theme who has got 0 idea about me, nor I do about you
Gtfo and leave Drovage alone <3
Rules are rules right? So he returned while he was supposed to be banned therefore a 10 year ban is what they issue. I struggle to see why peopel complain sometimes.
and i always thought esl had the better admins...
Don't understand how these people get into administrative powers tbh
Good bye low
Im disapointted drovage.
Quote15,13 15:29   ESL|Stary       14• Amazing how immature u can be

Can anyone tell me how Sup3r had 10 years CB ban for RWB like me and had his ban lifted? I think i've proven enough with tzac that i don't use any cheats to ruin the people's fun + if you think about it the ET player base isn't exactly big. We end up having 1 person to play for 10 teams at the same time in CB ET ladder due to the lack of players. Banning clean players doesn't really help to keep the game alive. Anyone agrees? Stop being so serious about the damn rules and think what's in the game's best interest. We play the games to have fun. Well there's still ESL option but teams there are semi-active. And random IRC wars feel like playing on public. Playing official every now and then on clanbase feels really nice especially with people you know. And there are way more matches played there compared to ESL ladder. Tbh if Clanbase didnt allow people to play for more than 1 team in league like in ESL, CB and ESL would have the same amount of activity = really boring. I wonder what else i should add to this wall of text, but i guess i need to be inspired by replies. Your move
You can't argue with Kalli aka galiathus man! He wants you banned!
Tbh the only reason why i ever cheated was because i was pissed off by having cheaters in every damn irc war i played due to outdated anticheat. So it was either you quit the game, you start cheating as well, or you try to beat cheaters with your own skill. But it's really annoying to play vs people with 70hs and 50acc and fresh new etpro/pb guid in a med skilled war. But now - there's Tzac, and it's so much better than before.
Ye cuz this tzac really does work against all cheaters.

Oh wait..
Against the ones using hack, yes. Against people who try to cheat the RWB rule on CB - nope :P.
theres still plenty using hacks ;p
yes, all those with 80k+ tzac ids that have already been banned ^^
idd, good reason for paying a vpn/proxy after that :XD
reminds me on the good old days :DD
"Stop being so serious about the damn rules" the rules are rules and they are same to everyone out there. Why there should be exception for you?
That's why i try to figure out how Sup3r got unbanned. There was clearly some sort of exception, but i can't find anything on crossfire regarding that topic
no there was no exception, if the ban period lasts less than 6 months and you return while banned it results in a 12 months ban, if you return again or the period is over 6 months it results in a 120 month ban.
id usually congratualte you but you are cheating scum yourself.
once a cheater, always a cheater
i think cheaters should be banned forever, not just 1 or 2 yeats, the fuck...
omg ur alive!!!!!!!!!!!!
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