Best WC3 Tower Defense maps

Hello Anonymous,

I've been playing Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne, Tower Defense with some friends recently.

Always played Wintermaul, which is pretty easy... do any of you guys have experience with good Tower Defense maps.

Beginner & advanced maps are welcome :)
EDIT: I prefer maps which are playable with 3-4 players max.

Get tunngle, TS, warcraft 1.26 version and let's roll
lol gaatie mr polska posten
epic shit, toch?
Elements (also on SC2)
Element tower defence is imba. There was another but cant remember name.
can you give me the download link, of a correct version?
element td is pretty good.

there are shitloads of maps out there i had over 1300 custom maps
got w3 also 1.26

als wat speel je ?
Ik speel een gekraakte versie, gewoon bij vrienden thuis met ze'n 4 in LAN
Legion TD & if you're into TDs try Castle Fight it's fun with friends
download link with the correct/latest version would be really cool! :)
40km in de pocket
RandgruppenTD (if you don't mind playing a German map, it's with Nazis, Junkies, Gamers etc.)
Stronghold (not a classic TD tho)

Just google them... :P
Legion TD is awesome, so many good moments with that game :D!
Dont know what map this was, but its dota stylish where you all pick a hero and gotta defend 3 towers together. guut fun
Love Wintermaul!

Although not a tower defense, X Hero Siege is quality!
as mentioned before: legion td, castle fight, element td
plus: mafa td queen, zwuckel 2 td
and for noobs: green circle td
best of all:

YOUTD (you have to understand how the map and the combination of towers and elements work though)

much fun:
- palace td
- green circle td
- kindergarten td (we played this like a 100 times in a row)
- day of the cow td (almost impossible if you are less than 4 players)
- liquid tower defense (take the hard version to enjoy this map)

other good maps:
- element td survivor
- lily's sunken td (ok-ish)
- random td (didnt fully understand this map yet)
- enfos (not a real td but quite same principle, one of the best maps of wc3 imo))
- footmen frenzy (no td but very funny)

download here or google

those are the best maps i remember from lans and playing through hamachi. Enjoy
Even though I do not care about WC3. Whenever I will be looking for stuff I'll hope for replies like yours. duck[/s] chick as a token of appreciation for your efforts.]image: 4089_f65b
thx, only tried to help :D
Legion TD is the best one. Always play that one :)

Element TD is decent but (too) hard.
element td is easy if you understand how to play :)
which type(s) of towers you use? Ice & Magic/Poison?
well first of all you mustnt pick all 6 elements. There are many people who pick all lvl 1 elements and that way they can only pick 4 (or 5?) level 2 elements. This has for consequence that you can build only very few boss towers.

What i always do is putting 4 slowing towers in the middle of the map (after first curve). You have to spread them of course, to allow them to shoot in a crossfire. As slowing towers i define ice towers (most effective), windstorm towers (boss windstorm towers can paralyze loads of ennemies) or root towers. Next to the slowing towers i build lots of damage dealers. Perfect damage dealers are fire or earth towers (not the pure ones). But this may depend on the version of the map. Anyways, towers which can level up with every kill are quite useful, eg the tsunami tower. There are others who increase attacking speed with every kill (ex: zealot). If you build the slowing towers correctly, creeps will be blocked in the middle and damage dealers will rape them. A bit further i recommend to build a money tower. Usually only creeps with red health bar will get out of the middle and the money tower will easily pick them up (up to level 40 they are very effective). This will give you extra money to build more damage dealers. Forget life towers, they suck.

On the upper building area you should build a flesh golem. This is my favourite tower. First of all, this guy is able to move. On first level he has only poor basic damage but with every kill he grows additional damage. On level 2 he is really imba. 45 000 basic damage and i think additional damage through kills gan go up to 200 000. Because he is able to move, he can kill the last survivors who were able to escape from the blocking area. If you werent able to build the flesh golem, try to build towers with huge attacking range and towers which can spawn their own creeps.

Once i build it in a way that my computer crashed at the end because there were too many ronalds on the map :D
burbenog and azure were always fun!
mafarazzo gold for the win! <3 red n00b! hi Sylphir
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